Chapter 20

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(Readers POV)

Today is the start of the Vytal Festival Tournament! I'm watching team RWBY's fight with team ABRN.

(Y/N): Come on team RWBY! You can do it!

I shouted from the seats. I looked over and saw team JNPR a few seats away from me. I got up and went up to them.

(Y/N): Hey guys.

Jaune: Hey (Y/N). How are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm doing fine. I hope you four are enjoying the tournament so far.

Pyrrha: It's so much fun to watch and cheer your friends on.

Nora: Take their heads!

I see Nora is very... Supportive of her friends. I continued to watch the fight. I saw that team ABRN only have three members left. Blake threw one end of her weapon at Yang. She caught it. Yang started to run and get a lot of momentum. Blake whipped Yang at the three members. Yang punched all three of them at once, knocking them out of the arena.

Yang: Yes!

Port: And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!

Everyone in the crowd started to cheer. Blake looked around and saw me. I gave her a thumbs up, causing her to smile and wave at me. Team RWBY walked out of the arena.

Jaune: That was a great fight.

(Y/N): Yeah it was. Let's go congratulate them.

Team JNPR nodded and they stood up from their seats.

(The Fairgrounds)

Me and team JNPR are walking around the fairgrounds, looking for team RWBY.

Nora: I'm getting hungry.

(Y/N): We still have to find Ruby and her team.

Nora: But I can't search with an empty stomach.

Ren: We should get something to eat. I'm getting hungry too.

Jaune: That sounds like a good idea. What should we get to eat?

I looked around at the many different stands that are selling food. I saw one selling noddles.

(Y/N): You all in the mood for noodles?

Pyrrha: Noodles sounds great right now.

Jaune: Yeah, I can go for some.

(Y/N): Looks like we're getting noodles.

Me and team JNPR walked over to the noodle stand and we all ordered a bowl. The old man quickly made the bowls and gave us to them.

(Y/N): That was quick.

Were these bowls already made? I'm now having second thoughts about eating this. Jaune pulled out his wallet and paid for the meal. I was about to eat my noodles, but I heard talking to my right.

Yang: This is the place.

Team RWBY walked up to the food stand. They noticed me and everyone else here.

Yang: Hey guys. Did you like the show we put on?

Nora: I'd give it a seven out of ten. There should've been more bloodshed.

Ren: I don't think there was any bloodshed.

Nora: Six out of ten.

(Y/N): I liked it.

Jaune: You four were amazing!

Ruby: Oh stop it. It wasn't that impressive.

Team RWBY sat down and ordered their food. Blake nodded at the old man and he went through a door. He came out of the other door and put a bowl filled with fish and noodles in front of Blake. Blake gained stars in her eyes and she started to drool out of her mouth. I think I can hear her heart beat.

Weiss: I'll pay for this.

She pulled out her credit card and handed it to the old man.

Yang: Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion?

Weiss: Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round.

Her credit card was thrown back at Weiss. I looked and the old man is pointing at the cash register. It says that the card was declined.

Weiss: What?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!

Blake got a worried look on her face. The old man took her bowl of food. Blake had some tears fall from her eyes.

Pyrrha: It's fine. I can pay for you.

Yang: Aw, you don't have to

Blake: But she could!

Pyrrha: I think you all earned it after your match.

Pyrrha paid for their food and Blake got her fish noodles. Everyone started to eat their food. I was about to eat mine, but an idea came to mind.

(Y/N): Hey! Check this out!

Ruby: Is it a cool trick?!

I nodded my head. Everyone looked at me. I spat out some acid from my mouth and onto the noodles. The acid started to dissolve the noodles, making them liquid. I picked the bowl up and drank it all.

Nora: Wow!

Jaune: That's kinda gross.

Ruby: So cool!

(Y/N): Some insects use acid to break their food down so they can easily eat it. I do it sometimes when I'm bored.

Weiss: You must be bored a lot since you know you can do that.

I looked at Blake and she's eating her food. She must really like fish. I knew she liked fish before, but didn't know she liked fish that much. Everyone else eventually finished their noodles. I looked over at JNPR.

(Y/N): Aren't you four going to fight your match soon? You sure eating will be a good idea?

Pyrrha: It will give us energy.

I looked at Jaune. He's resting his upper body on the counter, looking like he's about to throw up what he ate. I patted him on the back, trying to make him feel better. I checked the time.

(Y/N): Your match is starting soon. You four should probably get a move on.

Nora: Yeah! Time to break some legs!

(Y/N): Good luck guys. You may need it.

I pointed at Jaune. Team JNPR stood up and walked away.

Ruby: We should get going too. I don't want to miss their fight!

Yang: Yeah. Our fight maybe a tough act to follow, but I'm sure they'll do just fine.

The five of us got up and started to make our way to Amity Colosseum. I went up next to Blake and held her hand.

(Y/N): Here's a gift for winning.

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Blake's cheeks went pink and she smiled at me.

Blake: It was nothing. You don't have to do that.

(Y/N): Don't lie to me. You like it. I bet you want another one, don't you?

Blake: Maybe.

I let out a light laugh and kissed her cheek. Blake gave me a kiss on the cheek in return.

(Y/N): Aw, you're just the sweetest.

Blake: I'm not that sweet.

(Y/N): Whatever you say, Kitty.

Blake's face went a deep red in embarrassment because of the nickname I gave her.

Blake: (Y/N)! N-Not now!

(Y/N): Sorry. Don't like the name?

Blake: Just don't call me it while people are around!

I smiled at Blake and nodded my head.

(Y/N): Alright. I promise.

Blake getting embarrassed is really adorable.

Yang: Are you two done being love birds in public yet?

(Y/N): Yang, you're just jealous that you aren't dating someone.

Yang: I can easily get a date.

(Y/N): Doubt it.

I mumbled. Blake heard me and giggled. I noticed Yang giving me a death stare.

Yang: You know I heard that, right?

Yang readied her weapon, getting ready to fight me. I grew some wings on my back and flew up into the sky.

Yang: Hey! Get down here so I can punch you!

(Y/N): I'll see you guys at the colosseum!

I waved bye to them and flew towards Amity Colosseum.

(Chapter 20 end)

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