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Central City, Star Labs.

Inside the Time Vault is Harrison who is trying to figure out how that Arvan is Godspeed.

Harrison: "I never imagined that Arvan would become Godspeed. Gideon is there any theory to this possibility?" He said.

Gideon: "Unknown. The variables to this occurring are due to your actions when you came here to kill Barry Allen and killed Nora Allen instead I could not predict this" she said which Harrison sigh.

Harrison: "The Speed Force acts in mysterious ways such as Destiny. However my main concern is if Arvan Ramadan a threat to the Barry Allen or an ally" he said which is either good or bad to his situation.

Gideon: "It seems that Godspeed is an Ally to the Flash yet Arvan future isn't set in stone as it always changes. But one thing is certain. Arvan is the only Godspeed in this timeline" she said.

Meanwhile at CCPD.

Currently Barry is completely surprise to see Arvan being his new lab partner.

Barry: "Like is this official? Did Singh agree to this?  Can you even take a job as the CSI?" He said thinking logically.

Arvan: "Yeah plus he did say you're always late to crime scenes. How is that even possible man? I'm always on time" he said as being a speedster made things easier.

Barry: "Eh I sometimes got things on my mind" he said which Arvan sigh.

Arvan;: "Plus I got tons of science credentials. Thus I can get any scientific or any job I want. Thank you mom and dad" he said which Barry look at him with slight worry.

Barry: "Does they know about this?" He said referring to them having powers while taking a drink.

Arvan: "Sorry dude I don't roll that way" he said which Barry choke.

Barry: "I meant the speed?" He said trying to take some deep breaths.

Arvan: "I know but I want to tell them when I'm ready after all I just woke up recently" he said whicg Barry nod agreeing with the logic.

Barry: "Can't argued with that" he said.

Arvan: "Btw we got a break in" he said about to walk away which Barry look at him confused.

Barry: "What?" He said which Arvan sigh.

Arvan: "For a speedster your slow" he said as he leave.

A few minutes later.

"Same shoe size. Same shoe. That too many coincidences for a break in" Arvan said as both himself and Barry are at a crime scene.

Barry: "Why do I feel like I'm the assistant in this situation?" He said confused.

Arvan: "We both have different experiences so let's contribute" he said then Singh walk into the scene.

Singh: "Plus Arvan was here first. Anyway here the witnesses statements you ask for Arvan" he said giving Arvan a file.

Barry: "Why do we need witnesses statements?" He said confused which Arvan sigh.

Arvan: "Good to know where they went and what people saw. Keep up here buddy" he said which Barry groan at the speed joke.

Barry: "Are you trying to help me or take my job?" He said with curious yet serious.

Arvan: "Why do people always think that when I try to help them" he said then he see something that caught his attention.

"Here something strange: 'A man fuse with another man?" Arvan said which Singh chuckled.

Singh: "I know right? Someone must had too many drinks" he said walking away with a chuckle unaware that Arvan and Barry are looking at each other with serious looks.

Joe: "So what should we do?" He said walking up to them.

Arvan: "Where were you?" He said a bit confused since Joe would arrive earlier.

Joe: "damn traffic" he said which Arvan sigh familiar with the pain.

Arvan: "Btw this guy might be able to separate himself and clone himself" he said.

Barry: "That kinda cool" he said only to flinched when Arvan and Joe give him the look.

Eddie: "Hey I got the security cam footage downloaded. Hey Arvan" he said walking up with a black tablet then he notice Arvan while Singh walk up to the group.

Arvan: "Hey Eddie. Anyway we're looking for people with ten size shoes mostly men shoes" he said which Barry realize something.

Barry: "Hey don't you wear size ten?" He said to Singh who look at him while Arvan sigh.

Arvan: "Not so fast with his feet as he is with his mouth huh?" He said which Eddie, Joe and Singh laugh.

Singh: "Good work, it's a start" he said smiling at Arvan which surprised Barry while Singh, Joe and Eddie leave.

