-How to bond-

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November 7th, 2017

"Wait wait wait- you mean to tell me you liked all of these bands the whole time, and never told me?"

"I only named two!"

"Yes but if you like panic! at the disco and twenty one pilots, I'm going to immediately assume you also like my chemical romance, fall out boy and all of the other basic pop punk bands that exist!" Will was waving his arms around like a crazy person in the cafe, earning a few stares from the other people in the shop.
I laughed lightly and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. I've only got around 6 total hours of sleep in the past 3 nights and I was exhausted.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry for not telling you, and you're right, I do like all of them," my hair fell over my eyes so I pushed it away.

"So I'm hoping you have taste and also listen to Frank ocean, jon bellion, Roy Blair, the 1975, Lorde, kings of Leon, Brockhampton-"

"I'm pretty sure I don't know half of those," I smiled at his childish rant. He was very charismatic I learned, and it rubbed off on me at times. I hated it.

"Which ones?" He asked, leaning forwards on the table, almost smacking his half empty coffee over in excitement. The drink ripples and sloshes dangerously near the edges.

"Umm, Frank ocean, Roy Blair, Brockhampton-"

"What the heck! How can you not know them! Obviously someone doesn't listen to alternative hip hop music and sticks to early 2000's emo shit... Ok, you know what, you're coming over to my apartment soon and I'll show you what you've been missing," he smiled in decision and sat back in his seat, arms crossed. He was such a 5 year old.

"Fine, but I'm not buying any of it unless I absolutely love it," I stated firmly. He wants me to get excited but I'm not really. This is what Jenny would classify as "a side affect of depression" in her technical terms that I ignore.

"That's ok, just give it a try, I swear you'll love them, if you like all my other favourites as much as me. They just have this vibe that make you feel like you're... hm I've never thought how it really makes me feel..." his eyes were bright against the dull grey sky outside of the window and wide as he searched for the right way to describe his 'alternative hip hop',
"Got it!" He snapped his fingers excitedly, grinning, "It makes me feel like I'm on acid in California... not that I've done acid."

I snickered at his comparison, covering my mouth with my hand. I glanced around us, around the cafe. No one seemed to notice us.
I also found it weird no one was ever in our seat when we arrived, we seemed to have claimed it, and haven't used any other one ever since we started coming here.

"Fine, i'll listen, but you cant be disappointed if I don't like it," I told him, brushing away my hair once more. It seemed to have something against me today, and wouldn't stay out of my eyes.

"Yada yada, blah blah blah, you'll love it," he grinned at me, with his never ending smile, infuriating my slightly, and using his hand as if it were a puppet, opening and closing its mouth. Mocking me, with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"But we should leave before dark and we have so many other topics to cover, so next, I'm guessing- and hoping, you've read Harry Potter-"

"Of course I have," I swiped at the air as if the question didn't even need to be asked. It was a stupid question.

"Oh good, I thought I was going to have to de-friend you, so you're not that far gone," he chuckled at himself,
"So here's the real big question, what house were you placed in in Pottermore? I'm a Hufflepuff."

"Of course you are," I snorted,
"I thought I was a Slytherin... I usually got that on the shitty tests, but then Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor so.." I trailed off, shrugging. I took a sip of my hot chocolate, and licked my lips to get off any whip cream that may have found a place there. A small ray of sun was peaking through the wall of grey that lasted all day. It warmed my skin and made a small smile surface from my resting face, but disappeared when Will broke the tranquility. He was recovering from a frown when I stereotyped his house,

"I can see that, you're braver than most people I know," he smiled softly at me, and then snapped back into his rant.
"Ok, so you read books, that's a plus, next is tv shows. What do you like to binge watch on your free time Nico?" Will rested his chin on his hand.

"Um, well I don't get to binge anything since we don't have Netflix or anything at the foster house, but I watch stuff on my computer and phone when I can. I've only ever watched a few shows shows, and it's rare if I get all the way through," I replied, my hands wrapped around my drink to keep them warm.

"Wait so you haven't watched stranger things? Or supernatural? What the hell! Man, you need to come over to my house soon or we're gonna have a real problem. What do you do when you don't have homework?"

"I like YouTube, I guess," I tell him, bringing a hand to my mouth and start biting the sides of my nails. I saw one of the small trees outside loose one of its last red leaves, and it floated peacefully to the ground, surrounded by walking humans and speeding cars.

