Chapter 14- What a happening day!

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I looked from one to another noting everyone's expression.

This is my one and only chance, I have to make the best of it. If I will be successful in uniting them now, a big problem of the future will be avoided. But how do I do this?

It finally striked upon me.

I looked at my brothers. Sorry for hurting you all but I have to do this. Its for you all only. I took a deep sigh and started

"According to this logic,they won't let me learn warfare as well. If someone who has a gift of kawach and kundal from the lord itself is not alllowed to weild weapons then who am I? I am not your blood brother. They will never let this happen, they will never." I miserably remarked and repeating the same line ran towards the palace, while my brothers kept calling me from behind.

I felt wetness around my eyes, even though I was pretending there was this fear deep down what if this turns out to be true? I don't care whether I learn warfare or not, even though I have always had a peculiar attraction towards weapons, I was a National Level Archery player back in my world but that was not my concern right now, the only thing I was scared of was separation from my brothers. How will I live away from them for so many years, they are my only family. My home away from home.

Before I could think, I was outside Mata Kunti's chamber. Unwittingly, I ran down here. Now that I am here, its better to go inside. 


Author's Pov

"Rajkumar?? What are you doing?" Karan squealed bouncing back as Arjun approached him and kneeled while joining his hands.

"I cannot change what society thinks, feels and does. That's a King's job. But I can take my own decisions and act according to my views. Hence, I Panduputra Arjun request you to take me under your wings and teach me warfare." Arjun serenely requested with bowed head and Karan's eyes popped out while the other four stared at him open mouthed for a moment then smiled.

"What are you saying Rajkumar? Do you even realize the consequences?" Karn asked lifting him up and looking at the others hoping they will knock some sense in him but to his surprise they seemed pleased. Arjun from the corner of his eye noted Yudhishthira's expression, which was a positive.

"I do not care. I will fail as a brother to him if I won't do this." Arjun responded eying towards the direction where Ijay disappeared moments ago.

"I stand by  Arjun's decision."  Bheem piped in and walked toward's Arjun's direction dragging Nakul along with him.

"Bhrata, I have not voiced my opinion yet." Nakul protested

"And you think, you have a option to go against my decision Nakul?" Bheem questioned raising an eyebrow to which Nakul sighed and quietly stood by him. Now, both of them looked towards Sahdev.

"I am in as well." he said in a low voice. 

The four of them squealed excitedly and with puppy eyes looked at Karn, who was still having a hard time digest what all was happening. Confused, he glanced at Yudhishthira who with a small smile nodded at him. Even at this young age , he had this aura that if he is saying something , it must be right.

Taking a deep breathe. Karn finally said 

"Okay! Fine! But, we cannot do this here, we must find a place where we can do this secretly. Also, I have a condition." 

"And that is ?" Sahdev spoke up

"Don't call me Mahodey. I am not that old." he responded making a face and the middle three chuckled.

"How about we call him Bhrata?" Sahdev suggested and everyone gawped at him

Kunti's Chamber

"Mata! This is not done" Ijay bleated

"Don't complain, continue with your beading.I have caught you after so many days. You six have been out of my hand since the time we came here. Today there is no escape sweetheart." Kunti replied sternly

"Mata!" He overdramatically pleaded furrowing his brows

"Aare! These garlands are for Lakshmi Narayan's Puja. They will bless you. Hurry up!"

He made a straight face and mumbled Milne to aai nahi mere se. Sabko to itna guide krte hai mko to ek baar bhini mile. Bhrata Sahdev se milkr chle gai. Mai bechara kbse bhatak raha hun idhr. Mere ko bula kr wase bhi story badal he de hai to milne bhi to pehle aa he skte the. Baat heni krunga huh!!

 (They haven't met me once, since the time I came here. Otherwise, they are ready to guide everyone but why not me? I was also present there when he met Bhrata Sahdev but he left without meeting me. I have been wandering  here since so long.  I won't talk to him now. Huh!")

