A Mother To Call My Own

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"I'm not sure about this..." The woman said nervously as she was holding Oda's hand.

"C'mon Maemi. He'll love you." Oda says smiling. "Just as much as I do." Oda says kissing her softly.

Maemi had been Oda's long time girlfriend for years. And Maemi was more than aware Oda had a child, but they took it slow. They didn't want to rush into it. They wanted to, especially Oda, make sure that they were right for each other before he brought anyone into Chuuya's life. And Maemi had always been excited to meet him, but now she is so nervous. And maybe it is because she wants Chuuya to like her because Maemi was told long ago she couldn't have children of her own, so to be able to love Oda's child, the thought made her very happy. Maemi followed Oda to the doorstep of his place, Oda unlocked the door and as soon as it opened Maemi saw a ginger hair child tackle Oda.

"Papa! You're home!"

Oda chuckled. "I am." Oda leaned down and kissed the top of Chuuya's forehead and he gently rubbed the child's back.

"Welcome home." Asa smiled.

"Thank you so much for watching him on short notice. Our babysitter Hana wasn't feeling well."

"It's no problem at all." Asa says, smiling as she ruffles Chuuya hair. "I will watch the pip squeak free of charge anytime."

"Hey!!" Chuuya complained at being called a pip squeak. "I'm only 13! I'm still growing!"

"I don't know kiddo, you haven't grown much these days."

Chuuya pouted. And Asa laughs as she teases him. "You know what on second thought you are gonna grow up big and super tall! Just keep drinking that milk kid."

Asa kisses the top of his head and slips on her shoes.


Little did Asa know she was giving Chuuya false hope. In a few years he wouldn't grow any taller. Chuuya waves goodbye to Asa, and he closes the door and locks it like Oda had taught him.

"Chuuya come here a moment!"

"Coming!" Chuuya ran into the kitchen and it was then that Chuuya had noticed Oda had a friend with him.

"Chuuya this is someone I want you to meet. Chuuya this is Maemi, she is my girlfriend."

Maemi kneeled down and she smiled. "It is so nice to meet you Chuuya. I've been waiting for such a long time to meet you."

Chuuya took in the woman's appearance. She had long black curly hair, blue eyes just like Chuuya, a mole on her chin, her skin was flawless and porcelain, her lips were painted red with lipstick, she had on a black tight fitting dress with red stiletto heels. She was a very well put together woman. A woman Chuuya could see his dad being with; looks wise anyway.

"Nice to meet you too..."

"I still have a lot of cooking to do." Oda says as he puts the lobsters into the boiling water. "How about you and Chuuya go play in the back? Me and Aki will stay here and watch dinner, right boy?"

Aki woofed and wagged his tail as he sat beside Oda.

"I would love to do that. Would you like to go play dear~?"

Chuuya nodded and he took the hand that Maemi extended. Following the woman outside and into their backyard. She let go of Chuuya's hand once they stepped outside and Chuuya pulled Maemi over to the swings they had in the back. Maemi sat down with Chuuya, and they both started to swing silently. This was difficult. Neither knew what to say, but they wanted to try and get to know each other. Chuuya was the first to break the ice.

"You're very pretty." Chuuya says softly.

Maemi giggles and she smiles. "Well thank you, that's a very sweet thing for you to say. You're very handsome yourself. You look just like your father."

"Thanks!" Chuuya laughs. "I get told that a lot! How long have you and my dad been dating?"

"Two years." She smiles.

"Why haven't we met?"

"Well because when adults have children they have to be very careful who they bring around, a lot of children get hurt nowadays because of poor parenting. So your Papa waited until he knew me well to let me meet you."

"Then that means you're a good person?"

Maemi smiles. "I try my best to be, and I sure hope I am considered a good person to Sakunosuke."

"I think Papa does. Papa wouldn't have talked with you otherwise."

"I'm glad." She smiles. "Has it always just been you and your dad?"

Chuuya nods. "I've never had a Mama." Chuuya smiled bittersweetly. "But it doesn't bother me! I have Papa and that's all I need."

Maemi could tell he was sad. Every child needed a mother, and she knew that all too well considering when she was a child she lacked one herself. Maemi grabbed Chuuya's small hands and she smiled. "You know when I was a kid... I didn't have a mother either."

"...You didn't?"

Maemi shakes her head. "My mother left when I was four. So I don't remember anything about her, and it made me sad for a long time. But it helped me grow very strong as a person. I know not having a Mama is hard. I may not be your real mother Chuuya but I- I want to be. If you will let me, I want to be the best Mama I can be to you. We can take it slow, one step at a time." She says smiling.

Chuuya smiles happily and he starts to tear up. "Really? You would- you would want to be my Mama...?"

"I would love to be your Mama."

"I would like that! I would really like that!" Chuuya says hugging Maemi tightly, and Maemi smiled as she hugged Chuuya just as tight. Maemi and Chuuya were unaware, but Oda had been standing close by. He had heard every word, and it made his heart swell with happiness.


Once Oda had finished dinner, they all ate together and they smiled and laughed. Just enjoying each other. After dinner Maemi and Oda got roped into watching Peter Pan with Chuuya, a strong favorite of his still. Chuuya didn't last long though, as he had fallen asleep the first 30 minutes of the movie on Maemi's lap. Maemi brushed Chuuya's hair back and she giggled. She pulled the blanket off the couch from behind them and she put it over Chuuya's small body. Oda leans over and he kisses Maemi deeply.

"Thank you."

"Why are you-"

"I heard what you said to Chuuya. About being his mother." Oda smiles. "You made him so happy, in more ways than you know. For a while when Chuuya was younger he always asked me why he didn't have a mother like other children his age. I never had the heart to tell him why..."

Maemi smiled. "You don't have to thank me Sakunosuke. I love you." She says honestly. "And I love Chuuya, and I will gladly be a mother to him. There's nothing I want more."

Oda smiled and he leaned on Maemi's shoulder and she gently wrapped her arm around him and she put her hand in his hair, gently combing through his hair. That night Maemi held her two favorite people closer than she had ever held anyone else before, and the love she felt was one she never wanted to let go of.

To Be Continued...

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