Chapter 17 - Limits

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This chapter is dedicated to Janviiiiiiiii and sassy_bitch101

Naina's POV

The lecture ended and we were heading to the door. Gossiping and talking about Moonlight. We were so engrossed in talking when suddenly I checked my phone and realised that we are 15 minutes late for class.

Naina: Oh god we are 15 minutes late!

Naina & Maahi: Crap!

Both of us ran to our next class. It was History, ughh sucks, but still we need to attend. We ran to our class and entered the class and shhh, silence. We cought everyone's attention and unfortunately in that class was Sameer, Riyaz & Arhaan, damn it! And, wait.. how these two boys here before us? Anyways we both were silent when Maahi spoke

Maahi: Sir can we come in?

Sir: Why are you late?

Naina do something quick or both of you will be in trouble and have to go through consequences. I fell down suddenly. I placed my hand on my forehead, Maahi came down to my height to look at me worriedly. I winked at her and she understood. I am shocked at myself. For the first time I am lying at college or else when I was in New York I never lied to my teachers and there was no chance that we could lie to them. She made me stand up and then our drama started

Naina: Umm sir actually I was not feeling well so Maahi Patel just took me to the washroom.

Sir: Ohh, it's ok. Come have a seat.

Fortunately there were 2 seats empty next to Arhaan, me and Maahi quickly went there and sat down. I sigh of relief, goodness sakes.

Maahi: Wow Naina Malik! Never knew that you are such a good actor

Naina: First and last lie and for now be quiet, concentrate on lecture.

And from then on continued the lecture. But I was still confused, who are these two boys and how did they reach before us? A moment before they were staring at us and now they are also in this class, weird. Anyways I concentrated on the lecture and soon it came to an end.

Me and Maahi were walking down the hallway. When the other members also joined and we headed towards, but unfortunately when I looked to my side I saw Sameer. He gave me a sweet smile. My eyes widened and I turned my face immediately. How the hell did he come beside me? Finally we reached the canteen and I was about to sit next to Maahi, when a strong arm pulled me and I landed on his lap, Sameer, crap! So embarrassing. I quickly sat on the seat beside him and was just looking at my lap, fiddling with my fingers. Goodness sakes! He always makes me embarrased and it is soo strange that no one notices. Maahi and Riyaz are in their own world. Aryan and Arhaan watching something on their phones and Jheel was lost in her land

Jheel's POV

What has happened to me? Why do I nowadays think about Aryan only? Whenever I think of him or whenever he talks to me I get butterflies in my stomach. Aryan is a flirt so why do I always think about him? I don't like flirt boys, then why suddenly I started thinking about him so deeply? My chain of thoughts were broken when a girl came and sat down on Aryan's lap. Who the hell is this idiotic stupid girl?

Maahi's POV

Riyaz and I were talking when I noticed that their was a plastic spoon in Jheel's fist and it was getting tight and tighter. What has happened, my attention caught that she was staring at Aryan and that chipku girl. Ohhh now I understand she was feeling jealous, but why? Anyways I elbowed Riyaz and he gave me a "what" expression. My eyed him to look at Jheel and Aryan. Then he understood me, he then dodged Sameer & Naina, we also told them by our signals. Naina then whispered us to stay quiet and just watch. We then kept silent and keep on watching what would happen next. But what we saw was confusing, her fist was getting red and my eyes widened. When I looked at the rest of the 3 there eyes were also widened.

Aryan: So what's your name gorgeous?

Girl: My name is.... Ahhhhh! (she screamed)

But before she could say her name, something happened the 5 weren't expecting (Arhaan & Arishfa had gone somewhere on Arhaan insisting, Arishfa didn't have a choice, we explained him, wait for the next chapter to know)

Jheel's POV

This girl is now getting on my nerves. She is not getting off his lap, such a clingy girl. That's it, it's the end of my patience, she is literally testing my patience. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I left the poor plastic spoon that was enclosed in my fist and got up, she was about to say her name when I grabbed her hair in red fist and dragged her to garden. Because mostly there is no one in the garden. From the corner of my eye, I was noticing that Moonlight was also following, well I don't care. I know they have a lot of questions but first let me solve this equation of girl then I will talk to them. I pushed her on the grass and grabbed her neck and started choking her. I could feel that someone was dragging me from behind, but I cared less and was still choking her. When I looked it was Naina who was stopping me.



