Feeling Hopeless

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Oda and Kunikida's eyes widened as they saw all the police cars in front of the ADA. Oda quickly parked.

"Okay, I want you guys to put out an Amber Alert for 12-year-old Nakahara Chuuya." The police officer said.

What?!?!? Did Oda hear him right... Oda felt himself panicking. Oda saw the police officer handing a bag over and Oda snatched it out of his hand. "What are you doing with my son's things?! What's going on?!" Oda yelled hysterically.

"You're the father... Sir, calm down okay...? We are-"

"Don't...!! Don't tell me to calm down...!! Where is my son?!?"

"I apologize... I know this is hard... We got a call from your co-workers... They told us your son was missing. And I promise we are doing our best to start searching for him. We... we need the stuffed animal... and the shoe to run for prints..."

Oda dropped to his knees and he felt his heart break into a million pieces, the only thing that could be heard on that usual busy and loud but now quiet street was the pained scream of Oda.


He was in pain, he was scared, and he was alone again. He didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to be helpless again. The woman looked through the glass disgusted.

"Madame he's running a fever I don't-"

"Shut up. And do as I say."

The man understood. He didn't speak any further. The man hit a few switches and inside the room they could hear Chuuya's agonizing screams.

"IT HURTS....! S-STOP...!" Chuuya cried. "PLEASE...! AHHH....!!!"

Chuuya felt like he was being ripped apart inside and out. He couldn't take it. It hurt too much. Chuuya begged for them to stop. "Ha...!!! Papa...!!"

She chuckled. "You can scream for him all you want, Chuuya. He won't come. Your Papa is sick of you, and he hates you." She said speaking to him through the glass.

N-No... that wasn't true... He loved him... He cared... didn't he....?

"He couldn't wait to get rid of you. You're a worthless artificial human, that never deserved to take a breath in the first place. He feels the same." She smiled.


"Shut up. The mark only marks if he feels truly angry, if he feels despair."

Chuuya's eyes filled up with tears and the mark on his neck she created started to glow dark orange.


Oda was sitting outside on his balcony. Dazai was staying with him for the night. They were all hurting, but they knew Oda was breaking the most. Oda sniffed the stuffed animal frog in his hands and he teared up, it smelled like Chuuya. Dazai stepped out onto the balcony.

"Odasaku...?" He said softly.

Dazai's eyes widened as he heard a sob come from Oda's throat. Oda was crying as he held Chuuya's stuffed animal. Dazai rushed over and he immediately hugged him.

"I bet he feels so alone and scared...! He could be hurting and there is nothing I can do...! What kinda father am I?!? I'm supposed to protect him...! Comfort him when he's scared...! Be his best friend when he's feeling lonely...! And I-I- can't even keep him safe...!"

Dazai wiped Oda's tears. "Don't say that... You're a good father... You've shown Chuuya unconditional love... and he knows you care and love him... he knows you're trying your best... so please... don't say that... we will get Chuuya back... We won't let you go through this alone... we'll do whatever it takes to help you bring him home..."

Oda cried into Dazai's shoulder, and Dazai couldn't help but to cry with him. Hearing his friend so broken, so helpless, hearing him let out the same broken sobs he did when the orphans died... his heart couldn't bear it.


After Dazai had done some digging last night. He had found out information about Chuuya and Oda... he knew Oda wouldn't like it but he had a right to know and it might help them in locating Chuuya.

"Why are we here...?" Oda asked.

"Because this is something that might help us find Chuuya."

Dazai and Oda walked inside the facility and Dazai located just who they needed to talk to. Dazai saw the man and saying he felt disgusted was an understatement.

"I didn't expect you to come." He said standing up and fixing his glass.

"I came for Oda, not you. He deserves to know Ango. What you did. What all of you here did. How many people have you done that to?"

"What is he talking about?" Oda asked, clenching his fists. "What do you know about my son?"

"He's a government experiment. This isn't his first time being experimented on, the first time he was a child who was stolen from an orphanage. Figured he didn't have anyone who would miss him. And we tested on him, it went wrong and he died. But we were able to replicate genes, and create an artificial form of the human being who died. That's what we did with Chuuya, but this time he was injected into the host. Growing inside of her. During her pregnancy, an ally of her's tried to contain a very powerful ability, we had locked it away when he died the first time but then tampering with the seal, as soon as it was released it merged with the fetus. Your son that you-"

Ango didn't get another word out as he felt a fist to his face. "How dare you! How could you do that to an innocent child?! He didn't ask to be that way! You are all evil..." Oda punched Ango again and he snatched him up by his shirt.

"What is her name?! What is it?!"

Ango hesitated.

"So help me God Ango... I haven't killed anyone in a long time, but if anything... and I mean one pretty little hair on my son's head gets hurt I will fucking kill you," Oda said as his eyes turned dark.

"N-Nakahara Fuku..." Ango said in fear. Ango was suddenly dropped and Oda stormed out of the room.

"You're despicable. I'll make sure to report you to the government." Dazai said before leaving.

To Be Continued...

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