Living with a killer

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(Three days later)

          I groaned as I woke up, because of being chained to a wall their weren't a lot of positions for sleeping and as a result my neck hurt like a bitch. I heard a door open and the sound of footsteps, telling me that Dust was coming back down. I sighed and sat up watching as Dust emerged from the doorway carrying a plate of pasta and a glass of water. I watched as Dust sat in front of me, staying silent as I stared into his heterochromic eyes. He let out a sigh "I'm sure we both know that humans need their food and water, I promise you they aren't poisoned. If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't have brung you here."

          "Why did you even kidnap me? I've seen reports and stuff on the news say that you only kill, and the murders always seem random," I asked, my voice rough from not talking and only drinking when he forced me. Dust sighed heavily, his deep voice rumbling in his chest, "One. Not all of those murders were because of me, the child I'm looking for blamed them on me, either because they're scared, or because they want to make me suffer more than I already am. Two; the only reason your alive is for research." I tilted my head to the side, "Research for what?" Dust pushed the food closer to me, "Don't worry about that, just eat."

          I sighed and picked up the plate and fork and twirled the spaghetti around it before putting it in my mouth, incredibly aware of Dust's eyes on me. So far the taste was normal, not overly good, but not bad either. I took another bite, no, it didn't taste or smell like the poisons I knew of, maybe he was telling the truth. Suddenly I felt his bony finger caress my face, causing me to jump. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes as he caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger.  His touch was a lot more gentle then I thought it would be and his fingers were room temperature, not cold and definitely not hot. I stayed silent as he turned my head to the right, then after about ten seconds he turned my head to the left.

          "Is this for your research?" I asked, my voice a lot less confused then I was. Dust nodded and let go, mumbling to himself, "I don't understand..." He sighed and stood up. I continued to eat, I already had a habit of not making a mess, so I wasn't worried about embarrassing myself. Dust walked behind me and took something out of his pocket. I tensed up, I hated it when people were being me, I felt my breath hitch. "Calm down, I'm just taking off you restraints," Dust whispered, is breath hitting my ear causing me to shiver. I heard the sound of my cuffs falling off and I immediately jumped to the other side, keeping Dust in my eyesight. Dust grinned and let out a soft chuckled, "Aw doll, did I scare you."

          I took a ragged breath, trying my best to calm myself. Dust hummed lightly as he approached me, "As much as I'd like to think that you're just scared of me, I'm smart enough to know that it's something else. You were fine earlier, so why did you freak out so much when you couldn't see me, even though you knew I was right behind you, and that I was helping you out." I glared at him and stood up, slightly upset to see that he was clearly taller than me. I watched him with a harsh glare as he slowly approached me, the smile of a hunter cornering his prey on his face. "See doll, now your as brave as ever, you're not even shaking, or backing down," he purred as he stopped right in front of me. He tilted his head to the side, "I wonder why."

          I crossed my arms and looked away, "That's none of your business." Dust hummed in acknowledgement, "I guess we both have our secrets." I shrugged, "Everyone does, also, can you stop calling me doll? You asked for my name, I suggest you use it." Dust grinned wider, "Aw, but it's fun teasing you." I rolled my eyes and looked around, now that I was free, in a sense, what was I going to do. Dust turned away and began walking up the stairs, "Follow me." I sighed, I mean what else was I going to do, from what I could see of the town, it looked deserted, and incredibly dusty, no wonder he wanted to live here with a name like that. I followed him up the stairs and as he opened the door I felt a blast of cold air. I stepped outside and looked around, on one side their were trees and I could faintly hear the sound of a river, on the other side the was what looked like the back of a house.

