31. It's just a kiss

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What just happened?!

You couldn't comprehend what the hell just took place! As long as you know, nothing happened that can trigger him this much!

"What happened to him so suddenly?" Mr Choi said blankly. You shook your head with a blank expression too, letting him know that you also don't know what happened!

You shrugged your shoulders and turned towards him, "So, what were you saying Mr Choi?"

"Uh, just that if you're free this weekend then, I wanted you to help me with something. Ah- you can always deny if you want to I will not force you! I'm just-" he panicked and it was shown in his movements, as his fingers kept fumbling with each other.

"Ah! First of all, calm down, please." you gently held his fumbling hands and smiled to assure him.

"Now, say, what is it? I'll surely help you if I can!" you said by which he calmed down a little and you let go of his hands.

"It's just- will you come with me to my friend's engagement party as m-my date? I don't have anyone that I can ask, that's why I'm asking you!" he hesitantly said and looked at you with unstable eyes. He was constantly looking around in nervousness.

"Oh!" that was all you said because you were speechless. You didn't see this coming at all.

"About that, I... I actually have some tutoring sessions this weekend! But um, if you really need me then I will see what I can do!" you chuckled awkwardly and looked around. The air felt heavy.

"It's okay if you can't make it! I can understand." he said and scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry! I will surely tell you if I can manage something, don't worry." you said to ease up the mood. He nodded and waved at you before heading out of the class.

You blankly stared at the classroom door in shock. This was the second time in a day that you got shocked.

While on the other side~

"So, you are saying, you just ran off?!" Jimin gasped in surprise.

"What? No! I didn't run off! I was just- I don't know what happened!! It's probably because she was supposed to teach me this weekends, but now I'm sure she will go with that new teacher!" he scoffed at the memory running through his mind.

"How are you so sure about it? And, why does it bother you so much, huh?" Jimin asked with a teasing smile.

"I don't care about what she is doing- it's just that, this time I really wanna score better, so I need those lessons." Jungkook finished off with a nervous scratch on his cheek.

"Oh, really? Then I think you should just ask her directly, if she can make it or not! It's simple." Jimin shrugged his shoulders with sass.

"Ahh! No, just leave it! I don't care anymore!" Jungkook sighed heavily and bid goodbye to Jimin before cutting the call.

His body slumped down on the soft bed and he exhaled a breath. What is he going to do now-

With his heart?

Eh, nope! He probably doesn't even know what his heart wants... yet!

"Yep! I'll be there in a while just wait for five minutes." Jungkook hurriedly said to Jimin who kept calling him.

He swiftly grabbed his keys and went downstairs. He wore his converse and was about to open the door when he heard the doorbell going off.

Who could it be?

With frowned eyebrows, he opened the door just to be surprised.

"What are you doing here, Ms Kim?" he asked, bewildered.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? You forgot again? I'm here to tutor you." you said in an obvious tone.

"N-no I didn't forget! But I thought you would be busy doing something more important than this!" his still surprised eyes looked funny but you controlled your smile which threatened to break out on your lips.

"Wait- are you going somewhere? How can you, Jungkook?" you fake scolded him and he just rolled his eyes at you.

"But, I've already made plans! How can I cancel on my friend? He would feel hurt miss, please understand." he whined and showed you his puppy eyes, trying to make you fall for his tactics.

At first, he didn't want to go anywhere and actually wanted to study. But after he thought you probably won't come, he changed his mind.

He is seriously so unpredictable!

"And who is that friend? Jimin, right? I know him, he won't feel hurt, hm?" you sweetly said to him but he knew that it was sarcastic.

"Come on Ms Kim! Please, let me go this time!" he whined and ran his hand through his hair, which seemed to be slightly wet. He probably showered recently. That move distracted you for a second but you composed yourself.

"Jungkook, I literally rejected someone's request and came here because I was supposed to be here today. I left everything, so that your studies will not interrupt. And you are saying that you don't want to study? I don't know anything, you have to study today! And that's final." you stubbornly stated and pushed him aside before entering into his house.

