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An: this is inspired by Purest Speedster from Fanfiction created by Pyrohelixdrago

Star Labs.

Inside a lab is a young blonde male scientist call Arvan Ramadan who is feeding an large gorilla a few apples.

Arvan: "Hey buddy how are you doing" he said then see that the Gorilla is holding his hand.

"Don't worry bud. I'm not going anywhere" Arvan said then he look at a microscope to see dna however he heard footsteps which he turned to see Harrison Wells.

Harrison: "Hello Arvan how goes the research?" he said.

Arvan: "It going good Dr Well" he said as he look inside the microscope which the cells have Rabies.

Harrison: "I see. Also your connection to animals never cease to impress me" he said referring to the many animals beside Grodd like an raccoon, octopus, turtle and a fox.

Arvan: "Thanks. So how's the accelerator doing? And when's it going on?" He said which Harrison chuckled.

Harrison: "In a hour and so far everything is green" he said which Arvan nod.

Arvan: "Alright I will be there" he said which Harrison turn to walk away.

Harrison: "I hope not" he thought as he feel bad for what about to happen.

However what the two don't know is that a spider called the Araneus climb onto Arvan back.

An hour later.

Arvan: "Damnit I'm late" he said as he walk only to hear a explosion which he run only to see that his path is block thus he took the long way only to see a energy wave. Then a white lightning bolt to shock him thus causing the spider to bit his neck before Arvan pass out on the floor.

A few days later.

Currently Harrison is looking over Arvan and Barry as he see that the two are speedsters yet Arvan dna is alter slightly.

Harrison: "How is this possible" he thought then head to his secret room that have a newspaper article 'Flash vanish in crisis'

"Gideon. Search up any reference to Arvan Ramadan" Harrison said to the Ai which the ai did.

Gideon: "All articles are mentions of him with animal research Dr Wells. But I do see one major change in the timeline" she said which caught his attention.

Harrison: "What? Gideon what?" He said then see a picture of someone he'd ever see in this timeline.

"No. Gideon search up any information on August Heart" Harrison asked the AI and soon that turned up with nothing.

Nine months later.

Barry: "Wow what is this place?" He asked seeing a slightly messed up lab with a broken cage

Harrison: "This my friend is a lab that belonged to our other comatose friend" he said in his wheelchair

Barry: "What's with the animals?" He asked seeing a few animals

Harrison: "He did tests with animal DNA trying to combat certain things like rabies and the like" He said as Arvan always liked to help animals.

Barry went close to one of the cages and jumped back as a raccoon tried clawing him.

Barry: "Who the hell has a raccoon?" he said in surprise

Cisco: "I know right" he said coming in with Caitlin feeding said animals

Barry was gonna ask more but soon saw a small fox tugging his pants so he bent down to pet it but was surprised as it jumped and kicked him in the chest sending him flying.

"My bad man forgot to tell you this guy is bionic." Cisco said as Arvan saved the little fox's life when he found it mauled one day and gave it experimental robotics

Barry: "I swear what hasn't happened here?" He asked curiously

Harrison: "Not much that I can tell you with certainty" he said with a smirk.

Barry: "So where is this other guy?" He asked curiously

Everyone went to a hospital like room and saw  hooked up to many machines like Barry was then Barry felt an odd connection to him and when he got close to him white lightning zapped him

"Ow" Barry said feeling a little pain

Harrison: "Interesting" he thought as he saw the white lightning unlike the other three.

Arvan eyes shot open and saw Barry over him and quickly grabbed him and choked him unconsciously vibrating white lightning sparking around his body

Harrison: "Not possible" he thought as vibrating took incredible speeds.

Arvan: "Who the hell are you?" He asked glaring at him feeling a little disoriented

Cisco: "Woah, Arvan! Easy, he's a friend" He said as he and Caitlin ran over and tried to make their friend release his grip.

Caitlin: "Put him down, Arvan" she said trying to calm him down

Arvan heard a yip as his pet fox ran over and tackled him down and began licking his face thus letting Barry go who coughed as he rubbed his neck.

Barry: "No, I'm okay everyone, thanks for asking." He said, seeing everyone focused on Arvan.

Arvan: "What happened?" He asked, getting his fox, Kurama, off of him as he got up.

Caitlin: "You've been in a coma for 9 months." She said.

Cisco: "And you got super speed, like Barry here." He said

Arvan: "We got the same powers?" He said, looking at Barry who nodded which Arvan then have a smile come to his face.

An hour later.

Arvan: "So let me tell you, not a fan. I look like a retard" he said as they were at an abandoned airway and he was forced to wear a ridiculous outfit.

Cisco: "Hey! I made that, thank you." He said, offended which Arvan rolled his eyes.

Harrison: "We're here to see how fast you can run so go" He said keeping a close eye on Arvan

Arvan: "Let's go Barry!" He said waiting for Barry who was in red spandex.

"Need my own suit" Arvan thought to himself, slightly seeing Barry's suit as a bit on the ridiculous side but decided to be quiet for Cisco's sake.

Barry: "Does he wanna race me?" He asked the others who nodded.

"Be prepared to lose junior" Barry said with a smirk

The two got into position as they got down, put their hands on the ground and prepared to sprint.

Arvan smiled as some lightning shined in his eyes as his pupils dilated.

Arvan: "We're the same age so be prepared to lose." He said with a smile as he and Barry took off but after a second he sent Barry flying as a boom behind Arvan occured

Arvan: "WHOO-HOO!" He cheered as Barry watched Naruto race around.