Barry: "I've never seen Singh smile why's he smiling with you" he said as he always thought Singh didn't like him.

Arvan: "I'm a likable guy" he said which Barry frown.

Barry: "Maybe too likeable" he whispered which Arvan look at him confused.

Arvan: "You say something?" He said.

Barry: "Nope just talking to myself" he said which Arvan shrugged.

Arvan: "Anyway I need to check something so take these back to CCPD" he said giving Barry the file then he check if anyone looking.

Once the coast is clear he sped towards Star labs.

A few minutes later.

Currently Arvan is looking at the broken cage where Grodd use to be.

Arvan: "Where are you buddy" he said worried while Harrison wheel on in.

Harrison: "Don't worry Arvan. I'm sure Grodd is safe" he said only for Arvan to glare at him.

Arvan: "Safe! Like how you thought that giving him to General Eiling as a test subject was a safe thing!" He said as he remembered how Harrison gave the gorilla while he was away yet despite him forgiving Harrison the man lost some of his trust.

Harrison: "Arvan. I know I made a massive mistake but I thought we were past that" he said which Arvan punch a wall unaware that it bent slightly.

Arvan: "I know but You took him without my say-so at all, like you thought you just could. Grodd wasn't yours, you didn't raise him as a baby, I did" he said remembering the past as he was looking into into the certain properties of plants as for certain experiments, but found a wounded baby gorilla and a adult dead female gorilla with the baby trying to make the female move, further down he found the body of a silverback gorilla with a gunshot wound to the head and other parts of its body. So he took the orphaned and terrified baby back home and nursed it back to help. He named him Grodd as he wouldn't answer to any other name. He also found out that he hates bananas, Cisco finding that out the hard way.

An: that part is from Purest Speedster.

Harrison: "I know Arvan and I apologized plus I have tried to make up for that mistake" he said which Arvan sigh then remember something.

Arvan: "Btw how the case going? After all Barry returns" he said surprising Harrison.

Harrison: "How'd you know that Barry returns?" He said.

Arvan: "Truth be told I don't know as I felt like I sense his presence" he said unaware that Harrison is panicking on the inside.

Harrison: "remarkable. It seem that you got some speedster sense like what Cisco called it" he said.

"If he is able to sense the speed force of speedsters then he might be able to sense my negative speed force" Harrison thought.

Arvan: "Lame name as only Barry and I are the known speedster so why do I need it?" he said which Harrison nod but on the inside he sigh with relief.

Arvan: "Anyway meet you there" He as he goes to speed off but groans and holds his head as he takes a knee.

"What the hell was that?" Arvan said to himself as he shook his head and got back up albeit shakily which Wells noticed then the two enter the cortex.

"Where Barry?" Arvan ask.

"A party with Iris." Caitlin said with a smirk as she saw it as a romantic comedy

Arvan chuckled before he got wobbly, as he used the table to catch himself making Cisco and Caitlin stop what they were doing

Arvan: "What's happening to me?" He said as Caitlin rushed to him and pressed a stethoscope into his chest doing an examination.

"My, my Dr. Snow I never knew you were so forward" Arvan said before blacking out but she caught him before he fell to the floor while Caitlin rolled her eyes.

Two hours later.

"You can't yell at me this just happened today" Arvan said as Caitlin was giving him a look as he woke up.

Caitlin::"Fine but you've been experiencing this all day, something you neglected to tell us." She said as she gave Barry a look that made him turn away in slight fear as Arvan noticed the two piles of I.V bags undoubtedly from him and Barry.

Cisco: "Ha, the famous Snow stare" he said as he chuckled.

Arvan: "We're not eating enough" he said with realization.

"Our bodies have been burning up calories like an powerful engine burns fuel we're not getting enough fuel in our bodies." Arvan said as they did a lot of physical movement when running

Cisco: "But Barry's fainting didn't start till today, that's like a week after he woke up and the thing with Mardon, why's Arvan being affected a day after waking up?" He asked as Barry had a week on being awake than Arvan.