"Ooh yes! Who do you watch?" He gets so excited over everything, I didn't understand. It takes a lot to get me excited about something.

"Um, I guess I like to watch conspiracy videos and uh, unsolved murder cases? Wow, I know that sounds kinda strange... sometimes I just end up on hour long holes," I tell him, still biting until the swipes my hand lightly.

"Do you watch Kendall Rae? She has great murder mystery stuff! Completely different topic but have you ever heard of Connor franta? I love him too, ooh and Troye Sivan, but he does music now," Will rambled, only stopping when he noticed me staring at him, smiling at his fast taking and hand waving.

"Nothing, you're just really weird," I snicker, covering my mouth. It made me realize that I'm self conscious about my smile. Wow. The more you know I guess.

"Why thank you, now, last question, what movies do you like?" He asks seriously, eyes narrowing.

"Same with tv, I don't watch a ton of it because I don't have anything to watch it on, but when I here good reviews on stuff I'll look it up. Also I like horror movies," I add, taking another sip of hot chocolate and he took a sip of his coffee, mirroring my actions and staring at my eyes.
The glint of the sun on his hair left, along with the sun itself, and left Will looking duller than before.

"What?! Ok now we really have a problem. Nico I'm a movie whore! I watch movies all. of. the. Time. Literally. I watch like 4 movies in the theatres each month. I'm addicted, it's so bad," he ranted, once again arms going in every direction. He was hyper today.

"A movie whore eh?" I laughed again at his strange wording. I don't understand people.

"Yes Nico. You know what, that's it, we're going to see something this week, what shall it be?" He asked me, arms crossing. I wasn't up-to-date with recent movies, and I didn't want to bore him. I took a second to think, and said the first movie to pop into my head.

"Well I know it's out of theatres now, but I really want to see 'IT'? Is that ok?" I asked. Will's mouth dropped.

"That's a great movie, it's just uh- really scary-"

"Will are you scared to see a horror movie?" I teased, taking the lead. He clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

"No, obviously not, pfft, scared? I'm not scared, I'll find where it's playing tonight, and text you and then we'll go ok? Good? Good."


Will; heyyy I found IT in a drive-in 30 minutes away from here Friday night, still up for it?"

Nico; hell yeah let's do this

I looked at what I texted Will back, smiling because I didn't believe he was actually going to go through with what he said.
Then I frowned because I might have to cancel. I woke up feeling like absolute shit, and all through school I wanted to cut my head off just too rid myself of all the crap that goes on in there. I didn't want to ruin Wills night with my bullshit. He could go to a party or hang out with his actual friends. I rubbed my temples while walking on a crowded side walk. I got bumped and shoved and tears formed in my eyes as the voices yelled at me.
Schizophrenia fucking sucked.
I squeezed my eyes shut to push them away but someone bumped into me. My eyes flew back open in surprise, and my hair flew in front of my vision as I stumbled. I lost my balance and fell sideways, crashing into someone who grunted angrily.

"Watch it," they growled and kept pushing forewords. I stabilized myself and frowned once more, at the scene happening around me. I didn't like it.
I pushed my hair away from my face and started forwards again, keeping my eyes ahead of me to avoid that situation again. I walked with force until I was on a emptier sidewalk, and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I opened Wills contact and started texting, ignoring the insults coming from the other half of my mind.

Nico; hi will I don't think we can go to the movie |

I stopped, and thought about it, and didn't like how it sounded

Nico; hi will I don't thi|

Nico; will I don't think we should go to see IT today, I'm sorry

I pressed send just as I tripped over a rock. I lurched  forwards, trying to catch my balance, but I couldn't and landed on my knees and one of my hands, keeping my phone clutched in the other. I hissed in pain, and went to push myself up again, but my elbow buckled and I almost ate the pavement.  I saved myself and sat back on my butt.

"Fucking hell," I muttered angrily, rubbing my wrist that was throbbing and glowering at my ripped jeans that served me no purpose. They didn't save me from skinned knees.
I stood up, muttering curses in both English and Italian, and trudged home, slamming the door and stomping to my room. I was angry that I had to go through shit like this. It was fucking annoying.
I fell on my bed and rubbed my temples again. My phone vibrated next to my head.
I picked it up and squinted my eyes against the light of the screen against the dark of my room.

Will; why not? It'll be fun!

