Chapter 20 - Stay Away (Naina's Hug)

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Author's POV

The sun's shine hitting Naina's face, informing her a new day starts. She gets up from her bed and did her morning rituals. She wore a full - sleeve black shirt with white pants. She packed her bag with her books and headed out the door. When she came out of the hotel, she noticed that Maahi was not still here, so she waited. While she was waiting, a van came infront of her and a masked guy dragged her by holding the same arm where Sameer put pressure, they made her sit in the van and were taking her somewhere. She kept on crying and said "leave me", but they didn't give a damn. Then suddenly the van stopped, she looked outside and saw that the van stopped infront of her college. She looked at the person who was holding her arm so tightly and he stared at her then said "Stay.Away.From.Sameer.Malhotra". He then opened the door and pushed her and she landed on the ground. Leaving in that condition, they drove the van away. Then slowly slowly, her feet made her stand up not for long when she about to fall when someone grabbed her by shoulders. She looked up and saw Arhaan. He made her stand up.

Arhaan: Oh my god Naina are you ok what happened! 

Naina: Nothing I.I..ummm

Arhaan: Speak up Naina what happened? Were you crying?

Naina's POV

How do I tell him that someone just shoved me in their van and pushed me out infront of the college? I am sorry Arhaan I need to lie. The second lie I am saying to you and Moonlight. Hopefully no one will force me to speak up. I am really bad at telling lies but I just need to.

Arhaan: Naina I am asking you something answer my question before I call (cut him off )

Naina: Nahi nahi, don't call anyone please. Actually I.. I was walking from hotel to hear when I tripped and fell to the ground and my arm got injured. 

Arhaan: At least let me take you to the pharmacist she will apply some cream or something

Naina: No nothing I just want to go to class

In that time of talking, the bell went indicating first lecture of the day. Me and Arhaan both had different classes. He had Maths, while I had English. I was heading towards my classroom when my both arms were captured my someone and I was pulled in a corner. I looked behind and saw the 2 boys who were staring at me and Maahi the other day. They started coming close to me, I was moving back. I started sobbing softly and then suddenly I fell to the ground. They kept on moving. One boy grabbed my ankle and pulled it towards him. As I was about to scream, the other just placed his hand on my mouth. He smirked looking at me. Tears were screaming out of my eyes. 

Sm1: Listen really carefully Naina Malik. Stay.Away.From.Sameer.Malhotra. If you don't saty away from him then you will face the problems infront of your face. Waisay, your parents

Naina: parents?

Sm2: Tch Tch Tch, don't worry they are safe at home where they are, but we can do a lot of things with him 

And both of them started laughing. My eyes widened by listening to them. I joined my hands together and started crying badly. 

Naina: Please, please don't involve my parents. I will tell whatever you say

Sm1 & Sm2: Perfect

Then suddenly they called someone and said job done boss! I just lowered my head and was crying. Then suddenly both of them disappeared and I understood they went away. I brought myself together and placed myself against the wall and started crying hard. Is this my life? Being tortured and people threaten me? I hate my life. I seriously hate it. I sat there for about half and hour and started slowly getting up. My ankle was paining so bad, but I slowly stood up and checked, that was lying down on the ground. I checked the time that there was still 18 mins tell my next class, so I slowly stood up and made my way towards the door. I peeked and looked out and noticed that no one was outside except the girls who bunked classes. Anyways, I quickly wiped my tears off and came out of the corner. I just lowered my gaze and went to my class that was English. I slowly directed my way there but didn't have the courage to knock on the door. I slowly knocked on the door and peeked inside the classroom.

Naina: Sir, may...may I in?

Professor: Naina can I ask where have you been for the last 1 hour?

Naina: Woh sir..

Professor: Come on Naina answer me

In the time the bell went. Professor dismissed the whole class except Naina. Naina went up to the front where the professor was standing and just stood there

Professor: Dekho Naina, this is the first time you are late to my English class, that's why I am giving you a warning and leaving you. Beta you are an intelligent and obedient student of this class. Next time this shouldn't happen okay?

Naina: sir

Professor: Good girl you may go

Naina: Thank you sir

I slowly slowly made my way to the door and exited. 