"What are you blabbering alone?" Kunti drew him out of his world.

"Huu! I was just saying we should hurry up, its almost time for the Puja."

"oho! Hard working guy! Very nice!"Bheem commented while the Pandavas entered

" Where were you all?" Kunti questioned

"We were in the garden with Bhrata Vasusen" Nakul excitedly answered eager to tell Kunti about today's events. While Ijay hearing the word Bhata along with Vasusen stared blankly at Sahdev who just ignored him indicating that he is upset with him for what he did in the garden.

"Vasusen?" Kunti questioned and Ijay's attention diverted toward's her.

"Mata do you know , he is born with a divine Kawach and Kundal" as soon as these word's left Arjun's mouth Kunti's face lost all his colour and why not her worst fear was taking shape. She became numb and didn't hear even a single word that Arjun said afterwards. Ijay and Sahdev were only one's in the room who noticed her expressions. 

A lumped formed her throat. Her mind was constantly mumbling Karn...Karn....her son was alive and was here in Hastinapur only all this time. Her breathe hitched.....

"Choti Maa" A teenage girl robbed in royal attire entered her chamber, much to her relief.

"Dushala! " The Pandavas greeted

"Pranipat Bhratas! Pranipat Kumar" she greeted the pandavas and Ijay politely and then turned towards Kunti

"Mata is calling for you." she told her

"Oh Yeah. Its time. Kids I will see you later. Come on Dushala" Kunti sensing this the only opportunity to escape left immediately, she needed some time to process what Arjun just told her.

Meanwhile, who was staring at Dushala commented in a low voice barely audible for him only" She is cute." but his bad, Sahdev who was standing by his side heard him and flashed him a playful smile.

"What?" he demanded to which Sahdev replied only with a fake cough

"Oh , come on. I am 18 and she is barely 10 or 11"

"But I didn't say anything brother and here you are 11 as well" he whispered the last part in his ear.

"Hmm, so what did you say in the garden Ijay? Who are you? We will tell you, who are you?"  Arjun took threatning steeps towards him cracking his knuckles, behind him Bheem, Nakul and Sahdev following the suit.

"Oh oo, looks like I am in danger" he looked towards Yudhishthira who raised his hands in defeat.

"You surely are Kidoo." Bheem stated and pounced on him but he was quick to escape

"And here they start again." Yudhishthira sighed and walked out of the room following his brothers who were busy in cat and mice game.

Ijay's Pov

I was running at full speed for my life, they are annoyed with me today but how do I tell them, its for their sake only. Oh forget it, run Ijay run. I looked back hearing their calls, there was still some difference between us, I need to speed up.


I bumped into something, ouch it was hard and landed on the floor. Rubbing my head I looked up

"Nariyalpani!" I immediately covered my mouth shit today is a hard day. Its weird but I cannot resist the urge to call him Nariyalpani

There stood the tall, muscular Mahamahim of Hastinapur.

"Are you all right son?" he asked concerned 

At that moment the four of them reached and seeing what happened Bhrata Nakul slapped his forehead "Why is he such a trouble maker" he whispered which was audible to four of us only. Trust me, I wanted to know the same thing.

Much to our relief Nariyalpani was in a nice mood, he just told us to be a bit more careful while playing, specially me since my injury is not completely healed.

while he was talking that Nariyal pani business banner flashed in my mind and I had a had time controling my laughter, I didn't want to cause more trouble my laughing on his face but its not my fault that banner was damn funny. But, I have to pint out he is actually not that serious as he is usually potrayed.

Finally, he went away and the happening day came to an end. Well, I still need to get myself updated about the situation with Karn, back in the room we were interrupted.


(The poster Ijay was talking about in the last part)

Hey Guys!

Sorry for disappearing, I had my semester exams. I forgot to inform.

well, the story is gearing up.

How was the chapter? Was it any good?

Any favorite part?

The story is just getting started, there is alot waiting to be revealed so 

Stay Tuned!

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