Chapter 12- Women and gifts

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Nakul aimlessly ran out of the room towards God knows where. Nakul might be a notorious one, but disrespecting a girl intentionally never. He was quite upset with his behaviour. Running he collided into someone but before he could fall, a pair of strong hands caught him.

"Nakul, bacha are you alright? why are you running like this?" that person questioned stablizing him.

"I am alright KakaShree.Don't worry" Nakul answered and Vidur caressed him lovingly.

Since the day Pandu died and they returned to Hastinapur, Vidur has always treated and loved Pandavas and Ijay as his own children. And seeing his concern for him Nakul was more guilty of his behaviour towards Ijaya.

"Have you seen Ijaya , Nakul?" Vidur questioned

" Yeah! She is with Jeysth Bhrata in our chamber." nakul replied staring at the floor.

" Great! I can bring her gift now." vidur excitedly squealed

"Gift?" A clueless nakul questioned

"Actually tomorrow is Ijaya's birthday. So, I need to get a gift for her but I was concerned how will I manage it, without being noticed by her. Now that she is with Yudhishthira, she will be occupied." Vidur replied while Nakul was already in his thoughts hearing the word birthday. It was his chance to seek her forgiveness. How could he let it go.

"Kakashree, Can I also come with you?" Nakul hesitantly asked. " I have never seen the market site of Hastinapur." he immediately added to cover up the motive.

"Ofcourse!My child. I will be more than happy to take you along." Vidur happily cried. Pandavas are trying to settling in Hastinapur, its the best news for him. He made a mind note to let Pitamah know about this later.

"Inform Bhabishree Kunti that I am taking Nakul to the market." Vidur instructed to a nearby soldier and both of them left for the marketplace.


An utterly confused Vidura along with an amused Nakul were at the market. Vidur was extremely confused as to what he should gift Ijaya. While Nakul had a hard time controlling his giggles seeing his condition.

"Come on Kakashree, you can do it. What's a big deal? Its just a gift." Nakul tried to encourage him.

"Uff! Nakul you have no clue how confusing these ladies are. Choosing a gift for them is the toughest job. You will get to know once you will grow up, you will have to get gifts for a lot of Rajkumaris ahem ahem." Vidur teasingly remarked while Nakul looked away, pretending he didn't hear.

"Kakashree, I will go and visit some other shops till then you van finalize the gift" Nakul said and ran avoiding the situation.

"Aree Nakul who will help me, Nakul!" Vidur called but he was already gone.

"Once again, I am stuck alone. Ehhh why does Sulbha give such works to me." Vidur groaned.


"What should I take?" Nakul thought moving around the shop trying to choose a gift for Ijaya both as an apology and birthday gift as well.

His eyes shined and he immediately ran towards that counter

"Kaki, show me that" he said pointing towards a particular item.

"Sure Rajkumar. This js exclusively handcrafted, the best we have in the entire aryavrat." The lady said showing him the product.

"Excellent! She will surely like it. Oh God Nakul you are so smart, chose the gift within seconds and there Kakashree was so confused." Nakul thought and dramatically patted himself on this achievement.

"Kaki how much does it cost?" Nakul questioned collecting all the coins he had.

"Rajkumar, all we have today is because of Maharaj Pandu. We cannot accept money from you." The woman replied

"But.." Nakul started but was cut by the woman

"You called me Kaki na, won't you accept my word" the woman ruffled his hair and now Nakul was bound to follow her word.

"As you say Kaki" with hands joined he bowed and left.


Nakul was running around the room finding a place to hide the gift because he very well knew All his brothers will tease him badly if he will tell them about the gift. After thinking for about good one hour , he finally hid the gift behind a cabinet stand.

He stood there thinking whether the place is safe or not.

"Aah!! Jeysth Bhrata keeps his spear here sometimes" he screamed jumping on his feet.

Once again he started searching hor the perfect spot. This time he ended up hiding it under the bed.

"Perfect. No will find it over here." Satisfied he was about to leave the chamber but ended up screaming once again and ran back.

"Uff, how can I forget Bhrata Bheem hides his ladoos over here." Poor guy had to pull out the gift once again.

The next one hour Nakul spent looking for the perfect spot to hide his gift but failed miserably, as every fpot was used by some or the other brother.

Dejected he sat on the bed when a plan stuck his mind.

"How about I hide it in Mata's chamber. No one will find it over there. Yes!" He jumped excitedly and ran towards Kunti's chamber.

He finally hid his gift in Kunti's chamber and happily ran towards the garden to find his brothers.

Arjun's POV

Six of us were in our room, Jeysth Bhrata and Sahdev were doing meditation, Bhrata Bheem was narrating some weird facts about ladoos to Ijay, who was visibly confused. I chuckled a bit seeing his reaction. Nakul was acting weird, well he is always weird. No surprises over there. I was cleaning my sword when Mata stormed into the room.


What did he do now, I thought.

He was immediately on his feet. "Um.. yes mata?"

"What is this Nakul?" Mata questioned pointing towards a Dasi who was holding two toy horses.

"How many more animals, you are planning to buy. I told you last time, you have enough of them. Then where did you get this from? " Mata was enraged and Nakul was scared.

"M.. mata, I didn't buy it for myself." He spoke

"What? Then who did you buy these for. Don't lie Nakul. I know how much you love horses. I am pretty much dure they are yours."

Nakul was now looking towards the ground and stammering. He was afraid of something which is very unusual. He would never fear to open up with mata, if he bought it for himself.

"Answer me Nakul?" Mata questioned once again but this time her voice was soft.

"Mata, he is right. He bought it gir me. I asked him to buy it when he went to the market today. " I defended him and Mata was shocked, she looked towards me and questioned

"You bought this, like seriously Arjun?"

"Mata, actually yesterday I meet two kids in the palace. They are poor and cannot afford it. I felt very bad so I asked Nakul to buy them for me. I am sorry Mata. I should have asked you first." Nakul starred at me wide eyed.

"Its alright Arjun. Its for a good cause. Listen children, I know I am harsh on you at times but after your pitashree's death we are on our own. This is not the Hastinapur which we left years ago. I don't want us to be a burden on anyone. I want you all go be self sufficient" Mata emotionally remarked and all six of us hugged her tightly.

"We understand Mata" all of us chorused at the same time.

After a while Mata left the room and I narrowed my eyes at Nakul dnd I pulled him in my grip under my arm.

"Aah! Bhrata it hurts. Leave me" he screamed

"Sure. But first you have to tell me gor whom did you buy it."



Hey Guys!

Long time no see. How are you all?

Well, guys there is a decrease in votes, comments and views. I know the updates are very slow but I have other commitments as well. If you are not liking something, I feel I have said it a numerous times that you are open to say it out loud. Its very demotivating for an author. I feel I have delivered what I promised, even though there are numerous books out there, I have mady my best effort yo make this a different one till now.

Lastly, I hope you like the chapter.

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Will try to update soon


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