Arvan: "Maybe I've been using my speed more or maybe Barry doesn't have a strong metabolism like me from before the accelerator" He said as he ate a lot before but was still in shape as he burned off calories faster than others, which is why he always needed to eat a lot.

Cisco: "Or maybe because you are faster? Although I do agree after seeing how you eat" He said thinking that could be a variable which seemed to make Barry slightly irritable being reminded he's not as fast as Arvan

Arvan: "Who's Mardon?" He asked, changing the subject.

Caitlin: "A criminal who could control the weather." She said with a smirk then she see Naruto's face.

"He's dead" Caitlin said as it wasn't their greatest moment but it was necessary.

Arvan: Like a Weather Wizard?" He said with a smirk.

Cisco: "Weather Wizard, nice!" He said loving the name

Harrison: "I missed these moments seeing the dynamic trio" He said confusing Barry.

"Dr. Snow, Cisco and Arvan always made quite the team, everyone always called them the dynamic trio." Harrison explained to Barry.

Arvan: "Uh… Where's Ronnie?" He asked making the temperature in the room drop both figuratively and literally as he felt a cold breeze

Barry: "Is there something wrong with the heat?" He asked, feeling the same chill.

Arvan "I'd go fix that hole in the building seriously how'd you work with that" he said pulling up the building schematics trying to change the subject

Caitlin: "Ronnie's gone, he died in the accelerator explosion" she said with a low sad voice

Arvan: "Damn…" he said sadly.

"Caitlin I'm so sorry" Arvan said berating himself for not asking sooner

Caitlin: "It's fine" she said her voice betraying her but everyone knew to drop it

Cisco: "Don't tell me Snowran is back?" He said, making Caitlin blush.

Caitlin: "I thought I told you to never call us that again." She said making Cisco laugh.

Barry: "Snowran?" He asked, wondering what that was.

Cisco: "Before Ronnie came along these two used to date, I'd call them that all the time just to tease Caitlin it was their celebrity couple name. Or what some people say, their shipping name." He said with a smirk

Barry:"How close are we talking?" Barry asked, teasing as Caitlin's blush increased as Arvan smirked.

Both: "Very." Cisco and Harrison said as Arvan and Caitlin didn't hide their relationship

Barry: "Dang how much action do you get?" He asked Arvan very jealous as he had way less girlfriends than someone his age should

Cisco: "More than most and that's not just with Caitlin." He said kinda jealous of Arvan.

Barry: "Why'd you break up?" He asked curiously

Both: "Conflicted schedules" Arvan and Caitlin said as they felt a drift when they worked on the accelerator, they ended it on good terms

Cisco: "Naw, Caitlin had some things come up and Naruto didn't want it to come between them so he let her go. Ronnie kinda came in when she came back. Ha, remember the way Arvan threatened Ronnie?" He said with a laugh as he remembered how protective Arvan was of her when Ronnie proposed to her threatening him if he hurt her he was as good as dead which Harrison chuckled.

Harrison: "That will always be etched in my mind." he said still laughing to this day

Caitlin: "I didn't think a man could lift another man like that" She said as she began to laugh remembering the time when things seemed simpler and when Arvan lifted Ronnie like a sack of sugar.

Arvan: "Remember when Ronnie accidentally walked into my lab when I was working with Kokuo?" He said as he was testing a horse

Cisco: "Ooh yeah, glad I wasn't the only one that horse didn't like."  said as Ronnie got kicked right in his chest something that almost happened to him.

Barry: "Do you have a farm here?" He asked everyone curiously as it seems like one with all the animals Arvan has.

Everyone: "no/yes/kinda" Everyone except Barry said their answers changing one from the next

Arvan: "Wait, reel it back, the fainting thing" he said as he wanted to know if his theory panned out

Caitlin: "Low glucose levels." She said reading their charts

Arvan: "Awesome so we need to eat as much as we burn" he said as they needed to make up for the difference so they could us their powers safely without risk of fainting

Cisco: "Yeah so not much different than how you eat now, Ramen guzzler." He said as Arvan had ramen cups all over his lab as he eats tons of it just like his mother does.

