Chapter 13- Sutaputra

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Nakul's POV

"What?" Jeysth Bhrata squealed

"Yeah! I wanted to apologise." I said and Bhrata Bheem and Arjun started laughing, I gave them a deadpanned expression.

"Sorry Nakul but..." Bhrata Arjun started but could not complete and started laughing again

"What's the matter?" I glared at them

"You bought this horse for her? I think its more for you than her." Bhrata Bheem once again started laughing.

"Bhrata you bought gift for her or for yourself." Ijay piped in and I shut him off with my narrowed eyes.

"Damn! What was I thinking?"

"Enough everyone." Bhrata Yudhishthira remarked, he turned towards me and continued

"Don't worry Nakul. Its not the gift but the intent of the person that matters. Don't worry, Ijaya will surely like it and she will definitely forgive you."

I hope your words turn out to be true Bhrata.


Author's POV

A week had passed since Ijaya's birthday. Everything turned out to be awesome. Vidur and family were elated to play host to Pandavs, Ijaya and Dushala. Yes, Dushala also accompanied them. How could she miss her Jiji's birthday. Nakul and Ijaya are both on friendly terms after both of them apologized. As a token of fresh start Ijaya gave one of her horse which Nakul brought to Nakul. Now both of them have one each from the set. The siblings have bonded well over the past week.

Today the twins along with Bheem and Ijay were in the royal gardens collecting juicy mangoes. Bheem and Sahdev were on the trees, while Nakul and Ijay beneath them with baskets.

"Bhrata , I have heard that Pitamah is searching for a guru for our education." Nakul said luring over the juicy mango that Bheem just passed him.

"Nakul, don't you dare taste that mango" Bheem warned him while Nakul pouted.

"You know, I am actually excited for the gurukul. Here, someone or the other saves Duryodhan but at gurukul no one can save him." bheem remarked giggling while the other three sighed.

" I will be glad, I will get some relief from these irritating clothes." Ijay remarked and everyone laughed at his statement.

"But Ijay, you are forgetting you will have to wake up early over there otherwise......" nakul did not complete and gave an evil smirk and Bheem joined him

"You are right Nakul, I am so concerned for my little brother. But, don't worry I won't let you face gurudev's rath. I will give you a nice bath in your bed only." Bheem laughed hard

Ijay started grumbling. Ijay and waking up on time are still not on the same page.

"Don't worry Bhrata ,I am still safe. Atleast I wake up early than you favourite anuj." Ijay gave his best smile

"anuj?" Bheem cluelesslu thought

"Bhrata Duryodhan" Ijay commented

"You! Dear anuj you better find a place because I won't leave you " Bheem screamed and jumped down from the tree but Ijay already ran away.

Soon a Tom and Jerry show broke out in the gardens, the twins watched amusingly. Bheem started targeting Ijay with the mangoes. But carefully not to hurt him. Ijay was successfully dodging all the mangoes and teasing Bheem with every missed shot.

Suddenly , Sahdev who was delightfully watching the chase felt a weird sensation and frantically started looking here and there. Meanwhile, by mistake Bheem exerted extra force on a mango, fortunately it didn't hit Ijay but crossed him and was going to hit someone a few meters far from them.

The three of them gasped and gave a horrified expression.

Shit!Shit!Shit! Ijay thought mentally preparing for a nice scolding which they were going to get or maybe much worse.

Now, Sahdev was also drawn towards that direction and much to everyone's suprise a bright light appeared and a Kawach became visible on that person's chest and the four of them looked blankly at him. The mango disappeared.

Ijay and Sahdev gave each other a look. Ijay's jaw dropped and his chest filled with air. He felt like he was not breathing. He tried to speak but was unable to.

"This can't be true.....SONYPUTRA!!Aaaaaa" he screamed internally.

"Ye konsi maya hai?" Nakul slowly quoted

"I have no clue" Bheem replied

Karn's POV

I was just processing what happened, when 4 kids came running towards my direction and started apologizing. From their appearance they looked like princes but it was unusual of princes to apologize.

Well, I think so because the Kshatriyas I have come across are all arrogant, rude and self centred. Since I am at the palace so yeah they must be the new princes, the whole city had been talking about.

I smiled at them and gladly accepted their apology. We had a small conversation as two of them were very interested in knowing about my Kawach and Kundals. I told them how they are a part of me, present since my birth and like everyone they to were surprised. But, the other two were quite weird, they were neither intrested in my talks nor anything else. They were just staring at me blankly which to be honest it was very uncomfortable but somehow I managed.

"Can I touch your Kawach?" One of them demanded. For a moment I was at loss what to say. I wanted to respond negatively but at the same time I did not want to come out as rude.

One second, Am I afraid that they might consider me rude? But when did I started caring what people think about me? That too Kshatriyas?

I tried to convince myself to deny him but I could not. People consider me arrogant and rude but I never cared before today.

"What's happening" a voice came to my rescue.

"Jeysth Bhrata" one of them remarked, oh so he is the eldest brother. His face bore a very calm and serene look. It was soothing actually. He was accompanied by another guy which I suppose is also their brother because I heard of six princes.

" Nakul is irritating mahoday Karn to let him touch his armour." One of the two who was giving me looks spoke for the first time and Nakul frowned.

"Nakul!" He warned

" Bhrata Sahdev is lying. I only asked him. You can confirm it from him. I only asked him once." Nakul stated in his defence glaring at Sahdev while I chuckled softly. They both are actually cute.

"Okay! Fine. Don't start fighting you to." He said patting both of them and then turned towards me

"Pranipat Mahoday. I am Panduputra Kaunteya Yudhishthira. Nice to meet you." He greeted me and I was lowkey impressed. Never in my life have I ever seen such a well mannered royal.

I gave him my brightest smile and introduce myself. "Pranipat Rajkumar. Nice to meet you to. I am Radhey Karna."

"Bhrata you know what Mahoday Karn has a magical Kawach and Kundals." an over excited Nakul piped in and narrated the entire event to Yudhishthira and the other one whose name I came to know was Arjun.

"Mahoday Karn seems to be a very skilled warrior that God's have blessed him with such a gift." Arjun spoke and I gave a light chuckle at the irony of the situation which confused them

"You are right Rajkumar. I am indeed a skilled warrior but I guess my caste is mire important than my skills to the people." I remarked tauntingly and now they were more confused

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Karn, the son of Mahamahim's sarthi Adhirath, I am a sutaputra. Hence, the society cannot accept me as a warrior." I dejectedly remarked and saw Yudhishthira's faces falling.

"What do you mean the society cannot accept you as a warrior?" Arjun angrily questioned

"Ask your Jeystha. I am sure he understands what I am saying" Arjun immediately turned towards Yudhishthira with questioning looks

"What is he saying Bhrata?"

"He is right Arjun. It is the protocal of Kuru and the neighbouring kingdoms that anyone apart from Bhrahimn and Kshatriyas are not allowed to wield weapons." Yudhishthira cleared sadly and all of them gasped at his statement.

"But this is injustice Bhrata." Bheem quoted

"I know right. I have always felt ghat its adharma to prevent someone from doing what he is good at. Even Pitashree hated this but we cannot do anything." Guilt was visible in his eyes and anger in the other five's.

They understand me. They agree with me. They feel my pain. Everyone was right when they said that they are different, Panduputras are indeed special. Never in my life I thought that some princes will understand my side and support it..........


Hello Peps!

So this was Chapter 13 of Pursuit of the Inevitable.

I hope you like it.

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