Chapter 3- Ijay?Who?

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Driver's POV

It was the darkest shade of twilight. Dusk was about to take over. I was about two hours away from the unloading destination, driving on the divider with music on. The road was a busy one and it was quiet dark, so I was being extra careful.

My phone rang, it was my wife.After talking to her, I was placing my phone back at its place, when I looked up ,a few meters away a boy of about 17-18 was standing in the middle of the road. I was completely sure, he would cross the road by the time I reach but to my shock he didn't, he stood at his place and seemed like struggling with something . Before I could react or even think,I was close to him and there was no scope of him getting away, we could collide any moment. In order to prevent the crash,I applied the breaks but we were too close for him to escapre. I was dead scared, the boy's eyes were closed tightly while I used all my strength to stop the truck but no use. In that moment an extraordinary bright and powerful light appeared, so  strong that it was not possible for me to keep my eyes open. I tightly shut my eyes to prevent the uneasiness from that light.

Few seconds later

I felt a jerk, I opened my eyes. I looked around people were comfortably roaming around, the surrounding around me was happy and joyous.
"What's wrong with me? When did I close my eyes and why am I standing here in the middle of the road aimlessly?"


"Nick! Nick! "

"What happened Di? "

"I told you to get my admit card printed. Is it done? "

"Me?, no you never asked me to get your admit card printed. "

She glared at Nickshay.

"I swear di."

"Dad left early, Mom will never go out for doing such a petty thing, who's left? Only you. I don't have any other brother!"

"I agree di, but.... "

"Okay fine! Their must have been some miscommunication but now hurry up, I need it today only.

"Okay, I am going , but still you did not tell me." Nick said leaving the house



Surrounded by the gracious, snow cladded mountain peaks on four sides sat Mahadev and Mata Parvati on the peak of their heavenly abode Kailash, witnessing one of the greatest event which was about to take place.

"Pranam Mahadev! Pranam Mata! " Narad Muni greeted who appeared along with Lord Bhrama and Goddess Saraswati to join Mahakal and Mahakali.

The couple returned the greetings with same serenity.

"Prabhu(God) Whatever is happening, is it right?" asked munivar tensed clutching his Khartal and Veena tightly showing how anxious he was.

"Tatparya?(meaning)" Devi Saraswati asked with a calm smile.

"Mata, all this tempering with the time wheel , moving between yugas and everything I meant" Narad Muni elaborated in an expectant voice hoping to find answers to his questions.

"Munivar, what made you believe that the time wheel is tampered ? No one has the authority to tamper the time wheel . What happened  earlier and today was is destiny. No one tampered with time portal, it opened because of destiny. If we try to go against destiny it will pave way only for destruction. Ijay's presence in Dwapar will be an example of this only, NO MATTER WHAT TIME RUNS THE SHOW, YOUR DESTINY IS INEVITABLE. Whatever has happened, is happening and will happen, all this is Narayan's leela." Lord Shiva's remarked as the entire trilok once again bowed down infront of Lord Vishnu's plan. All this while an eight year old boy smirked in gokul.

"NARAYAN!NARAYAN!" narad muni sang in a gaily tone finally getting a clear picture.



I felt some watery and cooling sensation on my face. To be honest it soothed me, my eyes were hurting , my limbs were paining, my whole body was numb. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to open my eyes but it was too painful. I could hear a fain voice calling my name but I don't recognise who it belonged to. With quiet some effort and throbbing pain I was finally able to open my eyes. I saw an old man.

"Ijay! Son, get up. Are you alright? "
that man asked concerned.

That man was wearing some pecuilar clothes, like the rishis shown in television but quite simpler than those.Frankly I have never seen any priest or anyone wearing such clothes in real life. But this man was very different. He had a big beard stoping just abovd his stomach. His forehead smeared with vermilion, a patch of white paint covering the Aagya/third eye chakra between which sat a beautiful tilak. An aura of wisdom surrounded him.

"Son, you are finally here. It was a long journey but now you are finally where you belong. Your journey ahead is also filled with thistles, but you my boy are divine." he happlily remarked helping me getting up.

