8. Double trouble

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"Sure, I'll do it." Jungkook said and soon resumed his work.

"Thank you so much, Jungkook." you said with a smile to which he just nodded giving you a glance before cleaning the floor with the broom.

You returned to your work, too. Not wanting to waste any more time.

An hour passed by with them both working silently, except for the occasional noise of Jungkook rustling the chairs and putting them back in their place.

You were almost done with your work, one last look on the paper and it was done. You looked at Jungkook who seemed to be done with his work too.

"Are you done, Jungkook?" you asked looking at him waiting for his response as you stood up from your chair, stretching your arms a bit after gathering your belongings.

"Oh, yeah, I'm almost done. I'll just put these stuff on its place back." he turned his head towards you after listening your voice.

"Okay then, let me help you in that so we can go home together." you said and walked towards him.

"No, it's okay, you don't have to do it. You should go home first, I'll be okay on my own." Jungkook said hastily trying to make you understand that he would be okay.

Why is he even trying be nice? The dare is already over, he can just do whatever he want, right? but he was tired from all the cleaning, he just wanted to go home and sleep till morning. He was lazy to argue so he let her do whatever she wants.

"I know you'll be okay but I still want to help you besides I can't just go home while you're working here, doesn't matter if this is your punishment. You are younger than me and my student so I have to make sure you get home safe, okay, little boy?!!" you said while walking towards him and ruffled his hair at the last words. Second time a day now.

He wasn't the type to get carried away like this, he is more of a tough hearted boy but seems like he just couldn't control the blush taking over his cheeks. Something stirred inside him when you touched his hair and called him 'little boy'.

Congratulations: New kink *unlocked*

He didn't know what to say so he just nodded reluctantly and your lips tugged upwards taking the duster from his hands, brushing your fingers on his in the process. You walked away to the front where the other cleaning stuff was, he just stood there looking at you but soon came back to his senses and walked in your direction.

You both took all the stuff and put back into the janitor's closet.

"Ms Kim, you go ahead. I forgot my jacket in the classroom. Don't wait for me, I'll be okay." he said and ran towards the classroom without waiting for your response.

He took the jacket and hung it on his shoulder, feeling too hot to put it on And made his way outside the school. He thought you would have left by now until he saw you at the school gates.

It was already so late at evening, the sun has set. The birds might have returned to their nest by now. It wasn't that dark but it soon would be.

"I told you we'll go together. Let's go now, It's already so late. Make sure you don't get punishments again okay, young boy?" you said seeing his confused face, walking side by side with him towards the bus stop.

"You didn't have to wait but thanks anyways and okay I'll be careful next time." he said caressing his nape with his hand, cursing Jimin in his mind as he had to suffer alone this all time and also had to talk with you, if Jimin would have been there then he would have done all the talking and Jungkook wouldn't have to talk.

It's not like he hated it but it just felt weird to him. He never had to talk so nicely to anyone, he wasn't used to it but that stupid dare made him do all this, and now he was sure you think of him as a normal high school student, which he is but just with a spicy twist that you don't know, yet.

The day felt so long today but finally you were back home. And drifted off to sleep as soon as you slumped down on your bed after dinner.

Yo bro! I got it. I got it. You won't believe me! I'm so happy >_<

Bad bunny
You ungrateful brat... I had to suffer alone because of you and you are celebrating here all happy. I'm so pissed rn.

I'm sorry bro, I'll make it upto you don't worry. Say... what do you want ? I'll give it to you my dear friend. ( ˘ ³˘)

Bad bunny
Eww, don't pout like that. I had double trouble today because I wasn't alone, there was Ms.kim too. And I had to behave nicely
of course.
You just wait jiminssi, I'll tell you when I need something 😏

Woah! Ms.kim?!!!
I need details bro.
But what's with that smirk huh!?
( read at 10:58 pm )

Yaah! Don't leave me on read.
Nevermind I'll see you tomorrow. 😤

Jungkook tossed his phone on his bed somewhere after reading Jimin's last message, mind thinking about possible ways he can make Jimin suffer after all the things he went through today.

Laying on his bed, unknowingly, his mind wandered to the time when you ruffled his hair. He runs his hand through his hair with a smirk on his perfect lips but closes his
eyes trying to sleep and stop thinking stupid stuff.


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