Chapter 21

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(Blake's POV)

Team JNPR just finished their fight and they won pretty easily. Everyone cheered for their victory.

(Y/N): That was a great fight.

Blake: Yeah.

I looked at (Y/N). He noticed me staring and looked at me confused.

(Y/N): Is something wrong?

Blake: Are you even fighting in the tournament at all?

He shook his head no.

(Y/N): Trust me, I begged Ozpin to let me fight, but I'm not technically a part of a team. It really sucks that I could participate.

I put my hand on his hand. I gave him a warm smile.

Blake: I would've loved to see you fight. You would probably win the tournament all by yourself.

(Y/N): Hehe. Maybe that's why Ozpin didn't let me join the tournament.

Blake: Maybe.

(Y/N) raised my hand to his face and planted a kiss on it.

(Y/N): You really are a lovely woman.

My face heated up from his sudden compliment. He smiled at me, causing my heart to beat faster. (Y/N) leaned towards me and kissed my cheek.

Blake: Stop please. Not now.

(Y/N): What? You don't like me showing you affection?

Blake: N-No! Of course not! Just not in public!

(Y/N): Ooohhh. Got it.

He reached up to my head and started to rub one of my cat ears through the ribbon I'm wearing. My heart started to beat even faster. It feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. I swatted (Y/N)'s hand away.

Blake: Stop with the teasing!

(Y/N): Ok ok. I'll stop. Let's just enjoy the rest of the tournament.

(Y/N) looked up and saw a bullhead fly over Amity Colosseum. He grew a pair of wings and flew out of the colosseum.

Blake: (Y/N)! Where are you going?!

He didn't say anything back, or even look back at me. I know he can hear me. I sighed to myself and crossed my arms. Now I wish he was teasing me, so at least he would be next to me.

Blake: He can at least tell me when he will leave.

(Readers POV)

I flew down at where the bullhead landed. Something is just telling me to check it out. I saw a woman that looks like an older Weiss, guessing that's her sister, walk out of the bullhead, with some robots with her.

(Y/N): Why is there a lot of robots here? People aren't going to like that.

If this is James doing, then he should stop. People are going to freak out. I saw a man with black hair walk up to two of the robots from behind and destroyed them.

(Y/N): That's not good.

I landed on the ground and got in front of the man.

Qrow: What do you want, bird brain?

He said with a slight slur in his voice and I can smell alcohol in his breath. He's definitely drunk. This will be fine to deal with.

(Y/N): Listen. If you're going to be causing trouble, then I'll have to ask you to leave.

Qrow: Really? Make me then.

(Y/N): I'm not looking for a fight.

Qrow: I know I am.

Maybe if I hit him hard enough, it will knock the drunk out of him. I tried to punch him, but he moved out of the way. He smiled at me. He maybe drunk, but he's skilled. He reached behind him and pulled out a sword.

(Y/N): Just stop already and leave.

He slicked his hair back.

Qrow: Make me.

I flew up into the air and grew quills on my back. I turned around and shot them out at the drunk man. He blocked my quills with his sword. He jumped up and swung his sword down. It hit me and sent me down to the ground. I landed on my feet and jumped back. The drunk fell down and slammed his sword on the ground, breaking the concrete.

Winter: I order you two to stop!

I made my arm grow really long and pushed her away from the fight.

Qrow: Keep your eyes on the prize kid!

He swung his sword at me. I was barely able to dodge. The sword cut some of my shirt. I looked at the drunk in the eyes.

(Y/N): Think fast!

I shot blood out of my eyes. It hit him the face, causing him to close his eyes. I shut my eyes tight. That still hurts to do.

Qrow: Weird trick. I'm sure my niece would like that one.

(Y/N): Don't care about your family right now dude.

Qrow: Bet you're blind from that one. Leaves you wide open!

I heard his footsteps getting closer to me. I dodged his sword swings. I jumped up and kicked him in the face.

Qrow: Still able to fight while blind?

(Y/N): Ever heard of echolocation? I don't need my eyes to see.

I heard the sounds of gears turning. It's coming from his sword. What's he doing? I made a third eye on my forehead. I saw his sword changing form. It turned into a scythe.

(Y/N): What the?!

Qrow: Good night, bird brain.

He launched himself at me. I need to do something quick! I made some holes in my body and released steam from them, covering the area. I looked around, trying to find the drunk. I can hear him behind me. I turned around and saw the tip of his scythe in my face. The steam faded away.

Qrow: Tough luck.

Glynda: Qrow!

I looked past the man and saw Ozpin and Glynda walking up to us.

Ozpin: I see you made quite the crowd for your fight, (Y/N). You just couldn't hold yourself back, could you?

(Y/N): It was this drunk guy! He broke some of Ironwood's robots!

Qrow: It shouldn't matter. Not like they were sentient in the first place.

Glynda: You really are irresponsible Qrow!

(Y/N): You know this man?!

Ozpin: Everyone. If you're looking to watch fights, there is a tournament going on at Amity Colosseum. I trust you there are better seats and popcorn.

Everyone started to disperse. I looked at Qrow.

Qrow: What, bird brain?

(Y/N): You're named after a bird, I don't want to hear it.

I got rid of my wings.

Qrow: So this is the kid you've been training Oz?

Ozpin: He is.

Qrow: You sure? Wasn't much of a challenge.

(Y/N): I wasn't trying to kill you. You're drunk. You just caught me off guard with how much skill you have.

Qrow: You're saying you would beat me if you were serious?

(Y/N): Yeah, most likely.

Qrow: Ok, three eyes.

Qrow flicked the eye on my forehead.

(Y/N): Ow!

I got rid of it and held my forehead. Why does everyone have to hit me in the eyes?

Ozpin: Are you ok (Y/N)? You're bleed from the eyes.

(Y/N): I'm fine.

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision is somewhat blurry, but I can see.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow!

I looked over and saw a red blur on Qrow, hanging from one of his arms. I wiped my eyes and saw that the red blur is Ruby.

(Y/N): Wait, uncle?!

What has today become? I think I need to lay down. I sat down on the ground and took a few deep breaths. I saw Glynda walk up to me and wiped the blood off my face with a small towel.

Glynda: You have to stop it with the blood from the eyes. It can't be good for your health.

I just nodded my head.

Qrow: Think you can toss me that towel too? Kinda got some blood on me.

Glynda: Qrow! You are coming with me and Ozpin!

Qrow put Ruby down on her feet. He leaned towards her.

Qrow: I think I'm in trouble.

Qrow, Glynda, Ozpin, and older Weiss all walked off. I heard footsteps walked towards me. I turned around and saw Blake standing over me.

(Y/N): Hey Bla-

I got interrupted by her slapping me in the face. I held my cheek from the pain.

(Y/N): Why?

Blake: That's for leaving me behind!

(Y/N): Fair enough.

Blake: What happened to you? Did you get into a fight?

(Y/N): Maaaaybe.

(Chapter 21 end)

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