While the man was continued predicting my future I stood there like a clod poll actually thinking is this man insane? Whatever he was saying everything went over my head. My head was hurting badly. I was trying to remember what happened to me, that's when I looked around and noticed the surroundings. I had never seen this place, not even a tinch of idea about the place. But I have to agree the place was breathtakingly beautiful lush green forest cover, wide beautiful gardens, but most importantly my best friend, my solace, my mountains. The place had perfectly textured, high and very cold, incredibly tall and alluring mountain range.

He must have noticed my expressions, when he asked

"Like what you see?

"Its beautiful,but why is this place so inhabitant sire?"

"Because this is not the place you are thinking it to be, listen to me very carefully Ijay. I know it is difficult for you to believe but you have to accept it. I am Krishna Dvaipāyana"

"Ohh!so he is VED VYAS, then I am his step brother Gangaputra Bhishma." I thought to myself as I did not consider it polite to cut him in between even though he was trying to fool me.

The man started laughing "But you won't find Nariyal pani here."

My jaw dropped on the ground, to be honest it went undegruond only.
"How is this possible? Can he read my mind? But how? "

"Calm down son! Calm down!! You need to accept that you are not in Kalyug anymore, you are in dwapar. "

I started panicking, he read my thoughts again. "This wattpad has made me crazy. Have I read Dhi and TDT soo much that I have started dreaming about time travel to Dwapar? " I was freaking would be an understatement.

"Uff! I thought I would manage but it is not easy. Okay, first calm down and sit." he took me to a nearby rock and made me sit on it, while he offered me water. I gulped it down in one go hoping to get some strength to deal with this joke.

"Now,tell me what happened with you?" he questioned crossing his arms

"I...I was coming out of the stationery, when I started feeling dizzy, then I suddenly started blacking out and the last thing I remember was a bright light and something sucked me followed by a lot of voices. But I think this is just a dream. " I said while pinching my left arm. Damn! it hurts.

"It will hurt child because this is reality and that was time portal, which opened for the second time and will never open in future ever again. You have of questions, doubts, suspicions but I cannot clear anything now except for the fact that you are in Dwapar. You have to find your own answers to the rest of your questions . " he said caressing my arms while the scratches on my arm disappeared.

Tears started forming my eyes my heart was convinced because of the valid points he made, but my mind was still not ready to believe. Even though I didn't want to but his aura and powers forced me to believe that he is telling the truth.

"I see you still have your doubts. Go to that river and see your reflection in the water once. All your mistrust would be clear. This revelation will make you believe in my words and also show you the way for your future " he said pointing towards the river bank putting emphasis on the last part.

With heavy steps and heavy heat,I moved towards the river,not knowing what was it know?  I was trying to prepare myself for the upcoming storm while praying to God that it must be a dream. Reading Time travel in the comfort of your home , around your people is enjoyable. Saying that wish I could do it but trust me experiencing it is bloody shit. With wobbly steeps, finally reached the bank and looked at my reflection, my tears betrayed me, they started falling uncontrollably. I jerked backward and stumbled into Maharishi Ved Vyas' legs , my back touching his legs. My sobs increased , he turned me and hugged me tightly, I also clinged him tightly not caring about how big of a person he was.

"Yes,my child you are not 18 year old anymore, here you are just a 5 year old kid with the mental level of an 18 year old, your brain , your knowledge remains intact, everything is same from Kalyug except your age which also affected your body." I had no control over my emotions, all I wanted was to go back, which seemed impossible at that moment. He picked me in his arms and soothed me till the time my sobs became whimpers which was approximately about an hour. Still not convinced I had to go with the flow,  to be honest my senses were not normal at that moment.

He let me off from his arms.

"Here take these clothes, and get changed quick" he said offering me some saffron clothes, which were quite weird.

I took off my old clothes and with his help, changed into new ones.

"Listen child, I know its unfair to you but right now my role in your journey was this much only. This is your journey, you have to live it, you are the only one who can find answers to your questions.You don't know your reality yet, this journey will help you find it. I am afraid but I will have to take my leave now. I am sure you will make me, your family in kalyug and everyone who is expecting from you proud. All the best IJAY!"

Awsome. So now,  he is also leaving me. Great!

I was mentally already very draines. So, instead of negotiating I joined my hands in a namaskar and took his blessings by touching his feet.


"Ayushman bhava!(god bless you)"

With this he went on his way leaving me all alone in this monstrous wilderness to fight my own battles.












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