Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

       It actually felt so good to be back in the Protector Circle, despite me feeling so confined at times. At least I was back to being around my family. Well, sort of, I still lived with Jerome so I wasn't at the HQ at all times and to rub it in Martha's face that I was dating a supernatural and she couldn't do anything about it.

       I had been spending a lot of time in the training room since I hadn't used my bow for a while. I would like to think that I was still flawless with it, but practice could never hurt.

       And thankfully, my aim was still as amazing as other. I hadn't missed a single shot yet with me practicing all day. That should show Martha for thinking I was weak.

       I didn't know if she ever upright said I was weak, but I knew she thought it. Everyone thought it.

       I was feeling reading to take a break but I wanted to get a few more shots in. After I shot three more arrows with, no surprise, me hitting all of the targets, a voice suddenly said, "Wow. That was hot."

       I looked over seeing Jerome leaning in the doorway. "Me shooting arrows was hot?"

       "Hell yeah it was," Jerome said. "Anything you do is hot."

       Ryder was in the training room as well, sitting near the weapons as he sharpened his sword. He then snorted. "Please, whatever you do, Jerome, don't boost Nolan's ego," he said. "You could make his head explode."

       Was Ryder serious? Boosting my ego could make my head explode?

       He was the most arrogant out of us Prince children. I was surprised his head wasn't the one that exploded yet.

       "Well, he really is hot so I'm going to boost his ego as much as I want," Jerome said as he walked over to me. "Seriously, though, you are really skilled with that bow. I've never been so attracted to you."

       I just smiled as Jerome pressed his lips on mine, but we pulled apart when Ryder made a gagging noise. I looked over at my older brother and glared at him. "Really?"

       "What?" Ryder asked. "I have nothing against you two being a couple. I just don't like seeing my little brother being flirted with."

       "Then you can leave," I said.

       "Yeah, why don't you go flirt with my sister?" Jerome suggested. "I can ever text her to make sure she doesn't charm you so you can actually have a shot with her."

       "Ha ha," Ryder laughed sarcastically, placing his sword back on the weapon stand before standing up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to leave this room. And no, I'm not going to go flirt with Mae. I'm actually going to be doing something productive with my time."

       After he left, I said, "He's totally going to go flirt with Mae."

       "Oh, totally," Jerome said. "And it's all thanks to us."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Thanks to us? Why? Because you said he should flirt with her?"

       "No," Jerome said. "Well, yes, because that got the idea in his mind. But also because you showed Protectors that it shouldn't matter if you fall for a supernatural. Because of you, they're going to be able to follow their hearts. They just needed a leader to first do it."

       "That's cheesy."

       Jerome chuckled. "Yeah, but it's true." He held both of his hands in mine. "You may not think about it, but you're truly a leader."

       I smiled at him, something I do a whole because he always knew what to say to make me feel so happy.

       Someone cleared their throat, and my happiness basically faded when I saw Martha standing by the doorway. "Sorry to break this up but the both of you are needed in the Op Centre."

       "The both of us?" Jerome asked.

       "Yes, that's what I said," Martha said. "Nolan was made it pretty clear that you two are a package deal so since you're here, you might as well come to the meeting in the Op Centre."

       She walked away and I honestly felt like laughing. "Is it bad that I feel happy I have so much power over her?" I asked.

       "Not at all," Jerome said. "It's hilarious."

       He was right.

       Jerome and I headed to the Op Centre where quite a few Protectors were. Some glared at Jerome, others looked confused to see him here. And Jerome? He winked at the people glaring at him.

       He was so confident at times and it just made me even more attracted to him.

       And I didn't even know how it was possible since I was already very attracted to everything about him.

       Martha soon started the meeting, saying that everyone was going to be partnered up and patrolling the areas close to where Dirk's team was going to strike next. He still hadn't done it yet so it was only a matter of time before it happened.

       She even paired me up with Jerome. She didn't put me with another Protector. She put me with my sorcerer boyfriend when the Protectors always made it clear that we shouldn't ever go to supernaturals for help.

       Everything was changing now and honestly, it was such a great feeling. There were those Protectors that would always follow the rules, but there were a lot that didn't quite understand why we couldn't go to supernaturals for help. They would know how to take down other supernaturals more than we do and sometime, they might be the only ones that could do it.

       Now we were actually able to go to them for help. With Dirk's team slowly growing bigger, turned to supernaturals might be the only thing we could do to actually take them down.

       Dirk wasn't getting away with this at all, and both Protectors and supernaturals were going to be the ones to stop him.

       No matter what.


lol nolan you slay having so much power over martha ahahaha

and i have to keep this short because im tried and my head hurts so byeeeeeee

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