It's Alright Now

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So for anyone who wanted to know what everyone's age is. Currently Oda is 20, Chuuya is 2 and a half, and Dazai is 12. Everyone is a bit younger for story purposes.

~2 Years Later~

Dazai was sitting in a dark room; his mind racing continuously. Dazai didn't know what had happened to Oda. Dazai ran to the warehouse when the incident with Oda and Gide occurred. But when he arrived Oda was nowhere to be found, and Gide was dead. So that made Dazai have hope that maybe, just maybe Oda was alive. Maybe his best friend was out there somewhere finally living the life he wanted, a peaceful life, on the side that saves people. Dazai wants to do the same, the life of the mafia wasn't for him anymore. He didn't want it. And after realizing Mori pulled the strings for Oda and the orphans to get hurt, he was disgusted. And couldn't work one more second for a man like that. So now Dazai was waiting patiently, waiting to be on the side that saves.


"Chuuya?" Oda calls. He had to be to work and like every morning getting the toddler up and ready was more than a task. "Chuuya!" Oda called again as he walked in the room. "C'mon bud, we have to get ready so I can get you to Hana's." Oda pulled the cover back and Chuuya was gone. The next moment behind him he heard a roar and Oda laughed. Oda turned around and he picked Chuuya up and kissed him. "Good morning."

"Morning Papa!" Chuuya says happily as he smiles at Oda in his little bear suit. Oda laughed. "Come on we have to get you ready."

"Nooo~ Papa stay home!"

"Yes, Papa has to go to work." Oda started looking through Chuuya's closet as Chuuya blew his nose. He was just getting over a cold, and one of the lasting effects was a runny nose.

"Remember to wipe the excess off."

Chuuya nods and makes sure he wipes off all the snot. Oda once he finished picking his clothes. Took Chuuya into the bathroom. He had Chuuya brush his teeth and wash his face like he showed him, they got him dressed and Oda made sure his bag was packed for the day. They ate breaakfast and Oda was rushing to get out of the house, and Chuuya had let go of his hand.

"Ah, Chuuya!"

"Wait! Mr. Fwoggy!" Chuuya ran back into his room and he got his stuffed animal frog. Oda smiled as he saw him running over to him with it. He remembered when he had gotten it for him.

Oda was pushing the stroller through the mall and he was sure everyone within a 3 mile radius of that mall hated him right now. Because Chuuya didn't cry often at all but when he did my god did that boy have a pair of lungs when he was cranky. Chuuya had been screaming for a solid 5 minutes at least and he was trying to get the 10 month old baby pacified and nothing was working. No bouncing, no rocking, pushing back and forth, nothing. He wasn't hungry, he wasn't wet; which Oda knew for a fact because he had just changed his diaper. Oda truly didn't know what to do. But when he passed the toy store he figured maybe the little baby would find something in there that made him happy. Oda walked into the toy store and he pointed things out to Chuuya, even asked him if he wanted them and he just screamed. Oda sighed, and then he noticed behind Chuuya was stuffed animals. Oda scanned the stuffed animals and he noticed a stuffed animal frog that had on blue overalls. It was a cute stuffed animal. Oda picked it up off the shelf and he held it in front of himself.

"Oh no~ What's wrong little one?"

Chuuya started to calm down as he saw it.

"A handsome little lad like yourself shouldn't be so sad. Would you like a hug?~"

Chuuya nodded and Oda moved the frog over to Chuuya and he tickled him with it a little, and Chuuya giggled as he took the frog happily. "Fwog!" Oda chuckled. "That's right. It's a frog. Would you like him?"

"Yes, pweas." Chuuya says nicely.

"Okay." He smiles. "Then Papa will buy him for you." Oda ripped off the tag and he paid for it up front, the next moment Oda looked down in the stroller Chuuya was asleep while holding his frog tightly and Oda couldn't help but feel happy.

Chuuya pouted as Oda was getting ready to leave. "Don't go..." Chuuya begged. Oda kneeled down and he rubbed Chuuya's head.

"Trust me... I don't want to go. But I have to. But I promise tonight that you and I will go to the store after I get off work, and we will get all your favorite snacks and me and you will watch a movie, okay?"

"C- can we watch Peter Pan?"

Oda chuckled. "Yeah we can watch Peter Pan. Be good for Hana okay?"


"I love you."

"Love you Papa!" Chuuya says hugging him tightly and Oda hugs him back, and he gives him a quick peck on the forehead before leaving.


Dazai smiled as he was shaking Fukuzawa's hand. "I appreciate the opportunity."

"No worries, you're quite young. Only 12, of course we can not put you in the line of fire. But you can help us do office work, we always need help with that."

Dazai sighed. He hated and dreaded doing paperwork. But it was nothing he wasn't used to doing for Mori.

"I'll do my best. I promise."

Dazai and Fukuzawa heard the door burst open and they saw a man running panicked through the office. As the man ran past him Dazai's eyes widened. It... It couldn't be... Dazai immediately followed after him and he wasn't wrong.

"Odasaku!" Dazai yelled.

Oda turned around and he was stunned as he was suddenly tackled to the floor. The small body was trembling and crying on him and recognized the small frame from anywhere.


"I missed you!" Dazai cried. "I thought you were gone!"

Oda had felt bad. He didn't mean to scare Dazai like that. Oda gently rubbed his head. "Don't cry... I'm alright. And I'm here. It's okay now." Oda says hugging him tightly.

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