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Sunday 'Sunny' Santos

Sparkling sapphires sear right through to my soul, burning with an intense heat, while strong, warm hands curl in tight possessiveness around my waist.. "What are you doing?" I whimper, unable to tear myself from his powerful embrace.. Not that I even try..

No.. I like it too much to fight it.. It feels so good.. It feels like home..

"I'm keeping you safe-" Max leans closer, his intoxicating masculine cologne getting me drunk on his raw power, his protection and something else.. Something stirring deeper in my chest.. Something I have never felt before that I can't quite put my finger on.. "Because you are mine, Little Bunny.."

My lungs catch fire when fiercely passionate lips burn hot against my own and his kiss steals my breath, stripping away my every last defence to leave me fragile and exposed.. My soft body melts against his hard one, fitting together in perfect tessellation while his arms envelop me in a sense of security that sweeps me from my feet..

In his arms, I finally feel safe.
Somehow, Max feels like the home I never had..

"Do you really mean it, Max?" I whimper, helpless to his hypnotism as my head tips back and his kiss blazes a trail down my neck to caress at my collarbone.. I want so badly to trust him, to believe in him.. To give myself to him..

I want his words to be true, I want to be his..

"I mean it, Zayka.." He growls against my throat, vicious with determination and starved from desire.. "And I will kill any man who tries to take you from me.."


I wake with a startled gasp, the shockwave of an all too real dream echoing in my head, thumping so loud I almost don't hear the murmuring of hushed Russian whispers nearby..

"A chto naschet etoy gryaznoy Karrery?" (What about the Carrera filth?)

The disruptive sting of morning sunlight offends my eyes as it floods into the cavernous bedroom, shaking free of the amorous dreams that I know I should not be having..

Ignoring the throb of aching muscles and bruises, I eagerly crack my eyes with a swell of anticipation, only to find the armchair across the room is empty.. Dull disappointment unexpectedly weighs on me as I sit up in the tangle of expensive cotton sheets.. Sheets that hold the enticing scent of Max's cologne, masculine and warm..

But where is he?

Rubbing at the stiffness in my neck and stretching out the kinks, I notice that the bedroom door hangs slightly ajar and it is from the hallway, I can hear the hushed tones of the Loan Shark's rumbling voice.. "Keep him on ice for now.. I'll take care of it.."

I wonder, is he talking about Javier?
Or perhaps there is somebody else?

I'm sure a bruiser like Max has a whole catalogue of secrets, and I suspect that he will likely never truly trust me with any of them.. Not that I can blame him, I can hardly trust myself anymore..

"And the girl?" The distinct, gruff attitude-laden reply of Luka Angeloff is unmistakable and my ears prick up to listen intently to their curt conversation..

I am dying of curiosity..

"What about her?" Max bites in a hostile bark, abruptly defensive and displeased by his brother's line of questioning..

Are they talking about me?
Am I 'The Girl'?

There is a long, hesitant pause before Luka presses for an answer, with a twinge of concern pinching his cadence that sounds strangely sincere.. "She was in a bad way last night, I thought maybe-"

"She's sleeping." Evading, Max quickly cuts off his brother's intrusive line of questioning, responding shortly..

Oh.. I am definitely 'The Girl' they are discussing.

"Fuck Maksim.. None of this would have happened if-"

Max growls out a low warning.. "Luka, don't you fucking dare-"

"It was my fault!" Luka exclaims, guilt and frustration thick in his emotional outburst... "If I hadn't started that fight with V.. If I hadda' been with you guys, maybe then I would have seen him.. I fucked up, man.. I let you down-"

"Nyet.." (No) Max's anger seems to wane, replaced by brotherly tolerance, fraternal loyalty and a distinct air of responsibility.. "It was mm-my mistake, Brat.. I underestimated how far Navarro would go to get her back.. But it should have been obvious.."

"What can I do to fix this, Max?"

"You can stop poking the ff-fucking honey-badger for a start.." Max chuckles cooly, lowering his voice enough that my curiosity causes me to slide out of bed.. Taking a careful, light footed step towards the door, I crane my neck to better listen in on the candid conversation the two brothers share..