She was coughing to catch her breath. At last Naina pulled me and she started coughing badly. First time I was trying to kill this girl, but why? Why don't I like it Aryan flirts with girls and those chipku girls get more close to him? That girl who was lying down on the grass, ran away being scared and frightened. I smirked looking at her and then she will go tell the girls who are chipku like her that the incident that happened, but I am not scared. From here on, hopefully girls will not cling or get close to Aryan Hooda. I was thinking all this when somebody


Slapped me. When I raised my head to look who it was, it was the guy Aryan Hooda. I was looking at him with teary eyes. Moonlight everyone was shocked

Sameer's POV

For the first time in my life I have a seen a pissed and furious Jheel Pandey. But I was more shcoked when Aryan slapped Jheel. Her has never raised his hand on any girl, shocking. I ran where Aryan and Jheel were standing because he was about to slap her again when I held his wrist placed his hand back.

Sameer: Pagal hogaye ho Aryan? Why the hell will you slap a girl?

Aryan: Is it me who is mad or is she gone crazy or something? Who the hell is she to interfere in my life? (he shouted)

Jheel: You sa...w you... yourself that she was mis...behaving with you


Jheel flinched and moved a bit away from him. He was about to near Jheel when I stopped by coming infront of him but no use he moved me aside and held Jheel's arms tightly, oh shit!! I quickly went their and tried to stop Aryan but no use

Jheel's POV

Aryan: Remember one thing Jheel, Stay.In.Your.Limits (underlining each word). You are no one in my life who will tell me what to do and not. Just be in your limits, understand? (His cold tone voice driving down my spine from fear and nervousness)

How can he say that I am no one in his life? We have been friends for about 4 months and he says I don't have the right to interfere in his life. I am heartbroken today, I thought I had special feelings for Aryan, but I was wrong. The Aryan Hooda loves girls who flirts with him or clings on him but I am not that type of girl. Wow Aryan, I am proud of you. But I need to be strong. All the courage that I had for right now I bucked up and spoke

Jheel: Fine from now on Jheel Pandey will never interfere in your life. But remember one thing Aryan Hooda, you will regret one day and you will remember me

By saying that I went. I could hear Naina shouting my name, but I was not in my senses that time I was fuming in anger. I got my car keys out of my pocket and opened the car. I sat on the driver's seat and went off.

Aryan's POV

Did I say to much to her or I am just overthinking? No no I was right. Who the hell I she to come in between my life? Yeah we have been friends for 4 months but it doesn't mean that she had the right to interfere in my personal life. Goodness where am I stuck? I just took out my bike keys and went to my bike. I started it and rode off to my house, caring about anyone.

Author's POV

Both of them were gone, then the 4 of them decided to go home.

Maahi: I am really sorry Naina but my car tire has been punctured so how will you go with me?

Naina: It's ok I will go by taxi

Sameer: Why taxi? I am here right you will go with me?

Naina: But ( she was cut off by his death glare). Ummm ok I, I will go with you

Maahi: Ri if you don't mind can you drop me home and tell your driver to get my car?

Riyaz: Sure let's go

And with that they both parted there ways


Maahi: I thought we were going to tell about our relationship to Moonlight but unfortunately this incident happened

Riyaz: Don't worry believe in God and everything will be alright

By that time they arrived at Maahi's house. Both of them came out of the car. Maahi gave him a tight hug and peck on his lips then quickly went in her bedroom to sleep.

Riyaz was frozen at his spot but soon came back to reality and drove off home and went to sleep.


The drive was silent. But Siddharth being the stubborn person placed his hand on her thigh and started rubbing her thigh. Naina's eyes widened and she was just staring at Sameer's rough hand. She tried moving his hand but no use

Sameer: Cutie , don't you try to move my hand on what's mine

Naina was shocked but still she didn't have a choice. The rest of the drive was silent and he still kept his hand on her thigh. We they finally reached, Naina was about to come out of the car when Sameer's hand tightened on her thigh. She gasped loudly. Sameer smirked listening to her gasp.

Sameer: Well I will miss you (still rubbing her thigh)

Naina: I... I think... it's too late. I sh..ou.ld go

Sameer: Bye and yeah I love you cutie (kissing her hand)

Naina as quickly as possible came out of the car and ran to hotel quickly got into her room and started breathing heavily. When he is around her, she can't even breathe properly. She shook all of her thoughts away and changed in to her night suit and went to sleep.

On the other hand, Sameer was just looking at Naina going away from him, when she went he smirked and said

Sameer: By any single way, Sameer Malhotra will make you his (evil smile)

With that thought he drove to his house and slept thinking about Naina.

Phew! Longest chapter, stay tuned for next!

Where is Arishfa & Arhaan?

When Maahi & Riyaz expose their secret relationship?

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