Talk about a KILLER headache

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(I'M BAAACK~ I'm really sorry for the cliffhanger and I hope you forgive your insane Author~chan. ALSO, I relate way too well to this pic and (S/C)= soul color)

          I groaned softly as I opened my heavy eyelids, releasing me from the darkness of sleep. My hand flew to my pounding head and I groaned as memories from the day before flooded my head. I slowly sat up and to my astonishment, I saw that I had been sleeping in a red race car bed. My confusion rose as I looked around the room to see a bookshelf filled with children's books. Didn't that son of a bitch want to KILL children, I thought, confused. I stood up and walked over to the bookshelf, letting my hands ran over the books gently before my attention turned to the door.

         There's not a chance that he left the door unlocked is there? I silently strode over to the door and placed my hand on the handle. I took in a deep breath before turning the handle. Locked. "DAMMIT," I growled while slamming my fist into the wall. I was slightly proud to see a huge dent in it. I pulled my hand back and examined my now bloody knuckles. Suddenly an achingly familiar voice assaulted my ears, "Whoa, easy there kitten. This room is very important to me, I would appreciate him it if you didn't harm it." 

          I whirled around to meet the face of the grinning skeleton. I snarled before lifting my bloodied knuckles in a defense position. He chuckled before raising his bony hand into the air. I yelped as I felt a force push me up into the air. "HA HA HA HA! WHAT WAS THAT YOU SOUNDED LIKE A PUPPY," he laughed manically as his weird colored eye started to glow. I scowled down at him as I desperately struggled to break myself free. A (S/C) heart floated in front of me but I chose to ignore it. "LET ME GO YOU JACKASS," I snapped down at him.

          He raised his eyebrow before bringing me closer to him till we were a few mere inches apart, "And why should I do that." I stopped struggling, if I could just convince him to let his guard down, I could kick him off of me. His eyes narrowed and he threw me against the door, shattering it, "Sorry sunshine, but I'm not falling for that again." I quickly jumped to my feet and raced out of the room.

          My eyes immediately locked on the stairs but I vaulted over the railing instead causing a stream of curses to sound from behind me. I burst through the front door to appear in a snowy terrain. "Fuck," I snapped before heading to some nearby trees. I slid on the snow before twisting my body until I was hidden in the forest. A flash practically blinded me as he teleported on the snowy path, "Where the hell did that bitch go. I don't know why I decided to keep her around" He looked around before raising his voice to address the whole area, "I know you're here somewhere so come out and your punishment won't be as bad."

          My eyes narrowed at his obvious lie. I pressed my back harshly against the tree before peering around it to see where he was. The skeleton's back was toward me, letting me relax a little. A flash of red seemed to appear over the skeleton's shoulder causing me to squint in curiosity. What looked to be the head of another skeleton started to solidify, wearing a bright red scarf around its neck. 

          I let out a small gasp of surprise turning both of the skeleton's heads to turn towards my direction. A huge smile grew across the killer's face before he disappeared. I gulped in fear before running quickly away from where I last saw them. It was only seconds before I bumped into the familiar smiling skeleton. He raised his knife again and in an attempt of defiance I raised my arms to protect my face, watching as the knife came down for the second time.


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          It was cold. Really cold. I forced my eyes to open. I was laying on a stone floor, that's why I was so cold. I sat up and scanned my surroundings. I seemed to be in a damp basement judging from those stairs that led upward. I attempted to get up only the be dragged back down by some chains that seemed to have been hastily put there on a short notice. I looked around once more the see a couple of desks on the other wall cluttered with papers. On the far corner from me sat some sort of a machine and a purple curtain thrown carelessly on the ground.

          "Sorry for the rough treatment my brother doesn't mean anything by it. He's just ... upset," A sad voice whispered from above me. I looked up to meet the eyesockets of the floating skeleton I saw earlier. I rolled my eyes, "No worries I'm used to it." He gave me a curious look but before he could say anything the slamming of a door could be heard from up the stairs. I flinched and turned around to see the other skeleton.

          A glared at him and began to lean forward, showing him that I wasn't scared when I felt a pressure pin me against the wall. The (S/C) heart popped out again and yet again I paid no mind to it. The skeleton took a couple of steps toward me causing me to struggle. He knelt before me, his grin growing by the second, "My name is Dust by the way. I was going to tell you that before you rudely ran away." I continued to stay silent, glaring at him all the while.

          He sighed, "Look bra-Kitten, I get you're mad at me but can you at least tell me your name." I doubted that he would leave me alone if I didn't tell him, so I reluctantly slumped over and muttered my name, "My name is (Y/N) alright." He nodded before patting my cheek lightly, "Good girl. Now was that so hard." I rolled my eyes when an idea flashed into my head, "I still don't understand why you're so Sternum with me." His eyes flashed with surprise before he broke into a fit of laughter, "Nice one kid, try not to annoy Papyrus to much though." I looked over his shoulder to the red-scarfed skeleton head glaring at me causing me to chuckle lightly. Dust stared at me in shock. I looked at him, confused. He shook his head and ruffled my hair gently, "If you continue to be good, I'll be nicer, and you'll get some more freedom." He then stood up and gestured Papyrus to follow him as he left.

(Hope it was worth the wait *it probably wasn't but whatever* and I hope Papyrus isn't too mad with the pun... the other mad... angry? Whatever. Hope you enjoyed and remember to STAY MAD MY FRIENDS)

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