Chapter 5 - Evil Intentions

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In Malhotra House

Sameer's POV (Having Breakfast with family)

Summer holidays are about to finish and college will start after 2 days. Me and my gang always bully newbies, whether it is a boy or girl. In college I will bully students to divert mind. College is a fun place where you bully people (smirks mentally). Obviously I am the leader of my gang so I will order my group to whatever I do. Girls literally drool over me and I don't give a damn (I know I am hot). My chain of thoughts were broken when Arishfa spoke

Arishfa: Bhai, why aren't you eating breakfast? Are u alright?

Sameer: Nothing princess just thinking about some college things

Vaishnavi: Don't tell me you will start your bullying process again Sam

My Bhahbi knows me so well. I smirked to her and she understood my thoughts.

Vaishnavi: You will never change Sam

I finished with my breakfast and went back in my room to get my bike keys. I got the keys and went to the main door when Bhai stopped me

Veer: Where are u going champ?

Sameer: Just for a ride. I will come back

I went for a ride on my bike and then came back home around 10pm and went to sleep.

Naina's POV

I finally reached the hotel. I took my room keys and went to my room. I opened the door and it was average looking room. Anyway, I heard that the college is starting from 2 days. The college's name is Saint Teresa College. I was feeling hot so I decided to take a shower. I took a shower and the water made contact with my skin. I finished showering and wrapped a towel around me until I noticed a deep cut on my wrist, making me remember all the past memories of my life. Anyways, I put my clothes on and checked the time it was 10pm, i was feeling bored so I decided to watch a film. I was watching Vampire Diaries and I didn't know when sleep took over me.

After 2 days

Both Sameer and Naina were packing there bags and were ready to leave.

Naina's POV

Hopefully everything will be ok in college. I am feeling really nervous but I need to be strong. I came out of the hotel room and went to find a taxi. I got a taxi and went ahead to college.

Sameer's POV

Let's see if today there will be any new students. I was finding my phone when suddenly I got a call from one of my members of my group. I received the call and talked in my cold voice that everyone is used to hearing.

Conversation on call:

Sameer: Hello, where are u?

Sm1: I am waiting for you. Are u going to pick me up?

Sameer: I think always I pick u up and even today I will pick u up, lazy idiot. I am coming in 5 minutes, Arhaan and when I mean 5 minutes I mean 5 minutes, no less or more. (Sm1 was Arhaan)

Arhaan: Yeah okay, I am waiting

Call disconnected

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, finding the whole family having breakfast. I quickly grabbed a apple and headed towards the door, when Bhahbi stopped me

Vaishnavi: At least have your breakfast Sameer

Sameer: I will get something from the canteen Bhahbi bye.

I waved bye to everyone until Arishfa spoke to stop me.

Arishfa: Wait Bhai aren't I coming with you to college?

Sameer: From today I am picking up Arhaan. You have to come with your girlies. Am I clear?

Arishfa: Right

Until they ask me another question, I ran out of the house and sat on my bike and started the bike wore my helmet and took my bike towards Arhaan's house. As I arrived I saw, Arhaan standing outside. He quickly got on my bike. I passed the helmet, he wore it and then we went to college. The drive was silent, which was shocking because whenever I pick up Arhaan he always annoys me or talks to me to irritate but today something is different. I didn't realise I was thinking deeply and we arrived to college. I parked my bike at my original spot, which is reserved for me and went towards the entrance. As me and Arhaan entered, girls started to whisper and drool over us. I smirked at them and went towards my first lecture, English. I enjoy it but I don't listen to the teacher.

No one's POV

Both Sameer and Arhaan went towards their class and attended the lecture.

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