A Promise I Never I Got To Keep

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The dark haired woman was sitting at her desk looking through files she had in her hand. She smiled as she touched a picture. She heard her door creak open and she lifted up her head, her subordinate bowed before speaking.

"Madame, I have done as you asked. The child seems to be growing up well. He's 12 years old now, and as expected that man Oda Sakunosuke kept him when you left him there."

"I see. Hard to believe something like him is getting to experience so much love. Rimbaud and Verlaine were stupid, if he would have contained him correctly then we would have been successful by now. But instead that beast merged with the child in my stomach."

"What do you plan to do?" Her subordinate asks.

"Hm... I think it's about time he comes back to where he belongs." She smiles menangcily.


"But you promised...!" Chuuya complained.

"I know... I'm sorry. I didn't expect to get called in today." Oda said, sighing.

"It isn't fair...!" Chuuya yelled. "You're always gone...! I miss you!"

Oda's eyes widened. Was he feeling lonely? That was the last thing Oda ever wanted him to feel was lonely.

"I-" Oda was about to comfort him. But his phone rang again, Oda sighed and he answered. "Yes... I will be right there as soon as I drop Chuuya off..." Oda said as he and Chuuya got in the car and he was driving. He connected the phone to bluetooth and Kunikida was giving him a run down of the situation. Oda was soon at the agency, and he went inside with Chuuya.

"Good you're here. We have to take the helicopter to see the scene. It's currently still burning."

Oda nodded as he followed Kunikida. Dazai noticed Chuuya looked down, and Dazai kneeled to his height.

"What's wrong...?"

Chuuya rubbed his eyes. "Nothing..."

"Are you sure?"

"...Dad promised we would go to the amusement park today... and that we would go have dinner at my favorite restaurant... but now instead he has work again..."

Dazai smiled sadly. "Oda-san loves you very much. And he wants nothing more than to spend time with you. It's been busy lately... but I'm sure as soon as all of this is handled he'll take time off to spend a lot of days with you." Dazai smiled.


"Really." Dazai stood up and he put out his hand. "C'mon. I'm sure he hasn't left yet, don't you want to wish him well?"

Chuuya looked sad. He didn't want Oda to go, but he couldn't let him leave either without saying goodbye. Oda was just about to step into the helicopter.

"Papa!" Chuuya called.

Oda suddenly felt arms around his waist and Oda quickly wrapped his arms around the small figure.

"I'm sorry... " Chuuya said. "I was being selfish..."

Oda shook his head and he kneeled down cupping Chuuya's cheek. "I miss you too... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise... tell you what we might not be able to go to Cosmo World today... or your favorite restaurant... but we can watch your favorite movie tonight and order any take out you want."

"Even if it's seafood?"

Oda chuckled as he rubbed his head. "We can have seafood if you want."

"Okay..." Chuuya hugged Oda tightly. "Come home soon Papa."

"I will... Be good okay?"

Chuuya nodded before he ran back over to Dazai. Oda got inside the helicopter and he waved goodbye to Chuuya out of the window and Chuuya waved back. Dazai and Chuuya stayed on the roof until they couldn't see the helicopter anymore. "Cmon, want to order a small pizza? It can be our secret." Dazai teased.

Chuuya laughed. "As long as it's pepperoni."


It had been about two hours since Oda left. Chuuya was bored. He had already eaten pizza and watched TV. He sighed loudly as he leaned back on the chair. Chuuya got up from the chair with his stuffed animal frog and he walked out of the conference room and up the stairs. "Osamu?" Chuuya called. "Osamu?" Chuuya pouted. Why won't he answer? Chuuya thought.

"Mrs. Akiko!" Chuuya went to open her office door, and when opened it; it was empty. Something was definitely wrong. Chuuya backed up out of the office and he heard footsteps, the sound of heels. He thought it was Yosano and he was about to walk towards her until he realized it wasn't. It was someone he didn't recognize.

"U...Um... No one is here right now..." Chuuya informed her.

She stepped closer. "I know. It is just you and me little one. Do you not like the familiar space I made for you?"

Chuuya trembled in fear. He knew it was wrong. This was very wrong. Chuuya backed away. "M-My Papa... He'll be back any moment...!"

"Now we both know that's a lie." She chuckles. "Because your Papa is too busy with the scene I created." She smirked.

Chuuya's eyes widened and he started to run away. The lady tch. "Children must always make things so difficult." She said annoyed. She followed after Chuuya. Chuuya was running so fast he missed a step and dropped his stuffed animal frog and fell down the stairs. "Osamu..!!" He screamed.

"It's pointless to scream." The woman said.

"Someone help me...!" Chuuya was horrified. He went to go crawl away but the woman grabbed his ankle quickly and snatched him back. Chuuya tried to activate his ability but he didn't have good control over it, the woman grabbed Chuuya by the back of the neck and her body illuminated orange and a mark appeared on the back of Chuuya's neck. Chuuya screamed as the mark was burning into his skin. The woman used her ability on Chuuya to the point he passed out. "Hm.. What an unnecessary struggle." She picked Chuuya up and she slipped out of the agency doors.

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