30. Jealous boyfie

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"Hello? Is this Ms Kim?" a voice asked, which made you turn around.

"Yes, it is! How can I help you?" you answered politely to the person in front of you.

He was so tall. He must be over 180 cm. He adorned a light blue colored dress shirt, that made him look so professional yet so handsome. His aura felt soft yet powerful. His hair was a shiny black colour, that suited him so well. His Lips were so full, it will catch anyone's attention at the first sight.

"I'm Choi Yeonjun! It's nice to meet you, I'm the new teacher here." he said with a very pretty smile. You couldn't help but smile, too.

"Oh, yes! Chaeyoung told me about you before. Here are your files." you said and pulled out the files from the drawer before handing it to him.

"Thank you so much, Ms Kim. I'll see you around often from now on, I guess!" he said and blushed a little making you chuckle.

"Of course, yeah! We will work together after all. I'll have to go to my class now Mr Choi. I'll see you later." you bowed a little and walked off to your class.

He seems like a nice person; you concluded.

"Jungkookie~ my bro! Did you see the new teacher?" Jimin said wriggling his eyebrows.

"Again? Who is this new teacher now?" Jungkook said, annoyed, and rolled his eyes.

"His name is Choi Yeonjun. I heard he is popular with girls because of his looks!" JImin explained and that caught Jungkook's attention.

"Oh! Is that so? We gotta see who this new one is!" Jungkook smirked and Jimin knew that he has something evil in his mind. But that's something so normal for him to behave like that so he shrugged it off.

Just like that, the day ended with Jimin and Jungkook bickering over small nothings and you scolding them in class now and then.

It was a nice evening with colours of orange and purple scattered around in weird shapes in the sky that formed a beautiful sight for eyes.

Jungkook and Jimin were both sitting on Jungkook's car's bonnet, sipping onto some cold drinks. It was their normal chill out time.

"Jungkook-ah! I thought we could go to some clubs this weekends, why are you not coming?" Jimin whined and almost choked on his drink because of that.

"Jimin-ie pabo! You forgot again that I have tutoring lessons with Ms Kim?! How can I miss those- I mean she would kill me if I miss it!" Jungkook laughed and Jimin just silently chuckled at his friend's silly behaviour.

"Oh, okay, okay, bro! I thought you weren't serious about that tutoring thing?! That's why I said!" Jimin said and shrugged his shoulders, while Jungkook just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Oh! What am I seeing right now? Isn't that Ms Kim? Who is she with?!" Jimin exclaimed loudly, catching Jungkook's attention.

"Hm? Where?" Jungkook dumbfounded-ly looked around and sat up straight on his place.

"In front of the school building gates! Isn't that the new teacher we talked about?" Jimin said and stood up from the car.

Jimin saw Jungkook's eyes focused on you. He could practically see what was going on inside his friend's mind but he wouldn't dare state it out!

You and Mr Choi were walking towards the school gates while talking. It must look like you guys were so friendly with each other already, if seen from afar. This made Jungkook wonder more about this new teacher.

"What was his name again? Choi Yeonjun, they said? He isn't all that charming as people claim him to be!" Jungkook scoffed and his eyes shone with something furious.

Was that jealousy?!

Jimin laughed at Jungkook's words and just then Jungkook realised what he just said in the heat of the moment!

"Jungkook, you sound like a jealous boyfriend! Wow! I never thought I'll see this day when you will- ouch!" Jimin started with his teasing again but got stopped by Jungkook's hand coming in contact with his neck as he fake strangled him.

"Okay, okay! Stop please, I can't breathe!" Jimin exclaimed while still laughing and Jungkook let him go with a scoff.

"They are gone already, shall we go too? Mr Jealous boyfie!" Jimin said and started running for the sake his dear life as he knew Jungkook very well.

Don't worry, they made up at the end and went home together by Jungkook's car.

Another day!

You didn't think, you would end up running into Jungkook on your way to school.

"I'm going to tutor you this weekend too, so don't run off anywhere and stay home, okay?" You asked while entering the school building.

"Of course, I remember!" he sighed and chuckled.

