Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

       Protectors always seemed to have a bad rep around supernaturals because every time I went somewhere with my family members, we were treated in such a cold way. It was a lot worse when Orchid and I went somewhere because even though we were no longer Protectors, we were negatively treated like one.

       Especially at the werewolf hangout.

       Jerome, Mae, Orchid, April, and I went there close to night to warn the werewolves about a possible upcoming murder in this area. Needless to say, everyone was welcomed.

       Exacept for me and Orchid.

       As soon as we walked in, the pack leader aka Atticus's dad, Sebastian, walked over to us. "Sorry but Protectors aren't allowed here," he said. "Normally we would have been somewhat accepting, but we've lost too many members of the pack to them joining Dirk's team, and the Protectors seem to be doing nothing about it."

       "Dad," Atticus said, walking over. "Nolan and Orchid aren't Protectors anymore."

       "They might not be part of the HQ but they're still Protectors," Sebastian said.

       "Not true," Orchid said. "We quit. Sort of. Either way, we're not Protectors."

       "Can you still use your abilities?"


       "Then you're still Protectors."

       "Look, we're here because we have reasons to believe that Dirk's team is going to be attacking here or anywhere around the bowling alley sometime soon," Jerome said. "It could be tonight, it could be another night. Regardless, he's striking here next."

       "What makes you so sure?" Sebastian asked.

       "They're a team of both Protectors and supernaturals, Dad," Atticus said. "I think they were able to figure it out."

       "He's right," Jerome said. "Well, sort of. Nolan was the one who solely figured it out."

       "WIth your help," I said. "You knew the spell."

       "What spell?" Sebastian asked.

       "A very powerful one," Jerome said. "There's a pattern sorcerers have to move their hand in to complete it, and Dirk is following the pattern on a map of Miami. Nolan reecognized the pattern and was able to pinpoint the next attack to this area."

       Sebastian was silent for a bit before saying, "I want you guys to leave." Before any of us could object, he continued. "You said he could attack anywhere around the bowling alley. My pack can easily keep an eye on the bowling alley. If you really want to help, it would probably be best to patrol everywhere else that pinpointed to the pattern."

       "Can I help them?" Atticus asked.

       Sebastian sighed. "Sure. Just... be careful out there. And if you see Dirk, kill him."

       "It would be my honour," Atticus said with a smile before we all left the bowling alley.

       "So..." Mae said. "What do we do now?"

       "Simple," Jerome said. "We team up and stake this area. Nolan, how large would you think this area is?"

       "About... two blocks, maybe?" I suggested.

       "Then again, I say we split up and stake the area," Jerome said. "Three teams of two isn't too bad."

       "Yeah, it is bad when I'm probably not the most ideal person to be with in a fight," Mae said. "If I go up against a male, I can charm him. But if I'm in the unforseen circumstance where I'm against a girl or a gay guy, then nothing."

       "Then we get other people to help us out," April said. "I'm sure my clan would be more than willing to help."

       "Or... We can tell the Protectors about it," Orchid said.

       "No," I said. "No way. Not when Martha is still in charge at the HQ. She doesn't care about anyone but the Protectors. If she did, she would have forgotten about that stupid prophecy and focused solely on all the killings Dirk's team has been doing."

       "Yeah, I'm not happy about it too, but... Dirk's team is growing bigger each and every day," Jerome said. "If we don't do something about it, more people are going to die and we might not be able to fight them all off."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "We... won't be fighting them all off, though. They don't all go out killing someone. They do it with one or two people. Maybe three. We can fight them off if we actually do split up."

       "Okay, but if we do, we're going to need at least one other person," Mae said. "I can't fight. I can charm people, but I cannot fight."

       "Not even with weapons?" Orchid asked.

       "I'd probably end up chopping my own head off so no, not even with weapons," Mae said.

       "Speaking of weapons," I said, looking at my sister. "We don't have ours. So we're completely useless too. Well, I am. You can fight in hand-to-hand combat. Me? Not so much."

       "So that leaves three of us," April said. "Great. What was the point of teaming up if three of you are useless?"

       "Hey, this useless person figured out where Dirk's team is going to strike next," I said. "And figured out what Dirk must be doing. Well, with the help of Jerome when he told me what the spell exactly was. And if I had my bow and arrows, I would be very useful."

       "Then we steal your weapons," Jerome said. "Done. Simple."

       "Stealing from the HQ when Orchid and I walked away from them?" I asked. "Not gonna go well."

       "Martha did offer your place back in the HQ," Jerome pointed out.

       "Wait, she did what?" Orchid asked, looking at me. "Why did you say no?"

       "Jerome never said I did."

       "He implied it. Why did you say no?"

       "She locked me in a cell."

       "So? Nolan, if you said yes, we could have continued this team we have but with us having the resources at the HQ. Our weapons, the tech, everything. We have to go back and say yes."

       "I agree," Atticus said. "I really want to find Dirk so I can kill him, but there's no way we could do it with the limits we have. You two need your weapons and possible people who can help us out."

       "It's up to Nolan," Jerome said. "They're going to be a lot more strict on him if he goes back."

       I sighed. "It might be the best."


just wait until gene is back as the head of the hq. and then dies.

i mean what

(ps if he does, blame people leaving me on read because it's really annoying)(like is it so hard to reply to my message???)

k but besides that, jerlan is superior woo. i say that all the time because it's true woo

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