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Okay, before we start this story, this story is based on the theory (because we don't 100% know it's accurate) that the red gem shaped like a heart is going to be Red Diamond.

I've read something about this, and that Pink Diamond was supposed to be Red Diamond, but came out Pink and small. And something about White Diamond not actually being a Diamond, really just pure energy.


In the story (because I didn't put it all in the description and I know nobody would read a description that long) White Diamond's energy is running low, which means she's technically 'dying.'

White Diamond needs to make something powerful, like her, before she goes. Red Diamonds are the most rare Diamond of all, and cost the most too. So, White fails so many times (she hides it but Blue was supposed to be Red too) and almost gives up.

The rest of it is in the story...

So enjoy! :)

Faint voices in the distance that sounded muffled, like they were in something. But so was I, I put my hand out in front of me and felt something cold, it was everywhere. I didn't want to feel the cold anymore so I felt myself. My arms, my legs, my torso, my face. There was something hard on my left eye, and I knew what it was. My gem. How did I know what I was? I was just made seconds ago.

The muffled voices got louder, I was getting closer. I put my hands out in front of me, and pushed on the cold stone. A rock? I was in a rock? I pushed harder, until I saw light that blinded me and dropped it. The rock lowered, still letting in some light, and I could hear the voices, no longer muffled.

"Did you see that, Yellow? She's finally coming out! Oh! I can't wait to see her!" a soft voice suddenly calmed me down, making me too relaxed to push the rock back up.

"She seems to be having some trouble," another voice said, but more stern. "Should we help her lift the rock."

And then a echoing voice. "No, let her do this all on her own. This is her first time being out from under that rock."

Then a heard something shift close to me. Something smaller. I could see a small figure hover near the little opening that brought in light. "C'mon, all you have to do is push that rock out of your way! You won't be under so much pressure anymore! All you have to do is-"

I tried pushing on the rock again, enough to see whoever was last talking to me face. It was a very small, and wore an odd uniform. A red shirt and blue pants. The shirt had some kind of yellow symbol on it, am I not the only Diamond? I got distracted and the rock fell back down again.

"We must help her," the soft voice said. Two giant blue fingers seeped into the opening, and pulled the rock off of me. I closed my eyes... eye. I waited for it to adjust to the light before looking up at the voices. I wanted to scream, they looked so terrifying, they hovered above me, looking at me like some kind of freak.

"That's it," the echoing voice said, sounding like echoey. She was larger than the others, and all white. So shiny she burned my eyes. I covered them when I faced her, but it was hard cause she picked me up, scanning me everywhere. "I'm going to make the next one myself. I can't waste any more material like this, only to get another defect!"

She let me go, and I started falling, I opened my mouth to shout to her, but a Yellow hand caught me. "White, please, do we really need a perfect Diamond?" the stern voice said. "There is no such thing as-"

"DON'T LET PINK'S WORDS CHANGE YOU!" The white tall one said, giving the smallest one a glance and squeezing her eyes shut. "I know you, Yellow. Before we found out Pink was still alive, you would've wanted to through Purple," she gestured towards me. "Out too."

"I never would've!" Yellow said back, but not making eye contact with White. "Red Diamond's are the most rare, they're very hard to make. If we make it ourselves and not let nature do it, then it won't be as pure!"

The blue one placed her hand on the yellow one's shoulder. White. Blue Yellow. Was their color their names? I looked down at the smallest one. Red? Brown? Tan? Which color was this one? It was a bunch of colors!

I opened my mouth again, but nothing came out. I just covered it and rolled off Yellow's hand, who tried to catch me again but missed. I landed hard on my feet and slowly made my way to the small one.

He looked at me, not like how the others did, wrong and ineffective. He had a smile on his face, and even though if I crouched, I still wasn't at his level, he already seemed to fill my world.

"Purple Diamond," she spoke.

"Purple?" I looked down at myself. Yes. Yes I was Purple. Which means my name is Purple, just like this one had said.

"Why is she so small like Pink was?" White said, now looking angry. "Why am I making runts?!"

"White please, calm down! There's no reason to get angry," Yellow said, walking towards her. "Pink wasn't a failure, and neither was Purple. The next one won't be either but..."

"But there's no way we're ever going to make gems ourselves anymore. They don't have weapons and they're simply not as strong! Remember what we saw? With the Peridot? No weapon, would only move metal! You remember what we thought? We thought it was absolutely terrible that any gem would have to go through that. That's why we stopped. Red Diamond won't be pure if we make her, she won't even be considered a gem," Blue said, after finishing her speech, she looked at me.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked her, looking down at her.

"Nothing. White Diamond just wants a Red Diamond. No other color, no other-"

"Steven? What are you doing in here?" a Pearl asked, walking up to us.

"Oh! I just heard that Red- Purple Diamond was going to emerge soon so..."