"Hey, Ms Kim! Good morning." a voice stated from behind and they both turned their heads towards the captivating voice.

"Oh hey! Morning too, Mr Choi!" you greeted him with a smile, but Jungkook's jaw clenched at that.

Yeonjun bowed a little with a smile and turned towards Jungkook who was busy digging imaginary holes into Yeonjun's skull with his eyes.

"And you..." Yeonjun trailed off with a smile and turned his head towards you, anticipating some answers.

"Oh, he is Jeon Jungkook! One of my students from my class." you said and he hummed.

"Just a student? She is wrong Mr Choi, I'm her favorite student, ain't I Ms Kim?" Jungkook exclaimed in a whining tone and smiled brightly showing off his bunny teeth that made your heart tingle in a way you couldn't describe.

"Ah! O-of course you are!" you stated confusingly and smiled awkwardly at Yeonjun who just laughed it off.

Jungkook smirked looking at your confused state and waved at you indicating he is leaving to his class now, to which you just nodded and also walked to the staff-room with Mr Choi.

What's wrong with this boy lately?!

You sighed and tried to focus on your work.

"You?! Again? I swear Jungkook, when will you stop causing troubles?" you shook your head as you found him leaning onto the classroom window. That means, he again got a punishment!

You wondered how Jimin gets away from these punishments,  because those two are always attached to the hip and does all the mischievous things together, then why do you never find him with Jungkook in all the punishments?!

"Why Ms Kim? You are concerned because now you have to stay here with me and won't be able to go with Mr Choi?" he laughed sarcastically and walked towards you.

"What are you talking about?" you asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Didn't you go home with him yesterday too? So I assumed you must be feeling bad cuz today you have to stay here." he said in a calm voice but his eyes were fixed on yours. He came forward where you were standing at the door, slowly making his way, while your heart did flips even though you tried to keep it cool.

Your heart has been behaving weirdly too! Does it have some connections with Jungkook? Both keep behaving strange lately!

You should stop with your silly thoughts!

So lost in thoughts, you flinched when found yourself so close to him. What's with him and these dramatic postures?!

"Why are you not saying anything Ms Kim?" he breathed heavily above your nose that made you shiver.

"Why do you keep forgetting that I'm your teacher? You shouldn't be doing this right now and you don't have any rights to ask me about my personal life." you uttered with greeted teeth.

"I haven't crossed my boundaries yet! If I do then, I'm sure you won't be able to take it. I don't care about the rights you're talking about anyway." he slammed his hand on the wall beside your ear. You gulped at his expressions.

"Stop it, Jungkook. You are making me confused." you closed your eyes in frustration.

He stepped back swiftly and allowed the air to flow freely into your lungs.

He is making you confused?

Hell! He, himself is confused by his own actions.

He defeatedly sat down on one of the seats while you awkwardly went to sit on your chair.

After some time~

A knock was heard on the door making you avert your attention towards it.

The door opened and Mr Choi emerged from there. Shouldn't he be gone home by now?

"Uh, can I have some of your time Ms Kim?" he said hesitantly and just stood there awkwardly.

Why is he so awkward suddenly? He is so friendly all the time, and suddenly...

"Oh sure!" you said and glanced towards Jungkook. He was silently scribbling something in his notes furiously.

You thought for a second and decided to just talk with Mr Choi there in the classroom.

"You can talk to me here, don't mind him. So what did you wanted to say?" you gestured towards Jungkook who was immersed in doing something in his notes.

Mr Choi nodded and stepped forward. He looked so nervous.

"Ms Kim, I just- uh wanted to ask you something." he smiled nervously and was talking in a very low voice.

"Yes, tell me, don't hesitate." you assured him, giving him some courage.

"So, the thing is that if you are free this weekend then- uh, would you like to- " he was talking in a very small voice that even you had problems listening to what he was saying, but a snapping sound disturbed him midway.

A snapping sound? More like a sound of some pencil breaking into half.

Before you could comprehend what just happened, a screeching sound of chair was heard and you saw Jungkook was now standing there looking at you both with his jaw clenched.

Before you could ask him anything, he stormed off outside of the classroom after taking all his things.

You stood there stunned, so did Mr Choi.

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