Chapter 18 - 2nd Couple! (Arishaan)

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Meanwhile with Arishfa & Arhaan

Author's POV

Arhaan brought Arishfa to a expensive and beautiful restaurant. Arishfa was very confused what is happening and what is going, but the problem was whenever she asked a question to Arhaan, he used to make her shut up. She had no other choice but just to stay silent and obey him. Anyways, right now they were sitting on a table silently, awkward silence.

Arhaan's POV

Oh my god why the hell do girls ask so many questions? The whole drive she was asking questions and then in irritation I need to make her shut up. And probably she is still mad at me on how I bring her here. Well Naina & Maahi discussed the idea with me and I loved the idea (smirks mentally).


Arhaan's POV

I was in the canteen with Moonlight scrolling through Instagram when someone grabbed my arm. I looked back and it was Maahi, she whispered in my ear that she and Naina need to talk to me and I just nod my head. Maahi signalled Naina to come with us, but Sameer being psycho. As soon as Naina was about to get up he grabbed her arm

Maahi: Sameer what the hell? Leave Naina's arm

Sameer: Can I ask where are you taking her?(coldly)

Naina: Sameer if you, if you trust me leave my arm please?

Sameer heard that and immediately left her arm, hella possessive. Anyways the three of us went towards the garden and sat down on a bench.

Arhaan: So what exactly happened?

Naina: Arhaan I know you love Arishfa a lot and I want to help you

That's when I was shocked. I gave Maahi a glare but she said I am sorry and she also said that in her and Riyaz's relationship Naina helped her and she can only help me. I sighed and told her everything. The first time I saw her I fell for her. In my lifetime I have never flirted or even made eye contact with any girl. Arishfa is my true love and I want her to be mine, only mine (kauravni_1119). The thing that I love about her and when she touches me, I feel like I am on 7th cloud. I finished telling her the story and then she gave me a brilliant idea. At first I was mad but settled down quickly

Naina: Ok you know what first express your love for Arishfa and then make Sameer convince

Arhaan: Are you mad Naina? Yeah I can tell my feelings to Arishfa but Sameer... (cut off by Maahi)

Maahi: You have no other choice Arhaan just do it, if you love her truly and want her to be yours then go for it

Arhaan: Ok fine. Then I have an idea distract Arishfa and bring her here and I will take her

Naina: You guys still have 2 lectures to go how can we... (cut off by Arhaan)

Arhaan: I will handle everything just bring her here that's it go.

And both of them went and brought Arishfa. I quickly blindfolded her and placed her on my shoulder. Maahi and Naina were looking at me with wide eyes and mouth fully open. I just nodded and they went back to Moonlight

Arishfa: Leave me Arhaan, what are you doing? (shouting)

Arhaan: Relax Ari we are still in college, come on let's go

Arishfa: Let go of me!

She kept on hitting my back with her two strong arms, have to say she is strong? I placed her on the passenger seat and started driving. Goodness sakes a bundle of questions. Finally we arrived and right now we are sitting on a table, my thoughts were broken when I heard a growling sound.


It was Arishfa. Oh my goodness! Her face that is dripping innocence. I realised she didn't eat anything. I called a waiter and I was telling him the order when I noticed his eyes was fixed on my angle who was just scrolling through her phone. I grabbed that waiter's collar and brought him close to me

Arhaan: Don't you dare gaze at her like that

Arishfa: What the hell are you doing? People are watching us let him go (whisper - shouting)

I let go of him unfortunately. He wrote down the order and went away. I heard a sigh coming through Arishfa's mouth. If  Ari didn't say anything then I would've kill that bloody thing.

Arishfa: What is wrong with you? Are you in your senses?

Arhaan: He was staring at you and I can't handle that

Arishfa: Why? That's the question. I am noticing from the past of couple of days you are very changed. You don't talk to anyone properly. You know you can tell me, I am your best friend. We both have a mutual understanding. Discuss with me

I burst out, I push the chair and went out of the restaurant. I knew that Arishfa was following me, near the restaurant there was a lake. I went and sat down there. Then she came and sat down beside me. Being honest, I love her, I love her a lot. I don't know how to express my love. I took a deep breath and made both of us stand up. I took her beautiful her hand and kissed it. I closed my eyes and sat on one knee and started talking.

Arhaan: It's you, everywhere I see I only see you. You are stuck in my mind. There is no one moment that I cannot forget you. The first time I saw you I fell for you. You decentness and innocence made me fall for you. I have never said I love you to anyone, but today I am saying it. I love you Arishfa, I truly do. From the depth of my heart I love you. Will you accept me Arishfa Malhotra?

I opened my eyes to look at her in tears. I quickly stood up and cupped her face

Arhaan: Hey, hey why are you crying?

Arishfa: I love you too

Arishfa's POV

Yes it is true. I had a crush on him the first day we met and then slowly started falling for him. But dumb me never got the courage to say it to him. I was just looking in his eyes, staring at him for don't know how long when he wiped my tears. I hugged him tightly and enjoyed this moment. We love each other truly, but I don't know if Bhai will accept me with him. I broke the hug and looked down. He raised my chin up and raised his eyebrows.

Arishfa: Ummm how will you convince Bhai Arhaan?

Arhaan: Can we just enjoy this moment please? I have claimed the love of my life (hugging her) let me enjoy. 

Arishfa: Ok

And with that I closed my eyes and enjoy the moment with her. Thanks a lot to Naina & Maahi.

Stay Tuned for Next Chapter

How will they convince Sameer Malhotra?

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