32. Rosy Cheeks

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"W-what was that?" you asked but it came out as a mere whisper.

"Do you see the logic in that now, Ms Kim?" he said in kind of a seductive voice that shook you up from inside.

You stayed put on your place, without saying anything because of the shock. He stared at you in anticipation of any expressions, but didn't get any.

"Chill! I'm just joking! But still- I really want a kiss after every question I solve! Can't you do it? Please?!" he said and looked at you with a frowny face.

"N-no! How can I? Are you insane? Just finish your work!" you said and looked away from him.

"But, you said you will give me anything I want! You are being unfair! You have to do it, or I'm not studying today!" he said and threw his signature smirk at you, making you sigh.

"You will never change, will you? I'll do it! Happy now?" you gave up soon, knowing how stubborn he can be at times!

"See! That wasn't hard, was it?" he shrugged his shoulders in a cool manner.

"Okay, okay! Now concentrate on the questions or you ain't getting any kisses!" uou scolded him and he began writing without saying a word. Just saying those words out loud felt weird and tingly.

The room was so silent with just his pen scratching against the white sheet of paper. His room was situated at the very far end of the house, making it even calmer. The window was open, which made it easier for you to see outside.

He kept writing silently, not looking up for a single time that gave you a nice opportunity to look at his focused face. His lips were tugged in a little pout as he concentrated with his whole heart.

This was probably the only time he was this calm and not making any trouble. His hair was now grown a little more and teased his eyebrows. His hair dangled and softly fluttered like cherry blossoms whenever he shook his head a bit too hard.

His pretty fingers held the pen and he kept playing with it while thinking. The tattoos on his hand couldn't hide the fact that he had delicate and slender fingers. It was just so pretty to look at.

His eyes were hidden in the depth of his raven black hair, which was a bit messy but still looked soft. You almost wished you could run your hand through that fluffy hair and play with them the way you want.

Maybe because of sensing your stare, his head turned towards you and his eyes gazed into yours. You unconsciously bit on your lip out of habit, driving his attention to it in the process.

"Stop it, Ms Kim!" he said in a small voice.

"Huh?" you asked while still looking into his strangely attractive eyes that held you captive.

"I said, stop doing it!" he again said, but this time it was no more than a breathy whisper. He scooted dangerously close to you.

You kept on staring, not knowing what he was talking about. Your lips were still clasped by your teeth.

"Argh! I warned you, Ms Kim!" he groaned and attached his lips to yours in a flash, sucking your lower lip desperately as if his life depended on it.

The thumping heart of yours was now an understatement at this point.

What was happening?

His eyes were closed shut while you had your eyes opened like a damn saucer! His hands found their way to your cheeks, holding your face close.

You were in a maze, you felt dizzy to the soul.

He devoured your lips as if he owns them! His uneven, yet so kissable lips felt too amazing on yours, it tasted sickeningly sweet.

But you shouldn't be doing this-

He hummed in between the kiss, while his lips were still on yours, which sent vibrations down your mouth, making you shiver. He pulled away, just a little, to breathe. Red blush, decorating your cheeks, that was a sight to see for him.

"M-Ms Kim!" his breathy voice was so hot. That nearly felt like a moan, it sounded so sinful.

"W-why... why did you do that?" your voice felt heavy to your own ears.

"Ms Kim!" he called again.

Why is he ignoring your question?

"Ms Kim?" he shook your shoulder, making you flinch.

"Huh?" you dumbfounded-ly looked at him when he stared at you with confused eyes.

"Help me with this question here! I can't do it." he said and pointed towards the question sheet.

The trance broke.

What was that?

Your eyes went wide in realisation when you got it clear in your mind.

Was that some kind of hallucination?

How can you hallucinate something like this?!

"Ms Kim? Are you there? What's wrong?" he asked and bent his head a little, gazing at you worriedly when he didn't get any reply.

"Huh? No, I'm okay! Show me the question." you gulped down the saliva before focusing on the question.

You didn't dare glance at him, as you knew that won't be helpful to your situation right now.

"Oh! That was easy!" he exclaimed and began writing down the solution after you explained him.

You were still so shaken, but tried to calm down.

"So, Ms Kim! Where is my reward?" his tongue grazed his lips flawlessly, as he stared at you with anticipation in his eyes.

When did he start being soft?

He didn't know.

But that was the least concerning thing for him right now.

You didn't have any choice, but to listen to him as you already told him, you'll give him anything he wants.

You nodded and gently put your hand on his shoulder, guiding your face closer to his. You attached your lips softly to his cheeks before pulling away.

"Happy now, you big baby? I don't know how people are afraid of you. You're literally just a human bunny." you shrugged it off, trying to sound normal, and ruffled his hair.

Something you wanted to do so badly!

Oh, he loves it when you do it, too!

He smiled and shook his head before resuming his work. That was a genuine smile, that made your heart feel like it was floating in the air.

"By the way, Ms Kim, what did Mr Choi tell you that day? Uh- I'm just curious!" he laughed and kept his head down, as he was still writing down the solutions.

"Huh? Why do you want to know that? That was nothing serious anyways." you shrugged and he nodded his head.

"But, why did you run away from there, huh?" you arched a brow, questioning him.

He stopped writing and stayed still for a moment. You can literally see the wheels turning inside his head to find an answer to your question.

"Oh, that day? Uh, I suddenly remembered I had to go give Jimin some jams urgently! Yeah!" he nervously laughed at his own words.

"Oh," was all you said and he nodded again.

"So, did you give him?" you asked, dumbfounded.

"Ah, that's actually- I accidentally lost it somehow, so he is still jamless." he said, somehow being a little embarrassed because, obviously, all he said was total bullshit. How did you even believe his nonsense?

"Oh, okay, okay! Buy him new ones next time." you said and he muttered an okay.

Sometimes, you feel like, you also become an innocent little kid when you are around him.

Some encounters that you had with him, even if they were so embarrassing but that helped you feel comfortable around him in some way. That's only because you knew, he just likes to play around. He doesn't have any bad intentions towards you.

The thought itself made you forget about everything, which traced a smile on your lips.

That day, you spent half of your daily twenty-four hours with him. Laughing, smiling, scolding him, praising him or yeah, even kissing him numerous times on his rosy cheeks that you kind of started to like the feeling of his cheeks on your lips.

What if it was his lips instead of his cheeks?

The thought made your insides churn with unfamiliar emotions.


You didn't expect that did you?
The chapter went soft to hot then funny and then again soft- >.<
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