Cisco: "Dr Wells look." He said showing Dr Wells the speedometer in Arvan's gear was reading 423 miles per hour

Harrison: "That is quite possibly the fastest speed a speedster has gone after getting their powers" he thought impressed as Barry clocked around 200 miles like he once did

Cisco: "Dude, you are so not the fastest anymore" he said with a grin as he and  high fived

Caitlin: "You have some competition" she said with a small smirk as Arvan grinned while Barry rolled his eyes.

Harrison: "Remarkable Mr. Ramadan, just as I knew would happen." He thought with a smile.

A hour later.

Cisco: "Dude what the hell?" He said as Arvan was vibrating a spare of Barry's suits making it lose all it's color becoming a pure white.

Arvan: "I need my own suit but I'm gonna need to make some modifications" He said immediately getting to work

Cisco: "Oh yeah make yourself at home use my workspace it's no big deal" he said sarcastically but was shut up when he got some Big Belly Burger.

"I take it back mi casa su casa" Cisco said digging in

Arvan: "Wouldn't be the first time. Remember that prosthetic leg for that white tiger years ago?" He asked with a smile and a small chuckle from Caitlin.

Barry: "What?" He asked, wondering what happened.

Cisco: "Yeah, I remember. It kicked me in the face" said as Barry laughed out loud.

Cisco: "Why is it whenever you do something chemically it explodes in my face, or when it's robotic it hits me? Or like with your animals always throwing something or snapping at me?" He said, giving Arvan a look.

Barry: "Oh you gotta show me footage of those" He said eager to see them.

Arvan: "Sure second fastest man alive" He said speeding away

Barry: "Wait, chemically, I thought you said Arvan only handled animal stuff" he said as he thought he worked in Caitlin's field of science not both hers and Cisco's.

Cisco: "Guy is a smart dude. I once saw him make a little generator with a toaster, wire, 4 triple A batteries and banana." He said with a smirk knowing that he pissed certain people off in the past

Barry: "Banana? What was the banana for?" He asked not knowing that Banana's had anything to do with electricity

Cisco: "Nothing it was just to fuck with people's heads." He said with a smirk as he always threw people he didn't like in a loop

Barry: "So he's a genius?" He asked as he was considered a child prodigy in science as a kid

Cisco: "In tech and biology" He said with a smirk as Arvan taught him a trick or two.

"I honestly don't even know why we're here half the time." Cisco said letting out a laugh.

Harrison: "Because Cisco everyone is unique and contributes something I'm sure  appreciates all the help you give him." He said wheeling inside

Barry: "So, where'd he go? We're gonna tell him about the whole meta-human thing, right?" He asked curiously

Arvan: "Not hard to guess once you know you have powers dude along with someone else." He said in a full body white suit with gold lightning

Cisco: "Dude, your suit looks weak in comparison." He said, amazed by Arvan's suit and slightly jealous.

Barry: "You made my suit." He said throwing that at Cisco

Cisco: "I know." He said looking at Arvan.

Arvan: "You can stop checking me out dude." He said with a smirk as Cisco was staring at him pretty intensely.

Harrison: "Where did you get this idea for a suit anyway?" He asked curiously fishing for information

Arvan: "No idea I just felt this is what I need to be wearing." He said with a smile.

Harrison: "Godspeed." He said with a smirk

Arvan: "Godspeed?" He said with a smirk and nods liking the name.

"I'll use that thanks Dr Harrison" Arvan said with a smirk

Cisco: "Godspeed, that's your name, end of discussion. Way cooler than the Streak dude" he said receiving a light tap on the back of the head courtesy of Barry

"Ow, easy, just messing. So Naruto you want us to call your parents, your girls, both?" Cisco asked.

Barry: "Wait, parents, girls?" He asked, feeling very jealous at the mention of girls.

"Wait, you still live with your parents?" Barry asked curiously and laughing a little

Arvan: "Yeah, got a problem with that?" He said with a smirk and showing a bit of lighting mixed with a small glare which shut Barry up.

Cisco: "Blondes have all the luck I swear." He said as he currently sat there single and alone

Arvan: "True." He said, thinking of Eddie with Iris.

Caitlin: "Also word of advice, never talk bad about his friends, parents or girls, you'll live longer." She said with a smirk as Arvan was serious about his bonds with people. Then remembering when someone talked bad about her, he gave them a concussion and a black eye.

A Hour later.

Barry: "Why are we here and where is here?" He asked feeling this would be awkward for him and Arvan since this was a private moment and he felt slightly awkward whenever he saw parents with their kids missing that feeling with his own

Caitlin: "For support" she said on the look out for her mother as she worked close with Arvan's parents as she was the owner of Tannhauser Industries

Harrison: "Why am I here she threatened to murder me?" He said wanting to get very far away from this location and Arvan's mother

Cisco: "You're my shield man" he said very seriously as he had seen the damage Arvan's mother was capable of.

Arvan: "Welcome to Global Inc. Also here come my mother Flanna" he said as a woman with blood color hair run out of the building and pull Arvan into a hug.

Flanna: "My baby boy! You're alright!" She said crying while Arvan chuckled before seeing Barry trying not to laugh only to froze as Arvan give him a death stare.

Then exiting the building is a blonde hair man called Asmund who walk up and hug both Flanna and Arvan.

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