I know that it's wrong to listen in.. But in a world like this, information is power and knowing the secrets of this household will only serve to keep me here long enough to convince Max to let me stay, and ensure that I can fulfil the duties expected of me. That is, once he tells me what those duties actually are..

"Verity started it.." Luka hisses reluctantly..

Rough, and with little room for compromise in his command, Max issues a fierce threat.. "Either you finish it, Luka, or I will.."

"Fine.." Luka finally concedes, clearly disgruntled and dissatisfied.. "Just keep that traitorous little bitch away from me."

"That's easy enough.." Max's dry retort is tired and strained by the effort of his patience.. "Since you'll be going to Na Pont to handle the books for a few days.. Have Viktor take care of any defaulters, and keep your nose clean, no matter the cost, you got me?"

"You can't go without security-"

Growing impatient again, Max groans.. "For once would you just do as you're ff-fucking told without an argument!"

"Da.." (Yes) Luka angrily agrees and the thudding sounds of footsteps pacing around pound for several long seconds before pausing.. "You think Sunny will be okay? I mean, after what happened to Verity she was-" Luka stops himself briefly.. "She became dangerous, Max.. What if your girl turns on us too?"

Max sighs, slick and sexy Russian rumbles down the hall.. "Ty deystvitel'no mozhesh' vinit' yeye, brat?" (Can you really blame her, Brother)

"I don't blame Verity for what happened to her-" Luka snipes.. "But you need to remember who you're dealing with.."

"I won't abandon Sunday now.." Max sighs before going on to remind his brother of their blood binds.. "And Verity is our sister, Luka, she is not dangerous to us.. She's hurt, and she's lonely.. She needs us.."

"She didn't have to play Sasha's game.." Luka chokes on an emotional bubble, his voice breaking under the strain of fighting for composure.. "She chose her side the day you left, and it wasn't mine.."

"She chose survival, Brat.." Max explains calmly.. "And she'd be dead right now if she'd done it any different.. You gotta let it go.."

"Yeah well you'd be fucking dead if it wasn't for me, Maksim! So where's my loyalty? Huh?" Luka's voice cracks with rough and raw emotion.. I can hear the hurt and betrayal quivering in his throat, making it apparent that Luka is not as tough as he tries to pretend.. And his love for his brother runs deep..

"I'm here, aren't I?" Max growls, growing irritated once more.. "Vechnogo Bratstva.." (Eternal brotherhood)

"Yeah.. But for how long? You couldn't save Verity.. You couldn't save me.. And you sure as shit can't save a girl like Sunday.." Luka stomps away.. "You're gonna get yourself fucking killed!"

Max curses beneath his breath.. "Not fucking soon enough.." Through the crack in the door I peek as he pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation, ripping his head back with his eyes clenched tight.. Stress swells and tightens his muscles, and a sprawl of veins develop up the side of his neck..

My empathy aches at the sight.. Poor Max, he looks so sad, so defeated..

I of all people know how that feels..

"Max?" I dare to allow breath to part my lips and before I can swallow his name it is spilling out and I am stepping into the hallway.. "Is everything alright?"

He spins to face me, evading my question with a rigid nod and tight smile.. "Zayka, I didn't know you were awake.."

"Oh, I am.." I wave my hands awkwardly, immediately regretting my decision, feeling like an idiot and hoping he can't see the evidence of my guilt.. I know it was just a silly dream, that I shouldn't even be thinking about things like that and I am sure he doesn't really want me in that way.. But it felt so real.. So raw..

Dios mio.. How embarassing!
What is wrong with me?

"Was that Luka? I was hoping I'd get a chance to speak to him.." I shuffle uncomfortably on the spot and he watches me squirm, seemingly oblivious to my inner turmoil..

"You just missed him.." He arches an inquisitive brunette brow.. "Something you wanna tell me instead?"

"No-- It's not important.. I just wanted to say thank you.. He didn't have to help me last night.. But he did, even though he hates me.."

