28. Raspy groans

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"Stay the fuck away from her!!" the voice rumbled through the silent street.

You were stunned when the man was flung away from you with force. You could have handled the situation on your own, but seeing him there made you feel at ease.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here at this hour?!" you asked but he ignored your voice and proceeded with his own work, which was to teach that drunk bastard some lessons.

"Don't worry, Ms Kim, I won't let him touch you." he said with anger sprouting from his voice and held your wrist tightly before pulling you behind him. The man looked scared as heck, but that might be the result of the alcohol.

"I'm s-sorry!! I made a mistake! A h-huge mistake. Forgive me, My lord! I will never come in front of you or your girlfriend's eyes, I swear. Forgive me!!" the man was probably loosing his mind at this point. He was blabbering just anything and kept apologizing. It didn't look like he could harm anyone, but Jungkook still wasn't convinced.

Jungkook's ears caught the word 'girlfriend' and his anger melted a little, while flusteredness took over his features.

"Whatever! Just get lost from here before I kill you, and never touch a woman like this, you bloody fool." Jungkook uttered the words harshly.

The drunk man hiccuped and walked off into the dark alley before bowing 90 degrees dramatically. Jungkook scoffed looking at him, as he wobbled his way down the alley.

"Are you okay, Ms Kim? Did he hurt you anywhere?! Lemme see-" he turned to you and started with his questions, searching for any signs of injury on your body, worried.

"I'm okay, Jungkook." you stopped him but he still had a frown decorating his beautiful face.

"What are you even doing here alone at night, Ms Kim? What if something bad was to happen?" he stated with a stern voice.

"But nothing happened!!" you shrugged your shoulders with a duh face.

"Seriously? Ms Kim, if I wouldn't have come here then you would have been in a trouble for sure. You should thank me!" he stated while eyeing you.

"I'm not a kid! I could have handled that on my own." now, it was too much for Jungkook. He has had enough.

His tongue poked his inner cheek, showing that he is pissed off now! He ran a hand through his hair and stepped towards you.

"Look, Ms Kim, I'm trying to be calm but you are not helping it!" he said with a low voice.

His constant steps towards you narrowed the distance between both of you and in a blink of your eyes, you were trapped by the wall before him. Your eyes were stuck on his, back collided with the wall and hands unsure where to put. He was too close.

"What are you doing? I can never understand you! Just now, you were saying that it's bad to touch a woman without her permission but now you're doing the same?" you stated deliberately trying to sound calm but your insides were screaming because he was too close.

"I'm not even touching you, Ms Kim, and what did you say? You could've handled that on your own?!" Jungkook scoffed, "Stop pretending that you don't feel scared." he finished speaking and stepped back.

"I'll leave this topic alone if only you forgive me and stop sulking now for God's sake." he said with a frustrated sigh.

Now you know where was the all the 'you should thank me' was coming from. It wasn't like you could actually keep ignoring him, anyways, you were going to eventually forgive him after some days.

"You're such a baby! That's what you want?! Okay, I forgive you! I was going to forgive you, after some days anyway." you said and his eyes sparkled with undefined joy, but his face remained blank.

"I was frustrated because of you and you think it's fun playing with me like that? If you would've forgiven me then I wouldn't have to suffer- just leave it!" He almost groaned but tried to act cool yet you knew, whatever he said was true.

"If you don't wanna suffer then just be a good boy from now on, hmm? Don't pretend to be a bad boy, I know you're a good boy by heart." you chuckled and ruffled his hair making him look away from you. His cheeks must be bright red by now, but, thanks to the dark night, you didn't notice it.

"I'm not a goodie two shoes! I will never be!" he stated and started walking off into the street towards your house. You looked at him, confused.

"Are you not coming? Or you just want to stay here the whole night?" He said lazily and you just uttered an 'oh' before nodding, following him and then walking beside him afterwards.

The night air was chilly but not much. It was silent except for some occasional pebbles making a clicking sound, which got kicked by Jungkook. That was just a few minutes until you reached your home.

"Do you want to come in and have a cup of coffee or something? Tae would love it- even though it's pretty late but he would still be up right now- uh, unless you need to go home, obviously." you said while you began to unlock the door, he was still standing there, contemplating whether he should bother you or not!

Wait- since when did he start caring about people?!

He thought so hard and made a conclusion that it's not good to bother everyone this late. He opened his mouth to deny the tempting offer, but didn't get the chance to speak.

"Wow!! Who do we have here?! The Jeon Jungkook himself! Come inside, what are you waiting for?" Taehyung nearly yelled as soon as you opened the door and he saw you with him. You were surprised that he didn't ask any questions.

Taehyung pulled him inside with a big boxy smile on his face. Jungkook looked around awkwardly but smiled nonetheless.

You sighed looking at your childish brother and locked the door before leaving your shoes in the shoe rack.

"Y/N! I haven't forgotten that you went out without telling anyone! Do you know how worried I was!? Where the fuck did you go this late?! I need answers, sis!" Taehyung said as he looked at you with serious eyes. He was standing at the doorstep while Jungkook must be in the living room.

"I'm sorry! I thought I'll be back soon, so didn't bother you. I just went to a friend's place to give some documents. I won't do this again, I'm sorry, taetae!!" you apologized sincerely. Your lips formed a pout unintentionally.

He sighed, "It's okay, just don't do this again." he said and pinched your cheeks, now smiling. You smiled too and then walked inside the living room.

Poor Jungkook! He was sitting there awkwardly all this time. Taehyung realized and cursed under his breath before going to him and joining him on the couch.

You started walking towards the stairs, knowing Taehyung, he was now not going to let Jungkook go that easily without offering a proper hospitality. It was Jungkook's first time in your house, there was no way he was going to let him go just like that, and you didn't want to ruin your precious sleep by staying there.

Just as you stepped your foot on the first step of the stairs, Taehyung's voice boomed through out the house.

"Y/N!! Aren't you going to join us? We are watching a movie!!" as assumed, he has a plan prepared already.

"Naah!! I'll skip this time. I'm tired, you guys enjoy! And Jungkook, make sure you come to school on time tomorrow, so go home before it's too late." you threw a last glance at Jungkook and saw him nod his head before you went to your room.

A nice cool morning! What else can you ask for starting your day!

You had found yourself sleeping like a baby after exhausting yourself the previous day.

You woke up and brushed your teeth before going downstairs for breakfast, as you decided to take a shower after satisfying your stomach which was begging you to fill it up with some tasty food.

You went through the whole refrigerator to find something tasty to eat, and ended up eating a bunch of strawberries with some melted chocolate to go with it.

You heard your dad's voice calling for Taehyung to come down. Looks like he is still sleeping after the movie night he had with Jungkook.

Your dad told you to go and wake that big baby up!

You went upstairs and knocked on his door many times but he didn't answer, so you just opened the door and peeked inside.

There he was! The apparent tent on the bedsheets gave it away that he was still sleeping soundly. You shook your head and went near him, before grabbing his shoulder and shaking him. He slightly moved and soon you heard a raspy groan.

Let me tell you, that freaking groan didn't sound like it belonged to your brother!


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