'Oh, so she didn't go with him after all?!' he concluded it in his mind which made him happy somehow.

He whined again but you just ignored his attempts of protest.

"I will definitely study tomorrow, Ms Kim! Please let me go today?" he pleaded again that made you sigh.

"That's a No! Don't be a baby, Jungkook! You're nineteen, for god's sake!" you exclaimed as you were so done with him, while he just pouted at your words.

"Don't sulk like that! How about I give you a reward when you finish your assignments?" if he wants to be a baby, then you also tried to make him understand as if he was actually a baby.

"What? A reward?" he was confused at first but smirked when he found it interesting.

"I want you to give me anything I want as a reward! If you agree, then I'll study." he crossed his arms on his chest that made him look so tall and intimidating, not that he wasn't already!

"Okay, okay, I'll give anything you want, just don't ask for something like, I want no tutoring sessions for life time or anything like that!" you said that earned a chuckle from him, making you smile as well.

"I won't! Now, shall we start?" he said enthusiastically and ran to his room. You shook your head at his excitement and followed him inside his room as well.

Unlike the other times when you went to his room, this time his room was a mess!

Did a tornado hit his room or something?

Looking at your expressions, he understood your current mental state and laughed nervously.

"I was searching for a perfect outfit so it got messy a little bit! Don't mind it!" he said and made some space for both of you to sit down on the study table.

"It's okay! Just don't forget to clean it up afterwards!" you sat down on the chair as he nodded and started opening his books.

After sometime, when he was so engrossed in solving the questions, but suddenly blurted out-

"Oh, Ms Kim! How about you give me something after everytime I get the answer right?" his eyes sparkled.

"But I don't have anything that I can give you like that!" you reasoned and he made an 'o' face before thinking something again.

"Don't worry! You can just give me a kiss after each question I solve! How about it?!" you could have sworn, your heart did something funny just now!

Why did it tingle?!

His eyes weren't helping either, how does his eyes look so innocent?! Also his lips that were tugged upwards from the corners in a charming yet teasing smile, as if mocking you!

"What?! Why and how would I give you a kiss? Are you insane?" you nearly yelled at him because of nervousness. Your heart kept drumming inside your chest.

"Why not? It's just a friendly kiss! I'm not asking you to kiss me on the lips! Wait- you didn't just misunderstand me, did you? I was talking about a cheek kiss. That's as innocent as a baby!" he cooed at the end of his sentence.

It's like, he has determined that he would tease the shit out of you one day!

Your cheeks became a shade that resembled a setting sun in the sky! He laughed at your silliness but you smacked his arm to shut him up.

"Even if it's a cheek kiss, why would I give you that?! I don't see any logic in this." you said, and Jungkook's notebook was long forgotten by now as he concentrated on how to get you to do what he says.

"Don't worry, You will see the logic after this!" he said smugly and dropped his pen, the one he had in his hand, on the table.

His hands made their way behind your chair, as he pulled your chair closer to him.

"Yaah! What are you doing, Jungkook?" a little screech left your mouth but he didn't care and kept his hands on the armrest of your chair.

You put your hands on his forearms and tried to push him but instead, he grabbed your arms gently and slowly trailed his hands on your arms, going upwards.

Your eyes dilated and was stuck on him. His face looked so serious as his hands gripped on your shoulders. He kept his hands there on your shoulders and came closer towards you.

With one quick move, his hand grabbed your chin and made you look sideways, and his lips landed on your left cheek.

It was not just a quick innocent peck! He made sure to actually kiss your cheek, that made a smooching sound ever so quietly.

He sat back properly on his chair, grinning as if he won a world class championship just now. While on the other hand, you were too stunned to speak anything so just kept staring at nothing at particular.

The feeling of his lips on your cheek was still lingering and fresh inside your mind. You felt like screaming. How can you even describe this feeling?

Was that giddiness?! Because you felt like you could gladly dig a hole, hide yourself inside it, and never come back.

"W-what was that? " you asked but your voice came out as a mere whisper!

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