Chapter 15 - The mystery of Kheer

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"A small quantity of this poison and your biggest hurdle will be gone." an evil smirk danced on Shakuni and Duryodhan's face, illuminated under the moonlight entering the room.

"But Mamashree, how will we feed this poison to Bheem?" Duryodhan questioned anxiously.

"Don't worry Bhanje, your mamashree is alive." Shakuni replied setting his moustache, while giving his signature evil smirk. He further continued "Why do you think, are we feading that Sutaputra till now? We could have easily finished their game till now. The moment your father get's to know that they are supporting a Suta to raise weapons, he will banish them and your path will be clear. But no, we will make them regret their existence, they will regret the day they came back. They shouldn't have come here. They shouldn't!"


It had been a month since Karan and Pandavas started meeting. Six of them growing extremely close to him. Karan took over the responsibility as their charioteer in order to prevent suspicion.

In Pandavas Karan found the companions he always wanted, who could see him apart from his caste. And in Karan, Pandavas found the much needed father figure they yearned.

The innocent kids thought they had fooled everyone but what they didn't know was the fact that nothing escapes the eye of Gandhar Raj. He found about the folly from his spies but never disclosed it. He was waiting for the right moment.

On the other hand, Kunti was a mess. Karan's existence had made things hard for her. The secret which was killing her for years was unbearable now. When her kids asked for her permission to befriend Karn, she should have denied as she very well knew the consequences but the mother in her dominated the empress.

Even if for a few days, she wanted to see all her kids together. These memories would be enough for her lifetime. These golden days would be the heart of her life was what she believed.


The fresh dew rested over leaves gigantic trees, the chirrupings of birds, squeaks of the squirrels echoed throughout the forest canopy making the weather perfect for a stroll.

Taking advantage of this, Pandavas and Ijay were ready to go to the forest and were waiting for Karn to arrive.

The sound of wheels was heard, when Nakul jumped in excitement

"Bhrata Karan is here! Bhrata Karn is here!"

"We do have ears Nakul" Bheem taunted, who was a bit frustrated as the former was not talking to him because of a prior fight while he tried his best to make up with him

Nakul frowned but ignored his presence.

"Come on kiddos, mount." Karn instructed

The chariot was having sitting space for 3 people each on both the sides.

Ijay, Sahdev and Yudhishthira occupied one side leaving the Nakul , Bheem and Arjun to occupy the parallel one. Bheem sensing this as an opportunity took a wider portion of the seat along with Arjun leaving Nakul with no seat.

"Bheem! Come on adjust." Yudhishthira said

" Sorry Bhrata but see there is no space." Bheem said widening his legs.

"Bheem!" Yudhishthira warned once again.

"Oh Bhrata, you don't care about me." He said faking a cry. "You know I stumbled with a statue and my leg is hurting. I have to keep it stable and give it space. But don't worry, Nakul you can sit on my other thigh." Bheem said smirking while Nakul was annoyed.

"No need Bheem. Nakul come in the front, you can sit with me. There is ample of space here." Karn said tapping the empty spot next to him.

"But, it will be uncomfortable for you." Yudhishthira pointed

"No ,its fine. Come Nakul." Karn said and Nakul excitedly took hold of the opportunity, while Bheem was left behind with a missed opportunity.


All seven of them after practicing and playing around decided to have a dip in The Ganges, before returning to the palace.

"I am hungry, let's go back!!" Bheem cried to Yudhishthira and Karn after a while. The other four however were having a fun time splashing around like kids

"Have some patience Bheem, we are going back after this." Karn reminded him. Bheem sighed heavily and joined his younger brothers to engage himself.

Yudhishthira and Karn chuckled lightly seeing his reaction.

"Yudhishthira, you wait here with them. I will go and bring the chariot otherwise Vrikodar Bheem will eat us raw." Karna joked chuckling to which Yudhishthira nodded and Karn left.

When Karn was moving towards the Chariot, someone called him..

"Aare, Adirath Putra. Its good we caught you here only." Shakuni spoke who was accompanied by Duryodhan.

