9. So obedient

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"Jungkookie!" someone called his name so sweetly like the honey would start dripping from the voice. He couldn't really get where the voice was coming from, but it sounded kinda familiar. The voice came from a bit afar.

"Kookie baby! Look at me, pretty boy!" the sweet voice called again. His surroundings seem blurry and he can't tell properly but from his vision, it looked like... classroom?

Now, the voice seemed to be nearing him, but he couldn't even understand what was happening. The voice sounded so lovely to his ears as if luring him with a sweet honey dripping voice.

"Open your mouth, baby boy! Be a good boy and eat these tasty cookies. See, I made them specially for you, my kookie." As if he was hypnotized by the voice, he opened his mouth obediently.

A delicate hand comes in his sight and soon, he can feel a warm hand on his left cheek. He seems to be in a maze; everything is blurry, only the voice sounds clear. He felt something in his mouth, which he assumed was a cookie.

He started chewing on it but he couldn't taste it but just feel it.

"Do you like it, baby boy?" The voice said again and he unknowingly nodded his head.

"Oh, look at you clumsy bunny, can't even eat properly. You got the crumbs on your lips all over. Let me help you clean it." The last sentence made him come out of the sweet trap that he was in. He could feel a warm aura around him as if someone was approaching him. close. Very close.




"Yaah!!! WAKE UP!!!" Someone yelled near his ear, almost ripping his eardrums off.

And he woke up like he was struck by a storm. Looking around him frantically, and when it finally clicked that he is in his bedroom, his hand flew to his face, facepalming in frustration.

Wait- was that a dream he just saw?
Holy sh-

What the actual heck just happened ?!

"Yaah! I walked all the way to your house and you are still sleeping?! Wake up now you seaweed." Jimin said more like scolded Jungkook who still wasn't fully awake. He probably wasn't even aware of his existence. Poor boy, I know right.
No. You're wrong if you think of him as a poor boy.

"Shut the fuck up and seaweed? Seriously?! I thought I finally found my freedom but I forgot I have a friend named Park fucking Jimin." Jungkook spat at his friend, standing up and going into the bathroom.

Told you so. He ain't your poor boy.

Jimin just smirked knowing, now that his friend has come back in his original character, life is gonna be colorful once again. And he's looking forward to it.

He sat on the bed, waiting for Jungkook to finish his morning routine while looking through his phone for a time pass.

Jungkook closed the bathroom door behind him. Leaning over the wash basin, looking into the mirror.

That voice... it felt so familiar yet so unknown. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to shrug off that dream from his mind. It's just a dream anyway. A weird dream.

"Are we taking the bus?" Jimin asked as Jungkook closed the main door.

"Of course not." Jungkook smirked, looking over at Jimin, who just mirrored his expressions.

"Let's burn the road then." Jimin said as they both went to the driveway where the cars were parked.

"My hands were kinda itching from not being able to touch the steering wheel for whole fucking two days." Jungkook said with a chuckle.

They both got in the sports car that jungkook ownes, a birthday gift from his dad, he said. A nice way to flaunt, I see.

A black sports car came in from the school gates, slicing the air around it and the wheels screeching when it came to a stop.

It was almost time for the school gates to be closed but there were still some students present there who began whispering among themselves looking at the oh so familiar scene.

"Hey, look they are back again."
"They are back !!"
"I told you they can't be silent for much longer."
"I wonder which trouble is waiting today for us ?"

Students can't help but murmur looking at the scene unfold before their eyes. It was anything but new for them.

They both got out of the car in their full glory. And went inside the school campus without giving a shit about the stares they were receiving.

"What about the breakfast bro?" Jimin said with a sly smile on his face as they both made their way towards the classroom.

"What else! It should be ready for us otherwise..." Jungkook replied to Jimin and then trailed off smirking.


"Make way for them, quickly, If you don't want your reputation crushed." some random boy whisper yelled at his friend.

They both made their way inside the hallway. Walking as if they owned the school.

Some of you must be thinking why are they always together! The answer is, cuz they are best friends, duh !

"Did you again forget to bring my breakfast, buddy?" Jungkook asked a boy who was looking down fidgeting his fingers nervously.

The boy was beyond scared to utter a word and just nodded his head while mouthing a sorry which was merely above a whisper.

"Oh! How sad ! You know I really like the cupcakes your mom makes in your pretty little bakery, don't you?" Jungkook said while glaring at the poor boy who was at the verge of crying now.

"Let him go bro. He can bring our breakfast tomorrow and buy us lunch today, probably tomorrow, too. Hmm?" Jimin said chuckling a little as he tapped the boy's shoulder signaling him to look up. Jungkook just smirked knowing the boy is gonna cry now for sure.

Jungkook doesn't understand why, but it's just so fun to mess with people like that.

The boy looked up hesitantly scared by the outcome of not obeying them.

"What? cat got tour tongue?" Jungkook said glaring at him.

"I-I'm sorry. I will do whatever you say. Please let me go." he said while tears began to pool in his eyes. Those two who stood towering that poor boy, laughed looking at him.

"since you are so obedient, I'll let you go this time. And also I'm happy today so consider yourself lucky." Jungkook said putting a hand around his shoulder making him flinch.

The students who circled around them scattered while whispering things that was obviously about those two.

"What is going on here, everyone?" A silky smooth voice erupted from the crowd of students, drawing Jungkook's attention.

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