Chapter 21 - Who Did This?

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Naina's POV

He was carrying me to the hospital that was near college. I hid my face in his neck and his cologne. I could feel that his body tensed up. My arm that was around his neck, I used my hand and rubbed the back of his neck and he softened down. He opened the door with his leg slowly and kept walking. He placed on a seat and was looking for a doctor. A doctor didn't come but a nurse came

Nurse: May I help you?

Sameer: We are students from Saint Teresa and I need help, my girlfriend here got badly injured on her ankle

Nurse: Oh ok do you mind bringing her to Mr Khurrana's cabin?

Sameer: Isn't there a female doctor?

Ughhh god! Him and his insecurities. Why does he feel so insecure. Wait, what? Did he just say I am his GIRLFRIEND!! Is he mad or what? I didn't accept his as my boyfriend yet. He is actually one in a million I have never seen.

Naina: Sameer (she whispered)

He quickly came up to me. Goodness, why is he always worried about me? Not only this injury, but always

Sameer: What happened?

Naina: Sameer it''s paining a lot, let's just go

Sameer: As you wish cutie

In a swift he picked me up. The nurse was guiding us and kept walking. I was just staring at him. Why is he so different from other boys? Boys like him crave for girls only for their hotness and their body. But Sameer, Sameer is different. He always cares about me and never lets me do anything. He is really possessive about me, and that's what I like. Boys that are serious about girls are really possessive and caring. Sameer is way over possessive. If even a boy comes near me he will bash him up. I didn't realise that we reached doctor's cabin

Nurse: Dr Khurrana this is Sameer and this is a girl with him. She got badly injured on her ankle, is it ok if you check it?

Dr: Sure, you may leave and bring my stuff

Nurse: Yes doctor

And that's when she went out of the door. Sameer gently placed me on his chair and placed himself next to me

Dr: What happened to your ankle...?

Naina: Naina

Dr: Right Naina and he is your?

Naina: Boy...boyfriend

Dr: Right, so can you just lay down on this stretcher for me

Author's POV

As instructed, Naina laid down on the stretcher. The doctor was about to touch Naina's ankle when he looked at Sameer for his permission. He really didn't want anyone to touch his cutie but he didn't have a choice, he gave the doctor a small smile and blinked his eyes. When the doctor touched Naina's ankle, she winced in pain. He was examining how red her ankle was. He was thinking and then decided to he had to do it. The thing that every person is scared of, injection.

Dr: I think we need to inject her with a painkiller and that can get better

Naina: Never! (she shouted) Please I know that I have a very bad ankle, but I don't want injection.

Dr: I will waiting outside can you please convince her? It's better for her ankle. If we don't inject her, the redness and pain will spread (he whispered in Sameer's ear)

Sameer: Ok I will

And with that Dr Khurrana exited is cabin waiting outside. Sameer turned to Naina and she just shook her head and lowered her gaze. He moved closer to her and sat next to her. He looked at her trembling. He pulled it towards and hugged her gently. He was hugging her when he felt sheds of tears that was breaking his heart. He just placed his head on the crook of her neck and let her cry. After few minutes she pulled away and noticed the closeness between the both of them. Her hair came on her forehead, he used his fingers and brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

Sameer: Naina I will not let anything happen to you, just answer my one question?

She just nodded, gesturing him to continue on.

Sameer: Who did this to you? Tell me the names he will counting his last breaths.

Naina: I...I don't know. The..the boys were wearing a..a mask, so...I don..t know

Sameer: Ok relax, relax. Dr you may come inside.

Naina's eyes widened and she shook her head constantly. Dr Khurrana came inside and went to his desk and inserted the needle in a bottle that was labelled painkiller. Naina was sobbing and she just looked away. When the injection was filled, the doctor came near Naina and was about to insert the injection when Sameer & Dr both heard a scream from Naina. She was crying, she didn't want this. She was looking everywhere except Sameer and the Dr. Sameer grabbed her face gently and made him face her. He joined their foreheads together

Sameer: Relax, main yahi hoon, never leaving you.ever. Dr

Naina: Please wait. I hate injections and I am scared of them

Sameer: Hey, hey look at me

She looked at Sameer and his hazel orbs. She didn't know what these hazel eyes did to her but she had this fantastic and amazing feeling when staring in his eyes. The both of them were staring at each other when Naina felt a sharp pain in her ankle and she shouted. But slowly her eyes started blurring and she felt unconscious and her head landed on Sameer's chest.

Sameer: I love you cutie. Dr Khurrana what happened to cut.. I mean Naina?

Dr: Nothing to worry about she is just unconscious. I will prescribe you some medicines to feed her that will release the pain and hopefully the redness and pain will go within 1 and a half weeks. Sameer if you don't mind can I ask you a question?

Sameer: Sure Dr saab

Dr: You love Naina right?

Sameer: More that my life. She is my everything doctor and my life is incomplete without her.

He was just staring at her body, that was unconscious. After a while the doctor said you can take her home and make her rest. Sameer smiled and picked up Naina and checked the clock infront of him. It was 4:25pm, meaning college ended. He obviously knew where Naina lived, so he came out of the hospital and started his bike. He placed Naina infront of him, his back facing her and made her lean her head on his chest and with that he started riding the bike at a normal speed and arrived at Naina's hotel. He stopped his bike and parked it. He picked up Naina and placed her on the bed and was looking for a bag. When opened her wardrobe, he saw a large suitcase. He picked it up and started packing her stuff. He knew that she wasn't safe, people are jealous of Sameer and everyone knows that Sameer's weak point is his cutie. He quickly packed everything and called someone to the room. A person came from the hotel and Sameer told him to drag the suitcase and take it home with him. The person just obeyed and led them out. He quickly signed off Naina from the hotel and placed on his bike, placed the suitcase in the car where the person will be coming with it and started riding his bike

Stay Tuned for Next Chapter!

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