"Pranam Gandhar Naresh! Pranam Rajkumar Duryodhan. How may I help you?" Karn said flashing a polite smile. He was completely aware about the dynamics.

"If I am not wrong, you are at Pandu Putra's service?" Duryodhan questioned.

"Yes, my lord! I am in their service." Karn replied.

"Aah! That's great. We were searching for them since long." The moment this statement left Shakuni's mouth, Karn became attentive. His body tensed.

"What I meant was, Queen Kunti gave us this bowl of Kheer for her second one. She said he must me hungry by now and would be giving Yudhishthira a hard time." Shakuni added giving his signature smirk.

"Maharani is so prone to his habits" Karn thought and mentally giggled. He gladly took the bowl and thanked them for bringing it here.

He was cautious at first as to why would Duryodhana will help them, but it was overpowered by the fact that it must be because Maharani Kunti must have instructed him to.

Karan thought highly of Maharani Kunti, in his view she was a strong and a charming personality who had the tact to attract everyone's attention and respect. Few, days ago when Karn was introduced to her by The Pandavas, he came across a new side of his nature. She greeted him well and blessed him just like a mother would bless her son, he thought this must be the sign of a regal Queen which everyone talks about, making the people of the Kingdom feel like their kids, however this was not the case here.

Duryodhan and Shakuni left, while Karn happily took the bowl along with the chariot to the brothers.

When he reached the banks, the six of them were dressed up, completely ready in his wait. Bheem was making a face like he would faint any moment.

Karn smiled and made the best use of the opportunity.

"Why are you making such a face Bheem?" Karn asked pretending to be clueless.

"As if you don't know Bhrata. The mice in my stomach are wrestling." He dramatically pouted

"Fine! Fine! Don't exaggerate. I have something for you but promise me you will share it with Nakul, and both of you won't fight again." Karn demanded

"Oh Bhrata! I knew you were my saviour. What do you have tell me? Tell me?" Bheem reacted like a Kid who got hold of his favourite candy.

"My condition?"

"Everything is accepted as long as you give me food. Ain't I right Nakul?" Bheem looked at him with a look he could not resist. Afterall Nakul cannot live without irritating Bheem as well.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Nakul said "He can befriend Bhrata Duryodhan also for food." He added in a slow voice, audible only to him.

"Come on Bhrata Karn, don't keep me waiting. Give it to me." Bheem's mouth was already watering by the time Karn took out the bowl of Kheer.

"Here, Have it and fill your stomach. Duryodhan and Gandhar Naresh brought this on behalf of Queen Kunti. She very well knows your cravings." He joked to which everyone laughed.

"I wonder how did Bhrata Duryodhan agree to do this for us." Sahdev pointed with a anxious face.

"He is not as arrogant as he seems to be Sahdev. We must not think about him in such a way." Yudhishthira schooled and no one objected.

But, Ijay was wondering something else only. He felt like he was missing something. Duryodhan, Bheem, Kheer. These were the things that were roaming around his mind.

"Is it that Kheer. But what I resd was different. And if Bhrata Bheem is here with us how will he get the boon from Nagraj. Shit! Shit! What the hell is this mess." He thought

"It smells so good. Come Nakul, let's have it." Bheem interjected his thoughts.

"Damn! Bhrata Nakul is also with him. What should I do. I cannot take the risk with the two of them. But, how do I stop this. The rivalry has not reached a stage where they will agree that Duryodhan can kill him. Also, if by any chance they will agree the King won't and I will be questioned and there will be a huge mess" He was unable to decide what to do. He could see Bheem about to have a morsel of Kheer from the bowl.

Without any thought ,he ran towards his direction and snatched the bowl from his hand.

"Sorry Bhrata, but I cannot have you let this Kheer."

He gave a smile and ate the Kheer.


Hey Guys.

How are you all doing. I hope you all are well. Actually pray.

The situation is bad out there. I pray the almighty keeps each one of us and our family safe.

So this was Chapter 15 of Pursuit of the Inevitable.

I hope you like it.

Any favourite part?

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Tata!Take care!

Also, since lockdown is back, feel free to message me for anything and everything. I am all ears.

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