"He doesn't hate you.." Max fails to convince me with a half hearted shrug.

"Oh.. Well.. It kind of feels that way.." I wrap my arms around myself, shifting awkwardly on bare feet..

"I know.." Max rubs the back of his neck tiredly.. "Believe me.."

"What about Verity?" I tip my head to peer around his mountainous build, finding the living room is empty behind him.. "I wanted to apologise again for ruining her dress-"

"She's out-- shopping.." Max leans an athletic shoulder against the door frame beside me, caging me in between his hard body and the wall without seeming to notice the way my breath catches in my throat.. "It's just you and me today, Little Bunny.."

"That sounds-" I chew on my words a moment before deciding on honesty over self preservation.. "Nice.."

Lying to Max is damn near impossible with his eyes locked on me like intuitive blue laser beams.. He is like a human lie detector.. A very stoney faced, sexy lie detector..

"Yeah.. It does.." His cool cobalt gaze lingers on mine and my skin catches alight with hot licking flames of self-consciousness and shy intrigue..

In six years, Javier had never once put aside any time for me, let alone taken an entire day to spend together.. Even if I was sick, or sad, he wouldn't give me the time of day, and here is Max, clearing his entire schedule, just for me..

Okay, maybe it is out of pity.. But still.. It means something.. It has to..

As the seconds stretch on into a minute, tightening with the crackle and fizz of electricity and tension, I suddenly become hyper aware of my rumpled appearance, my frizzy hair, bare legs and Max's wrinkled tee that hangs loosely off one shoulder all combined to create one dishevelled mess..

Meanwhile, somehow Max is the picture of clean and pressed, his black button down remains crisp and his hair is swept neatly back.. The only sign of his uncomfortable night's sleep is the dark circles beneath his eyes and the fresh stubble upon his jaw..

Even so, he looks utterly perfect..

Withering in humiliation, my gaze drops to my bare feet as I reach up to comb my fingers through thick, dark tangles.. "I should- um- get dressed I suppose.."

"You can find something in V's suitcase, she won't mind.." He smiles faintly, nodding towards the kitchen.. "Coffee?"

I nod silently and wait until his footsteps vanish down the hall before returning to the bedroom.. Hurrying into the wardrobe, I find Verity's suitcases splayed open across the floor..

Leaning down to select a pair of comfy looking jeans and a cherry-red high necked sweater, I reluctantly forgo underwear for lack of a clean pair, and quickly dress myself..

As I clumsily step into the ripped denim, my eye wanders across the neat line of suits hanging in perfectly colour coordinated order along the back wall of the wardrobe.. Fascinated, my fingertips brush against the expensive material as I walk down along to the end of the row where one particular piece catches my eye.. Beautiful navy blue with red trim and polished gilded buttons.. Upon the shoulders of the uniform rests a golden insignia comprising six stripes and a pair of crossed rifles..

How does somebody go from war hero to Bratva thug?

How could Max, who's worn such a respectable uniform and fought to defend this country, be a bad man?

It just doesn't add up..

Leaving my philosophical questions behind, I dash to the bathroom, twisting my hair up into a messy bun before I splash a little water on my face and rinse my mouth with the peppermint mouthwash that rests on the vanity..

By the time I make it out to the kitchen, Max has poured out two steaming mugs of aromatic black roast, one of which waits for me on the counter.. "Gacias.." Clutching the cup of coffee in both hands, I take a deep pull of the energising warmth with a satisfied hum..

He nods, never taking his hawk eyes off me, settling back against the benchtop with a heated stare roaming down my figure.. "Hungry?"

The way his gaze lingers at my curvaceous hips incites another shy burn, the flush crawling up my neck to warm my face and I shake my head despite the ever growing hole in my stomach.. "No.."

He is clearly about to protest or try and persuade me, though he doesn't get the chance to make his case.. "Zayka, you have to-"


The sudden and unexpectedly loud doorbell buzzes and I jump a foot in fright as Max pushes off the counter to stride across the living room, heading towards the door.. "That'll be the Doc.."

A note from the author...

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