Chapter 1- El Clasico

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"Ijay!!! Get up Ijay! Ijay! I have a lot of work to do, wake up fast"

"Mom! 5 minutes please. "

"You have been saying this since last one hour. Hurry up. No more delay!"

"Mom, I promise, just last five minutes, please!! "

"Fine, I am going. First, you don't sleep till 3 or 4, now you are not ready to wake up even at 11. I will complain to dad. You continue sleeping. Today, you will submit your phone sharp at 12am............" babbling mom went out of the room.

Not in the mood to care I snuggled deep into my bed,not caring about the damn world. Sleep is my topmost priority right now.

I heard mom's footsteps again after 10 minutes.
"Just a reminder, don't forget to inform your KOPCHA friends, that their matchmaker guy will be absent today"

Saying this mom left the room,while I didn't even care to react.
Sleep was just about to embrace me when Nikshay started screaming
"Bhaiyaaaa!! Wake upppp"

"What the hell Nikshay! Are you all on mission,that you won't let me sleep? Just get out and for god's sake,let me have a peaceful sleep for at least half an hour please!" I requested controlling my anger.

"Fine! I am going but don't blame me later, that I didn't warn you. By the way today is El Clasico and mom is mad at you. Plus dad said, no phone and TV after midnight"

"Do hell with El Clasico" I replied without a forethought

"huhh... " Nikshay left the room.

"Finally I can have my peaceful sleep. No one will disturb me now. Silly Nikshay " Ijay thought to himself

"One sec what did he say? El Clasico? WTH its El Clasico today. Shit! Shit! Shit! "

Within a second I tossed away the quilt and was out of the bed.

"Mom!! Mom!! See I am awake,what a lovely morning it is! " I exclaimed checking her mood.

"Its 12pm Ijay. Normal people know it as afternoon." Mom replied not even caring to spare a glance at me. Being Sassy as always.

" I stood there like a clodpoll. Not knowing what to do. "

"Think Ijay! Think! You cannot miss El Clasico" I mentally facepalmed

"Don't trouble your little brain this much Ijay"

I heard mom saying. "God! Why is she so savage? "

"Mom pleaseee!! Pleaseee! Pleaseeee!! Today is.... "

"Barca's match right? " mom cut me mid sentence.


"And you don't wanna miss it at any Cost. Right? "

" Yaa" i said with pleading eyes but it was of no use as she had her back towards me"

"Fine! But 3 conditions."


"Tomorrow morning 9am"

"umm... Ummm... Ok" I forcefully replied as I saw mom's structure tensing"

"Second, no screaming at night."


"Third, I don't want you, Nikshay and Deeksha fighting over teams"

"Done! Done! Done! You are the best momi"

I squealed excitedly and left the room. "Don't forget your Noon duty" I heard mom saying

"Yaa mom, I remember. Give me half an hour" I said and went to the living room.

Nickshay was studyig and di was teaching him. Torturing him to be precise. Dare to mess with her when she is teaching and she will rip you apart. Well, I have first hand horrific experience of studying with her. I gave Nick a teasing smile and plopped on the couch comfortably.

"Let me first deal with Varad, Khevana and Waayavya . Hell, they kept me awake till 4:30 am. Damn! My stomach still hurts from the laughter last night." I mummered picking up my phone.

I messaged them but no response. Disappointed I moved to Mahabharata server.

After a good Kanchapanti session , I heard Mom's voice from the adjoining room

"Ijay. Its been one and a half hour and the utensils are not done yet. Are you going to clean them or should do it on my own??" she emphasized on the last part

"NO NO NO I will be just there" mom doing the utensils would be the last thing to see today, I sighed and moved towards the kitchen.


After doing that dreadful task, I was finally free and going through my phone.

"Phone!Phone and Phone! You don't have anything else except this in your life. Right?" Mom commented annoyed.

"What should I do? Tell me?I am bored sitting at home."

"Study something!" she demanded, sprinkling salt on my wound.

"Mom. I have completed school and about college you know it well. I don't have a college right now and I don't know when will I get one. What should I study? Sanskrit? Actually that is done too." I declared

'Mom! Even the almighty wants that he should not study this lockdown. Whatever exam forms he is filling are getting cancelled one by one." di commented giggling.

Mom gave us a whatever look and continued,

"Kiddos, dadi is coming tomorrow."

"And?" Di raised an eyebrow.

"And what?" mom questioned

"I mean what about our dear lovely cousins?" my cousins are just urgh..... leave.

"Oh! No they are not coming!"

"YES!" me and di screamed at the same time, while Nick was a disappointed.

"Deeksha, Ijay!" Mom gave us a warning glare.

"Mom! Dadi is coming. We are celebrating!" Di covered and mom narrowed her eyes at us.

"Dadi is coming, that means bhaiya is safe from everyone. I will have to bear all the scoldings alone." Nik pointed disappointed.

"Aww" three of us said in unison and bursted in fits of laughter.

" Perks of being RADHA RANI KA PRASAD" I flaunted shamelessly irritating him.

Dadi calls me Radha Rani ka prasad because she believed that I am a gift from her. She vowed me to Radha Rani during Mom's pregnancy.

"Aacha!Enough! No fighting! Go and do your work kiddos" Mom interrupted mine and nick's banter.


Ijay and Nick's Room

"Finally I am done. Let me checkout some updates since I won't get time at night. Yipee!!!!! El Clasico..........i am so excited Barca you need to win this for sure."

" Forget it Bhaiya, by no means Barca is winning this one, Madrid will win for sure!" Nik commented while passing by the room.

"Hell with you Nik!, We will see who wins. STUPID!!"


" I think Khevana has taken upon herself to fill Varad's void on wattpad. Bitch, I told her so many times, take me to dwapar instead of avengers, she took it as a joke saying that will be no fun. huhh...!!"

I just read Khevana's update for a while, spammed her comment section as she did a great job. i worked on RAGHILI my maiden work for a while. Rest of the day was no fun.

Match time!!!!

Its finally 1:30 the match is about to start.

"Diii!!!! bring the popcorn fast!!! The match is about to start"

"Just a minute Ijay"

"Why are you so excited to see your team losing" Nik commented testing my patience while i just glared at him.

" Hehehe I think di called me" he ran sensing my mood

" We will see nik who wins" I shouted.

I changed to my Barca Jersey for the match. I just love myself for this. I got it from my own savings. It costed me 6000 bucks. Damn expensive, but Barca is love.

While I finished changing Di and Nik entered with popcorn. Seeing me in Barca jersey how could he accept defeat he to immediately changed into Madrid's Jersey which I only got him. He wore it proudly while flaunting it. While I just mentally giggled I got his jersey at half the price.

Match started and with this our attention also diverted towards the screen. Within 15 minutes me and Nik were rumping all over again in a very sophisticated and well mannered way, while di just enjoyed the match. With every chance, foul, attack , clearance and save we both controlled our urge to comment because we knew the end result would be a brawl.

Much to our disappointment the match ended with no result, it was a tie 1-1 each and we had no chance to fight for the result, the only positive point of the match.

It was 3:30 by the time match got over, we were so tired that nobody went to their and the three of us went into deep slumber on our respective couches.

This was the first chapter of Pursuit of the Inevitable. i hope it was not boring and i lived up to your expectations. Criticism is always welcomed from my side.

How was it? Was it any good?

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EL CLASICO - A football match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Dwapar- A timezone in which Mahabharata took place.

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