I sighed. Will may have had depression, but he never had schizophrenia. He doesn't know how bad it is. How much it sucked and ruined things for you.
Maybe I was being self centred.

Nico; I'm having a bad day, it'd be best if we didn't go I think. You could go with one of your other friends

I threw my phone on the other side of the bed, telling myself that I wouldn't touch it if he texted back. Obviously when my phone tinged, I grabbed it immediately.

Will; the movie will make it better I swear! It'll be fun and I'll buy us popcorn and drinks and I got my moms car and everything!
Will; It'll be great Nico, I'm here to make you feel better!

I groaned, but this time with a hint of a smile on my face. Me having a bad day didn't scare him away like other people. He wanted to help. He wanted to buy me food, and bring me to a movie. I think again why I never listened to Jenny about having friends before.

Will; you have your read receipt on I know you saw that.

Will; ok ignore me that's ok I'm still coming and I'll make you feel better

I turned off my phone and slid off my bed, heading to the bathroom. Daren walked out and glared at me, and stepped on my toe on purpose.

"Asshole," I muttered


"Yeah, correct," I smirked at him evilly and closed the door to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror and grimaced at the sight. I had purple bags under my eyes from hardly sleeping this week, I was beyond pale, and my body was slouched. My hair was greasy and I looked the opposite of presentable. I couldn't go out like this, so I turned on the shower and stripped myself. I stayed in the tub-shower for a while, over half an hour, to the point where I was sitting cross-cross and letting the steaming water hit my back. The bathroom was a sauna. I felt calm, ignoring the voices completely. 
I must've been in the shower for over an hour because all of a sudden there was pounding on my door and someone shouting. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I groaned and stood up, stretching, and turned off my little piece of heaven.
I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and cracked the door open a tiny bit.
Daren was standing there with his arms crossed and foot tapping.

"What?" I asked irritably, not opening the door enough for him to see any of my body.

"I didn't know you had friends," he said like he should be the one annoyed. I fumed.

"Did you go on my phone?" I growled, almost so worked up that I threw the door open. Thankfully, I had restraint.

"No I didn't go on your phone dumbass, but some guy is at the door looking for you, and sister Jessie told me to get you," he replied easily, but it looked like he had an evil scheme forming in his head.
Then I circled back to what he said. Will was here Already?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, ok um, one sec, don't leave," I pointed a finger at him and shut the door, where I gathered my old clothes into a heap in my arms. I wiped a spot on the mirror and saw I looked less like a zombie and more like a drowned rat. Somehow that was slightly better. Then I wrapped my arms with the clothes in them around my whole upper body to cover it up and opened the door, and walked backwards to my room, with my eyes locked with Daren's.
"Tell Will to wait outside my door," I opened my door from behind and fell inside, before closing it.
I threw my clothes at my hamper inside beside my closet and started looking for new ones. I grabbed blindly, a grey shirt that wasn't a baggy band tee. It was fitted and soft but I couldn't tell at the time. Then I grabbed black ripped jeans, which was all I really owned, and a black sweatshirt with a white logo on the front. I threw on the clothes except for the sweater because I was hot from rushing. I shook my hair, spraying water droplets in every direction, and jogged over to the door. I opened it up to find Will bouncing on his toes and his hands laced behind his back. He looked extremely uncomfortable, considering he had never met any of the people here. We had always snuck in.

"Hi, I'm sorry, I was in the shower," I tell him, breathing heavily, rubbing the back of my neck. Will looked at me gratefully, like I was bailing him out of jail.
I let him walk in my room, and he sat in my bed.

"For how long? You stopped texting me over an hour ago!" He exclaimed, ruffling his hair, that was already a mess of curls.
"I got worried," he added.

"Yeah, I showered for... probably an hour," I shrugged sheepishly and looked in my mirror and shrivelled into a cringing mess. He must've seen it in my face and laughed.

"What's wrong?" He was chuckling at my disgusted features.

"I hate this shirt," I replied, reaching down to take it off but I stopped because, for one, I hated my body, and two, I told him that Caleb wasn't bullying me when he picked me up a few weeks before, and he would know I lied. And pretty much everything else.

"No, keep it, I like it, it's a nice shirt, and it's it's not black and it's-its good," Will rambled. I frowned at my reflection but stuck with what he said and grabbed my sweater.
I shifted uneasily in the tight fitted shirt and sat beside him on my bed.