Caitlin: "You need calories to burn, not empty calories, gotta get your basic food groups. So we need to fashion a diet based on your metabolic changes" she said with a smirk seeing Arvan frown as she often stole some from him.

Barry: "Alright cool how much we talking?" He asked as Caitlin showed him something on her tablet.

"If we didn't have superspeed we'd be so fat" Barry  said with a smirk as he and Arvan shared a laugh

Cisco: "I can make something." He said getting a blank stare from Arvan

Arvan: "You also said you could make ramen and didn't deliver on it." He said as Cisco tried this in the past only for it to go up in smoke sometimes literally

Cisco: "That was ramen this is candy" he said with a forced smile

Arvan: "Ramen is literally just wheat, it's like cereal" he said shooting him down

Cisco: "I've done a few calculations. You'd need to eat an amount equal to 850 tacos. Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations." He said changing the subject from earlier.

Arvan: "Great now I'm hungry for tacos, thanks." He said and just as he was about to run off

Joe: "For Mexican, I recommend Tito's." He said walking in.

"On Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city" Joe said as Arvan then ran off coming back with a bag that said Tito's

Barry: "Thanks." He said taking a burrito from the bag or at least trying to as Naruto smacked his hand

Harrison: "Detective West, what brings you to S.T.A.R Labs?" He asked curiously.

Arvan: "The crime I'm guessing." He said as he guessed Joe showing up was something new.

Joe: "When I couldn't find you at your lab I started doing a little research. Turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings, and now there's talk about a white or gold one, I'm guessing that's you?" He said, looking at Arvan who nodded.

Arvan: "Yeah but speedy over here can't keep up." He said proudly making Barry groan

Joe: "He's faster than you?" He asked in surprise

Barry: "For now" he said intending to close the gap

Arvan: "For now he says" He said with a smirk meeting Barry's challenge

Harrison: "You didn't tell him we were working together?" He asked Barry who shook his head.

Joe: "Anyways, Barry, you have a job in law enforcement. I suggest you get back to it." He said giving Arvan the same look he was giving Barry

Arvan: "He has the same look my dad gives you sometimes Dr Harrison...try not to die" he said knowing it wouldn't be a pleasant conversation between them which Caitlin agreed with him.

Harrison: "Detective, we all want what's best for Barry and Arvan." He said, trying to defuse Joe's anger.

Joe: "If you wanted what was best for them, you'd try to talk them out of this lunacy, instead of encouraging them going out there risking their lives." He said not liking when close to him or young people in general risked their lives

Barry: "You saw a man control the weather, what are the police going to do against someone like that? Since the accelerator explosion we think there's more out there." He said arguing with Joe

Jow: "And you're gonna do what, catch them? Are you insane? Barry you think just because you two can run real fast that makes you two invincible, you're not. You're just kids, and one of them's my kid." Joe said fearing the worst of what could happen to Barry as he gave Harrison a hard look.

Barry: "I'm not your kid, Joe. And you're not my father." He said in anger

Arvan: "Barry..." He said getting the scarlet speedster's attention as Joe froze from what Barry say.

"Family isn't just about blood it's about bonds Cisco is my brother not out of relation but bonds you have a bond with Joe don't throw that away" Arvan said as all bonds were important.

Barry: "My father's sitting in Iron Heights, wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him, and you're wrong about this. Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it. And you can't stop me Joe, so don't try." He said, getting their attention as Joe had a look of heartbreak on his face.

Joe: "You think you're so smart. All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope you're clever enough to figure it out before someone gets killed." Joe said sounding heartbroken as he pointed at Harrison and at Barry before leaving.

Arvan: "I agree with Barry we have these powers let's put them to use, although maybe that could've gone differently. " He said referring to what just happened as Caitlin walked out.

"she needs time" Arvan thought to himself as Caitlin had a hard time with risks especially with lives as she didn't want people to die

"I'm heading home" Arvan said speeding off.

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