Maahi's POV

Where was Naina the whole lecture?  I was noticing she didn't appear up the whole lecture. She has never done that with any of her lectures then what happened now? She has never missed a class during these 4 months don't know what happened today at English. My thoughts were broken when someone planted a kiss on my cheek

Riyaz: What happened Love? Why do you look so upset?

Maahi: Nothing thinking about Naina

Riyaz: Why what happened? 

Maahi: Ri, Naina didn't come for the first lecture

Sameer: What!

Maahi: Yeah she...she was not marked present in class

Sameer: Go to hell with present or not, where the hell is she?

Jheel: I think instead of talking we should find her

Aryan: Me & Jheel will find her outside the college while all of you inside, okay?

Maahi, Sameer,Jheel,Riyaz: Yes

Jheel: No

Aryan: Why what happened?

Jheel: All the boys go together, while me and Maahi will go together

Aryan: But Jheel.... (cut him off)

Jheel: Don't. Aryan. Let's go Maahi

And with that all of us drifted apart. 

Author's POV

All of them went their way. Everyone was getting worried and terrified for Naina, but they didn't find her. The bell went for second lecture, but Moonlight kept on finding her. Sameer was feeling really scared that he will lose Naina, he needed her really badly. He wanted to hug her, comfort her. 

Aryan: I think we should seperate and find her 

Arhaan: Right, let's go

All the 3 of them separated. Sameer was feeling so desperate to meet her and find her. He was crossing through the girl's bathroom when he heard sounds of sobbing loudly. In a swift he was about to open the door when Naina started speaking

Naina: This is my stupid and pathetic life, where I only have my life and a love who loves me like crazy. 

Sameer's POV

She was talking about me. She thinks about me, OH MY GOD! Anyways I kept on listening to her. 

Naina: Why does he love me so much? He doesn't deserve me

That's when my blood boiled. I opened the bathroom door in a swift and she screamed loudly, but she didn't look at me. I looked at her and my eyes softened. She was hugging her knees and her head was down. I slowly sat on my knees and crept towards her. She was moving back. I gently kept my hand on her knee

Naina: Please don't come near me, please I beg you!! (she screamed making my heart shatter)

Sameer: Naina, main hoon

When I said that in a quick move, she looked up and my eyes widened. He puffy red eyes, her cheeks swollen  and her hands were also red, the way she was holding herself so close. My hand was about to touch her hand when she backed off.

Naina: Sam...Sameer stay away from me. Please

Sameer: Please Naina, I really need to touch you. I beg you

Naina: Nahi please, stay away

My gaze got lowered when i noticed her ankle, I gasped loudly. I finger brushed her ankle when she winced in pain. I looked at her face and saw she was silently crying, closing her eyes. What has happened? My anger was fuming inside my body and soul. I looked at her she was crying silently and her head was lowered. My forefinger placed on her chin and pulled it up. She just looked at me started crying loudly. She placed her arms around my shoulder and placed her head on my chest. OH MY GOODNESS!! SHE JUST HUGGED ME FOR THE FIRST TIME!! (Sameer do this later first hug her and comfort her)

Naina: Sam..Sameer hel..lp me ...please I be.g you

Sameer: Don't beg me cuti, who did this to you?

Naina: If I don't st...stay awa..ay from you, they...they will ki...ll my parents

What, who the hell said that? Oh my god , I will kill him, bloody idiot! I slowly broke the hug and looked at her. She was staring at my eyes deeply, piercing through my soul. I just looked at her cheek which was swollen, my jaw clenched. I slowly went towards her cheek and caressed it and placed a kiss on her right cheek. She gasped, why does she gasp?

Sameer: Come I will take you to the hospital

She just nodded. I stood up and offered her my hand. She looked up and stared at my hand and then me. Her left trembling hand was placed on mine, oh goodness cutie what are you? She slowly stood up and grabbed her by my other arm. We started walking towards the door, when she fell. 

Naina: Ouch!!! Mera payr

Sameer: If you don't mind can I, can I carry you?

Naina: But Sam

Before she could complete the sentence, my arm went under her knees and the other grabbed her waist and picked her up. She gasped. Her tear stains were making my heart getting shattered. She just placed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I kicked open the door and straight went to the hospital near the college.

Stay Tuned for Next Chapter!!

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