"So why are you so early?" I asked, rubbing my temples again. After rushing, the voices were slowly coming back. I didn't want them too.

"Well I was worried, and I thought, hey, we can just like, get some dinner from McDonald's and then go to the movie right?" He suggested, playing with his hands.

"What time is it?"

"5:00, why?" He asked, curls flying when he moved his head.

"Well the movie starts at sundown, and that's like 6:45 right? So if we got dinner and left- wait how far is it from here?"

"Like half an hour?" He guessed, unsure a what I was trying to do.

"So we can leave now, get McDonald's and eat in- but we only have like 1 hour to go and eat and then drive there and get there 15 minutes early to get popcorn and- ow shut up," I cut off talking to the voices, smacking my hand against my temple and then blushed deeply when I realized what I had done.
"I mean - uh- um- haha I, um-"

"Hey Nico, its fine, you don't have to cover it up, you're with me," he told me and I almost melted.

"Um- yeah," I didn't know what to say and just did awkward. Like normal.

"You ok neeks?" Will asked. I nodded but he looked at me like Jenny looks at me- open. I couldn't not shake my head. I kept shaking it until I let it fell into my hands.
I felt body heat, and arms being wrapped around my shoulders. Will pulled me into a hug, and I kind of just leaned into it. Will liked hugs more than Jenny, which is saying a lot, but he didn't really know what personal space was... even if I secretly like his hugs. A tiny bit. Only a little.

We sat there before I stood up abruptly.
"We better go or we'll run out of time for dinner, let's go," I said. He studied my face and decided I was good enough to go out and followed me out my door. We were about to leave when Daren, from the kitchen shouted,

"Who's the dude Nico? I thought you were a loser!" He yelled tauntingly, but it wasn't a very good insult. I brushed it off but Will replied.

"His friend asshat! Now go back to spending your Friday night at home!" He yelled back, his retort just as bad as the insult.


Will was not a horror movie person.
We got to the drive in and I instantly fell in love with it, as they haven't changed it since the 1970's and it was old and perfect. We got popcorn and pop and cotton candy (because Will said I was crazy for never having any before) and got back in his moms car, getting it ready for the movie to start.

Will was under the blanket, hiding, 15 minutes in.
The movie was amazing in my opinion, but Will kept complaining about how he could watch the most gruesome episode of greys anatomy a hundred times on replay easier than this. He literally shrieked at parts.
This was a great laugh along with the scary movie, that was pretty good. When it was over I wanted to watch it again.

"Is it done yet?" Will asked, when the credits started to roll. I laughed and told him yes.
He looked shaken up and terrified, and for some reason that was hilarious to me.

"You are so weak dude," I laughed, my smile wide. He grinned up at me from where he was slouched in his seat.

"It was scary!" He defended. It didn't work.
"I'm not going to sleep for weeks," he mumbled crossing his arms like a child.
Will always knew what to do, because once we left the foster home, it was easier to ignore the voices.

Ahhhhhhhhhh I know I'm horrible and a week late but in my defence I just started high school, and I've been deadly sick since Monday. Not deadly but I over react so deadly.
How was you first weeks of school, or... random week already a month in.
Ok so this would've been done an hour earlier but SOME PEOPLE *cough cause I'm sick Kit_is_crazy solangel_o cough* distracted me so you can blame them and swear at them. Also sorry for the excessive swearing in this chapter, I've been like this every day after school cause my last class is science and I hate hate hate my science teacher (who we call ms. Fannie pack) and when I leave for home I'm so pissed off my her so that's great.
Also, October so much is happening that I'm excited for, like voltron and riverdale and stranger things and the gifted premiere and then thanksgiving and my birthday and Magnus chase and Halloween and fall out boy and aghhhhhhhh.
I need help Ive literally been delusional that past couple days and no one can understand me ("you are making no sense Thea go to bed"- Kit_is_crazy )
And I slept through my alarm clock this morning so instead of waking up at 6 because it takes me 1 hour to get ready in the morning I WOKE UP AT 6:45 AND ALMOST MISSED THE BUS.
so that's great but I'm doing Greek mythology in English and I'm acing it which is a given but HELL YA I JUST RE READ THE NARCISSUS AND ECHO AND PSYCHE AND EROS STORIES LOVE.

ok I'm done ranting have a good week, eat breakfast, stay hydrated and don't sleep through your alarm clock,


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