Chapter 2 - Whose Truth?

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I was in deep slumber, when I sensed some sensation on my forehead, I am a heavy sleeper but somehow i sensed it, it was mom, she pecked my forehead. I smiled. Mom's touch always gives my heart a secure and protective feeling. And I openly admit that, I am a Mumma's boy.

"Oh JESUS! My sleepyhead is up early? How come?Am I dreaming? " mom said kissing both di and Nikshay.

"Mom, from where do you get the energy to be this dramatic right in the morning?"

"Its 9 am Ijay, people are at work and you are asking me, where do I get the energy from ? really?"

"Ohhhh!! its 8am I still have an hour to sleep." I said and slipped inside my linen duvet."
" How do you know its 8?" mom asked suprised.

"Mom, I am 18 now. I know your tricks now, change them, if u say its 11 then its 9:30 , if you say its 12 then its 11. Now let me sleep I will be up by 9"

Mom huffed and left the lobby.

An hour later!

"Come on couch potatoes!! Time to get up. Fast"

"umm..." the three of us struggled but no one dared to speak anything.

"Hurry up! I do not have an entire day! Get your asses of the couch right now."


My eyes shot open and I looked towards di for conformation, her reaction was same. We both shared a look. My eyes moved from di to mom, mom to di for a few seconds,while Mom just smirked.

"Mom language?" di pointed.

"What's wrong with my language. Both of you say na, Mom be cool, here I am being cool. Also if you both can go around the house cursing, then you don't have any right to point me." Mom said in an overly sarcastic tone leaving for kitchen. Leaving her last comment on the way.

"Plus, if it helps me in waking Ijay , then its quiet beneficial. I needed to change my techniques na, so I did"

I grumbled in annoyance and threw the cushion laying near me on Nikshay's face who was still sleeping parallel to my couch babbling in his dreams.

He stumbled and fell down.

"Who dared to attack Nick? I will kill you devil!!!!" nick shouted still in his dream world.

"Shut up Nick!" pissed I left for my room while Di broke in fits of Laughter.


Few Days Later

Author's POV

Aarushi(Ijay's Mom) and Ijay's Grandmother were sitting in Aarushi's room, going through some old photographs, giggling and cherishing the old memories.

"Mom you remember this trip to Mcleodganj when Nick was 4, the weather was soo bad and Raj(Ijay's father) lied to us that we are going to Dharamshala and how cleverly he took us to Mcleodganj." Aarushi smiled eye to eye handing her one of the family photograph.

"Ofcourse!How can I forget this trip. We were unable to find any Hotel for accommodating and the scolding Raj got from his father." both the ladies giggled remembering the incident

"However, Deeksha was lucky. It was her plan but she din't get any scolding from Dad." Aarushi quickly added.

"Yeah!That's because you didn't left any scope for him. Your scolding was enough for her." the grandmother replied with a sheepish smile while Aarushi was embarrassed remembering her over reaction.

"MOM!!!" she complained trying to escape the situation.

The grandmother chuckled and caught hold of another picture from the album in which a girl of about 3 years, wearing a frock was posing with a plate in her hand.

"This! giggle This is just epic. Deeksha legit used to slip under our nose just to go the washing area to eat soap and detergent." she cackled with laughter

"She even used to take a plate along with her." Aarushi pointed laughing.

"I know right" the grandmother tried to control her laughter.

Aarushi was going through some other pictures when she stopped abruptly and shifted uncomfortably. The grandmother was quick to notice her reaction. She noticed the picture.

It was a picture of Aarushi and Raj with an year old kid in their arms outside a temple. The smile on the couples face was pleasing.

"This is...." the grandmother started but was cut by her daughter in law whose face lost the smile she had a few moments back.

"Barsana's picture, outside Radha Rani's temple." she moaned lightly

"Aarushi , look at me." the grandmother ordered seeing her discomfort.

She shifted towards her direction and the granny gently puting her hand's on Aarushi's shoulder demanded

"What's the matter? Tell me?"

"Mom, I am scared. Ijay is grown up now. He is 18. Raj says he deserves to know the truth. Even Deeksha agrees with him and this makes me tensed. He is also becoming more observant now. The other day he questioned why don't we have any of his pics during the first year of his birth, like we have of Deeksha and Nick. He believes that you call him Radha Rani ka Prasad because you vowed him to Radha Rani during the pregnancy. Till now he believes in our stories but I am afraid for how long will this work. I know that he deserves to know about himself but how am I supposed to reveal this truth to him? How should I tell him that you my child are not what you think you are infact you are.........." Aarushi choaked and gasped with the need for oxygen as she spoke all of it in one go. She didn't realize when her eyes moistened.

The grandmother massaged her shoulders to calm her down and was about to speak when they heard Deeksha's voice at the door

"Ijay? What are you doing standing here outside Mon's room"

Their breathes hitched for a moment and both the ladies gave each other a deadpanned look.


Ijay's Pov

Today is Saturday, which means Sanskrit class for me. I somehow survived the online torture of one hour which they call as class these days. cheers to covid. I am damn hungry so I decided to put a break on my cursing session and find Mom in order to get something to eat.Nick informed me that Mom is with Dadi in her room, so I decided to go there only.

I was almost at the door when I heard Mom's distressed voice which made me anxious.

"How should I tell him the truth?How should I tell him that you my child are not what you think you are infact you are.........." Mom choked I was hella confused would be an understatement.

What truth?Whose truth? Which child? Is she talking about me? A lot of questions veiled my mind but before I could react di interrupted me

"Ijay? What are you doing standing here outside Mon's room" she questioned in a panicked voice

"I was looking for Mom." I replied eager to ask her if she knew anything about what mom was saying "but di do you know what mom was saying?What truth? Which child?"

I could see her face and body tensing but she masked it well with a fake smile. Give her some credit she is a lawyer afterall. She started

"Listen! Listen! Listen! Its nothing trust me but still you can ask all the questions you have but first please get my admit card printed."

"But Di listen na........."

"Please!Please!Please!" she requested and unable to deny I agreed.

"Fine! But you will tell me everything you know once I return."

Her face lost its colour but she somewhat replied

"Yeah!Yeah! But you go fast!"


At the Stationery

I exited the stationery, after getting the print out of the admit card. All my thoughts were directed to What Mom was talking about. What truth? What identity? Was it me who she was talking about? or Was it Nick? If it was me then What is my identity she was talking about? Who am I? I can get the answers only when I am home. I need to be quick.

As I was crossing the road my head started throbbing suddenly, the world around me started spinning. I was losing my senses and my balance.

Shit I am blacking out.

I tried my best to somehow control myself and luckily my senses were coming back not fully but in process. That was when I heard loud pomp and horns. My head was still spinning and I was not able to see or hear clearly.

From my blurred vision I could only see actually guess a huge truck coming towards my side at high speed, I saw a bright light whose glare irritated my eyes and caused painful sensations in my head and then everything went black.



Hey peps! This was chapter 2 of "Pursuit of the Inevitable"

Was it any good??

Any favourite part?

I hope this was was better than the earlier Chapter2. Do tell me.

What will happen to Ijay?

Do vote, comment and review.


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