The Pearl looked at me with stunning eyes. "Well," she started. "Welcome to Earth."

Another purple gem walked over to us. "Hey Pearl you-" then looked at me. "Who is this?"

"Purple Diamond," I mimicked. "You're purple too," I pointed at her gem placed on her chest. She pulled her shirt up, hiding it for some reason and looked away.

"I thought she was supposed to be red?" she purple one said.

"She was!" White snapped, picking me up. She squeezed me in her first...

...and that was the first time I've been 'poofted.'


According to Yellow, what White did to me was 'No Way To Treat a Diamond.' I reformed on sand, and Pearl called it a beach. I rubbed the sand with my hands. "How come I was made on Earth and not on Homeworld?" I spoke my first full sentence. "And why am I not pure?"

"You are!" Blue said, and that's when I noticed White wasn't around. "But Red Diamond won't be," she smiled, lifting my cheek up very, very carefully. "White is very impatient right now."

I forced a smile. "So... why is White so mad? Do I need to be perfect?"

"Should we tell her?" Yellow asked.

Blue nodded, and Yellow told me everything. She told me how Diamonds were the most powerful gemstone of all. And that Diamonds ruled the other gems with colonies and armies and gems that were always on their side. She also said one day, I'd get a Sapphire, Pearl, Ruby guards, and a Quartz.

Out of all those list of gems, I was most exited about the Pearl. Another gem to have following you around all the time? I'd never be bored! And have the same gem placement as me. But the rules of a Pearl kinds scared me. Yellow explained to me that they must be perfect, and they can only do what their Diamond's tell them to do. I won't be as hard on my Pearl as I see Yellow sometimes is. I want my Pearl, my very own Pearl, to be happy. She's a gem too.

"But..." Yellow said, lacing her fingers together. "We want you to stay here, until White calms down and realizes that a 'non pure' Diamond is going to be a failure. We don't know how long it'll take, but you're going to stay with the Crystal Gems until we come back."

I looked behind me, nine figures stood behind me. I tried to remember all their names, some of them didn't even have gems. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Steven, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Connie, Lion, Bismuth, and Greg.

I turned back to the Diamonds. "Why doesn't White like me?" I asked.

They didn't answer, they just got up and walked to large ships, the color of blue and yellow. They didn't know when they were coming back...

You felt something wrap around your leg, you turn around and see Peridot hugging you.

"Another Diamond... that has never hated me before... that's so cool!" Peridot said, hugging you harder.

I laughed, and Bismuth walked over to me, picking me up, tossing me in the air a few feet, and catching me. She looked buff and strong, but how she held me was soft and gentle.

"Welcome to the Crystal Gems!" She said. Her hair was beautiful, all rainbow colored and mid length. She had a star symbol on her arm, the same symbol as Steven.

"The star... what does it mean?" I asked.

"It's the 'logo' for the Crystal Gems!" Greg said. Every time you looked at him, you had no idea what Pink Diamond saw in him, why she ever chose to be in a relationship with him and... and Steven is Pink Diamond... you kept your mouth shut.

The Yellow Pearl walked over to you, scanning your Diamond on your face. "It doesn't make sense," she sounded rude. "The Diamond's gem placement is supposed to be in order. Like the big Diamond for all the Diamonds together with white, blue, yellow, and pink. But White's on top because her gem is on her forehead, Blue's and my Diamond's is on the side cause their gem is on their chest, and Pink's in on the bottom cause her gem is on her navel. But your gem is out of line, and doesn't exactly match with the 'Big Diamond' so where is your Diamond going to go?"

It took me awhile to understand what she was saying. "I guess on the top...?"

"There can't be another top gem!" Yellow Pearl snapped.

"Why are you even here?!" Amethyst snapped, pushing her legs.

"Because my Diamond told me to stay... us to stay..." Yellow made a face as she gestured to Blue Pearl and a White Pearl. The Blue Pearl, stood several yards from the White one, who kept sliding back over to her side. Blue Pearl wounded up running to us, being near Yellow even though she hated her.

"What's wrong with White Pearl?" I asked. "She's a little... cracked."

"She's a corruption," Yellow said. "We aren't allowed to discuss it..."

Pearl looked down at her toes, and hid her foot in the sand. I nodded, not quite understanding, but Bismuth suddenly picked me up again and carried me to what they called the temple.

Inside was chilly, and you wrapped your arms around your body, making your way to the couch with Bismuth and Peridot. Suddenly Garnet walked up to me, and handed me a cup. "My future vision tells me you'll like it," she says, pulling her glasses down a little.

"Future Vision? I thought Sapphires only had that," I said, taking a sip of the warm drink.

"It's Hot Chocolate," Garnet said, sitting down next to me. "Did the Diamonds tell you about fusion?"


Hello my sweet gemstones! Got any ships you want to have in the story? (I want there to be some 'romance' in this story but I can't decided on a ship) And it can be any ship.

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