          "You done looking around doll? Come on," Dust called from ahead. I followed him as we walked around the house. I wrapped my arms around myself, my long-sleeved shirt doing little to protect me. We got to the door and Dust opened it, I let out a shaky breath of relief as the warm temperature of the house enveloped me. "Welcome back! Oh, you brought (Y/N)." I smiled and turned to Dust, "See he knows how to use names." Dust narrowed his eyes, "You forget the situation you're in." I watched as his left eye started to glow, "Yeah I tend to do that." Papyrus interrupted our small dispute, "We have some shampoo and conditioner as well as body wash that S-Dust stole from a store at the surface." I raised an eyebrow, "That's...considerate. I mean you should've paid but seeing as you're a wanted murderer I'll let it slide." Dust rolled his eyes, "Whatever, they caught me so I had to get out of there quick, I'll try to find some clothes that'll fit you."

          I nodded and walked up the stairs to the bathroom. Dust has taken me here multiple times, after all, humans need to do what they need to do. To be fair he seemed a lot more sane then the news and witnesses say he is. I opened the door and closed it behind me. The bathroom looked like any normal bathroom, not covered in blood like in horror games and the like. I looked at the smashed mirror, able to see little glimpses of me in the shards, and from what I could see, I was a wreck. A shower would do me some good. I stripped and let my clothes pool to the floor, before kicking them into some corner. I stepped into the bathtub and closed the curtain, grateful for the privacy.

          He did seem a lot saner then I expected from any murderer, especially a monster. He did seem pretty crazy during our chase, and I swear his intent was to kill me from his expressions. Speaking of expressions, he was a skeleton, how the fuck could he smile, narrow his eyes or do anything with his face, he was made out of bone. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured it into my hair. I scrubbed it in and allowed my thoughts to wonder. Then there was his brother, who seemed so much different. He was kind, and he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. Wait. I don't think he has shoulders. Also how was he Dust's brother? He was a skeleton ghost?

          I closed my eyes as the water ran over my body, washing off the shampoo and body wash. another thing, what was Dust researching? Why did he need me, and why was he so... gentle? In that moment, he seemed so normal, and so caring. Why me? I'm nothing special. Scars painted my back, arms, and legs, holding memories of pain and suffering. Each one cause by either my mother or my step-father. I remember the pain of glass shards digging into my skin and beer splashing over my cuts. I felt my breathing rise when suddenly the door opened causing me to jump slightly.

          "Don't worry I'm not looking, I just found some old clothes of mine and I brought you a towel to dry off with," I relaxed at Dust's voice. "Thank you," I murmured without thinking. I was met with silence before I heard Dust chuckle, "Jeez, what the fuck happened to you for you to thank me." I stayed silent as Dust left and I finished up my shower. I slowly peered around the curtain and once I knew the coast was clear I stepped out and dried off my body with the (F/C) towel that was on the towel rack. Folded up neatly beside it was a blue hoodie with a fluffy hood, a white t-shirt that was a little too big for me, and a pair of shorts. I sighed, of course, they're male and skeletons, of course they don't have underwear.

           I groaned and quickly put the outfit on before grabbing all of my other clothes. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked back into the living room. Dust and Papyrus were talking on the couch, "Um, do you have anyplace I can wash my clothes? Or uh, get some new ones?" Dust turned to look at me, "What's wrong doll? You don't like the clothes I gave you?" I rolled my eyes, "No, the clothes are fine, I just need the ones you left out." I glared at him ignoring the giant blush that covered my face. Dust looked at me confused before a look of understanding crossed his face and his cheekbones turned a soft shade of purple, "I see, uh, I'll take you out sometime to get some, I'll get you some detergent or something right now, sorry." I sighed in relief before jumping in shock as he disappeared. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

(Okay sorry it took so long so here's a pretty long chapter, Dust is a total sweetheart in disguise, but you might end up stealing some underwear from some dead monsters, cause it'll be too dangerous for you to go to the surface, you could try to run, or someone could recognize you. Anyway Dust does have a reason for keeping you here, and it's not just cause you're pretty, sorry but I don't write this "love at first sight" crap. Anyway that's it for now and I'll remind you to 

stay MAD my friends)

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