Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

       "Now that you two are part of this HQ again, I'm going to give you a few rules," Martha said while Orchid and I were in her office. Even though she 'apologized' for the way she treated me and Jerome after finding out we were part of the prophecy, I knew it wasn't going to be easy coming back in.

       Maybe it would have been if I accepted when she asked but instead, I had to decline.

       "Fair enough," Orchid said, and I could tell she was trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice. At this moment, the two Protectors who hated Martha the most were sitting right in front of her.

       "Rule number one," Martha said. "The two of you will be tested weekly on your abilities. If I feel you're too weak, you won't be able to go out in the field."

       "Please tell me you'll be testing me with my actual weapon and not with everything else I never trained with," I said.

       Martha ignored me and carried on with the rules. "Rule number two, you're not allowed to leave the HQ unless you were given a mission."

       "So we're confined in here?" Orchid asked.

       "Yes," Martha said. "Until I can trust the two of you again."

       "Seriously?" Orchid asked. "We didn't do anything wrong. It's not Nolan's fault he's part of a prophecy, and I only got him out of the cell because I knew he doesn't do well in small spaces."

       "As sweet as your loyalty is to your brother, you still broke rules," Martha said. "You stole the key and you went down to the cell. You weren't allowed down there without permission. So until I can truth the both of you again, no leaving unless for a mission."

       "Not possible," I said.

       "Excuse me?" Martha asked.

       "What if I have to see Jerome?" I asked. "Being apart from each other for too long weakens us. I'm already making a big risk coming back to the HQ instead of living for him. That's going to take a while to adjust to and if I don't see him at all, I might as well prepare my funeral."

       "Then he'll come here where you can be supervised," Martha said.

       "Supervised?" I repeated. "What, you think Jerome and I are going to plot against the HQ?"

       "Are you?" Martha asked suspiciously.

       "Note to self: Don't be sarcastic," I said. "Some people won't understand it."

       "You declined coming back and suddenly, you told me you wanted to," Martha sad. "Excuse me for being cautious."

       A bit too cautious.

       "Any other rules that will make us regret coming back here?" Orchid asked.

       "Yes," Martha said. "If you do anything you're not supposed to, I won't hesitate to ban you to Auric where you'll never come back here again."

       I had enough of Martha treating me and Orchid like we were the bad guys in this situation. Orchid was right; it wasn't my fault I was part of the prophecy. I was chosen for it, and there was nothing Martha could have done to change it.

       I didn't know why she was so against it but whatever it was, I was going to use everything against here. She wasn't going to treat me and Orchid like this, especially when I had something she was looking desperately for.

       "So anything you two would like to say before I send you to the traning room to work with your weapons?" Martha asked.

       "Yes, actually," I said. "Orchid and I aren't going to follow those rules you gave us."

       Martha snorted. "Did you not hear what I just said? If you do anything you're not supposed to, you'll be sent to Auric."

       "You and I both know you're not really going to do that," I said. "For starters, my boyfriend can easily portal there and get us out. And even if you put up some kind of barrier to prevent him from doing so, that will only be very dangerous. Two Souls Prophecy, remember? Jerome will cause a lot of distruction."

       "Then we'll lock you away there and let Jerome have scheduled visits," Martha said. "He won't decline, especially when he knows you'll be in a lot of pain. Now, I suggest you stop trying to act like you hold the cards because trust me, you don't. I'm one step ahead of you, like always."

       "You are?" I asked. "So that means you're aware that I know the pattern Dirk is following to kill people? And that I know exactly why he's following the pattern and what he's planning on doing?"

       Martha leaned forward in her seat, her eyes narrowing. "You're bluffing."

       "On the contrary, I'm not," I said. "I'm not the best liar and you can always use the Rod to test me. I'm telling the truth. I know where Dirk is going to strike next."

       Orchid looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, silently wondering what I was doing. Well, until she read my mind. A look of realization crossed her face once she did that.

       "And I assume you're not going to say a single word until I lift those rules?" Martha asked.

       "Exactly," I said. "I'm glad we're on the same page."

       "I'll lock you in the cell again and like I said earlier, let Jerome have scheduled visits," Martha said.

       "Sure thing," I said. "Except he was able to use his magic down there once. Who's to say he won't do it again. Oh and if you do, it's only going to show other Protectors where your priorities are. You're supposed to be protecting humans and stopping Dirk's team. If you're not willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means letting a huge threat like me leave the HQ whenever, what kind of Protector are you? Correction, what kind of member of the Tribunal are you?"

       Martha leaned back in her seat, considering her options. "Weekly evaluation and you'll be able to leave whenever, as long as you inform someone where you're going."

       "Deal," I said.

       "Whoa, how do you know she's going to keep her word?" Orchid asked.

       "Simple," I said. "She has to. She's a Protector. Once we shake on it, it's a done deal and she can't take it back."

       Martha grudgingly held out her hand, and I didn't even hesitate before shaking it. "You know, I wouldn't let this power go to your head if I were you," she said.

       "Of course not," I said. "Around the bowling alley. That's where they're striking next. Dirk is following the pattern to a very strong spell that can bring people back to life. However, if he fails, the corpses can look very demon-like, only like one you've never seen before."

       "And how do you know all of this?" Martha asked.

       "The benefits of having a sorcerer boyfriend," I said. "See? Turning to the supernaturals for help isn't a bad thing."

       "You two can leave now," Martha said.

       Orchid and I walked out of the office and once the door was closed behind us, Orchid said. "You know, I am very surprised at how assertive you were with you. Seriously, good for you for showing her she can't boss us around. Well, more you than me but still."

       "Well, I am amazing," I said.

       "She's right, you shouldn't let the power go to your head," Orchid said.

       "Me? Never."


yes nolan slay

i almost didn't update because im still sick but i didn't want to go two days without updating but i figured jerlan (or half of jerlan) will give me the power to write.

and now the power is gone and im gonna sleep for like a week now. woo sickness.

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