Chapter 16 - He Loves Me

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Naina's POV

Sm1: Please leave me

Sm2: Just shut up!,

Sm1: Please leave me my parents will be waiting for me

Sm2: Just wait and watch what I am going to do with you

Naina: NAHI!!!!

It was a nightmare, the baddest nightmare that was true. Because of this nightmare I eat sleeping pills every night. Don't know when this nightmare will stop haunting me. Anyways, I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I was cleaning my face with a towel, when I saw the deep cut on my wrist. Whenever my eye catches this cut, my nightmare comes infront of my eyes. I quickly changed my clothes wearing an orange t - shirt and black jeans. I placed my bag on my back, both straps on my shoulders. I was brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door. Strange, I put the hairbrush down and opened the door and saw the one and only Maahi Patel. By looking at her face I could tell she was very happy. Suddenly she started twirling me around.

Naina: Oh my god Maahi, are you mad? Put me down I am feeling dizzy!

Then my feet landed on the ground. I sigh of relief escaped from my mouth. Goodness sakes! Why does she look so happy and excited?

Maahi: Oh my god! Oh my god! Naina I can't express in words that how much I am happy today!

Naina: Why what happened, few days back you were sad and suddenly.... wait wait, don't tell me yesterday Riyaz proposed you?

Maahi didn't say anything, instead she showed me her left hand. It was a small silver diamond ring, aww, lovely. I was looking at the ring when Maahi spoke

Maahi: It's a promise ring. Riyaz promised me that from now on he will not flirt with any girl and soon he will make me meet his mother. He loves me, he loves me Naina he loves me (she shouted)

Naina: Well congratulations for winning your love.

Maahi: Finally, someone said right that true love always meets (@Ishakaur_13). Anyways we are getting late for college let's go.

Naina: Wait you came to pick me up for college?

Maahi: Not only today, I will pick you up everyday so be ready at this time.

Naina: Ok fine as you wish, let's go

Author's POV

Having that conversation, they both headed towards Maahi's bike. Both of them sat in the car and then the driving started. Saint Teresa is 20 mins away from the hotel. Maahi placed herself at the front, whilst Naina placed herself at the back.

Naina: Do everyone of Moonlight has a bike?

Maahi: Yeah except Jheel, because she is not comfortable on bikes so she has a car

Naina: Ohh

Maahi: Anyways, set a timer

Naina: For what?

Maahi: 20 mins, in 20 mins we will reach Saint Teresa

Naina: Are you gone seriously mad today Maahi?

Maahi: Yes I have gone mad. Since he said the he loves me, I have gone insane. So 20 mins madam and you will be at your destination.

Naina: Maahi no that is wrong, just imagine some police officer standing then... (cut of by Maahi)

Maahi: Don't worry about that just set the timer for 20 mins, don't you trust me? Come on be a good girl and set the timer for 20 mins

Naina: Ummm ok fine

Unwillingly, Naina set a timer for 20 mins on her phone. She was feeling scared and afraid. Because she already knew from first day onwards that group Moonlight is crazy and they can do anything. Maahi was mentally laughing at how scared Naina was looking. She gave her a helmet and a reasurring smile, telling her "nothing will happen just relax". She took the helmet and wore it on her head. Maahi was just waiting for Naina's countdown

Naina: Ready, set, go!

And off they went. Naina tightly clutched onto both Maahi's shoulders, she was hella freaking out. She just closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the front due to fear.

Maahi: Oh my goodness Naina, this is awesome (she screamed due to excitement)

Naina: For god sake just lower the speed, I am feeling scared

Maahi: Just try to open your eyes and feel the fresh air and wind, have a try it's amazing. Enjoy your life(she yelled)

Naina's POV

I thought for a moment, then suddenly that nightmare hit me. No, I can't, I can't enjoy my life like others. I feel like whenever I am going to close my eyes, someone will push me from the back and I will fall. That's why I take sleeping pills, because after few minutes my eyes close. But if I talk about my life, I can't enjoy. I suddenly looked at my phone and their was only 10 mins and 15 seconds left

Maahi: Hey Naina, how much time left?

Naina: 10 mins and 15 secs

Maahi: Ok hold on tight!

And vrooom! She sped up the bike, goodness sakes! No one is normal in Moonlight except Jheel. I clutched on to her shoulders tightly. I was thinking about something when my mind hit someone, Sameer. A person who loves me crazily. Like I don't understand what did I do to him? Not like other girls I don't cling or drool over him (or maybe sometimes, when he is looking cute or hot), I don't give him goggly eyes like any other girl, then why does he like or should I say love me? I am confused and strange, like who the hell will just come up and say that she is mine. My thoughts were broken when my phone buzzed telling the timer is up and the bike stopping.

Maahi: Told ya, in exactly 20 mins you are at your destination madam

Naina: Thanks Maahi.

Maahi: No Naina thanks to you. I already knew the true meaning of love, but after discussing with you everything, I got to know the deepness of love and what is love. People do so many things in love. They give their lives and do many things. But I didn't do any of that because I knew that I will win my true love, not by forcing, by winning on my own. Arhaan also knew about this and yeah he loves Arishfa a lot, but the fear he has is of the dangerous Sameer Malhotra.

Naina: Really he loves Arishfa, then why didn't he tell Arishfa and why is he scared of Sameer?

Maahi: He is scared of Sameer because he thinks that he will refuse. Because we all know that Sameer is really possessive about his things, specially family and Arhaan knows that he is really possessive about Arishfa, because after all she is his princess. But Arhaan loves her a lot, he truely does

Naina: I think he should first confess to Arishfa and then Sameer. Because I think that when Arhaan will express his love to Arishfa, she will hopefully say yes and then Arishfa can convince Sameer, because as you said she is his princess so he can't refuse her, what do you think?

I looked up at her and her jaw was dropped. Such a weird girl, whenever I explain something to her, her jaw just drops. Anyways, I clicked my fingers infront of her face and brought her back from her dreamland. She quickly closed her mouth and started clapping and smiling, why is she clapping?

Maahi: Wow! I am impressed Naina Malik. I didn't know that you are this type of a person. That is an amazing plan, in break time we will discuss with it Arhaan, ok? For right now we have to go or we will be late for our first lecture

Naina: Yeah let's go

There is many things you don't know about me. I am an open book that everyone reads, but doesn't understand. I have a lot of secrets that I want to tell, but I get scared. I still have the fear of something will happen or you guys will leave me, that's why I closed my book and now no one will need to read or understand me.

Maahi: Come on Naina why are you standing over there, we will be late let's go

With that she dragged me with her to our first lecture of the day, Psychology. We entered in the classroom and settled down. Slowly slowly students started coming in the classroom. I noticed two boys were staring at me and Maahi. But I ignored them. The professor came in the classroom and started the lecture and me and Maahi being the good students started noting down important notes. I admit that me and Maahi are backbenchers, but it doesn't mean that backbenchers don't study. With the thought of that I focused on my class.

Stay Tuned for Next Chapter

Who were the 2 boys staring at Naina & Maahi?

When will Naina reveal herself to Moonlight?

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