Chapter 11 - That Pull!

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Few Days Later

Vidur's House

"Sulabha! I am running late. Hurry up!" an impatient Vidura who was tapping the table lightly remarked from the dining room.

"Just a minute Arya! Its almost done. Till then please go and call Ijaya , I don't know why she isn't here yet." Sulabha replied from the kitchen preparing chapattis.

"Don't worry about her, I have already checked on her. She will be here any minute. You please hurry up!" Vidur pointed fixing his angavastra and headwear. Sulabha walked out of the kitchen with two thals in her hand and placed one infront of Vidura and the other on the table opposite to his.

"Arya, What's the case with Ijaya?" Sulabha whispered carefully making sure no one except her husband hears.

"What case? She seems alright to me." Vidura apathetically answered taking a morsel of food.

"Uff you menfolk! You people don't notice anything at all. Yesterday, for the very first time Ijaya returned from the Mahal and did not curse anyone. That's an achievement in itself. She is even ready to go today as well. How come? What happened that a girl who always denied going to Mahal is readily going today?

"Yudhishthira happened" Vidura announced with his head held high, however Subhala was confused and trying to comprehend what his husband was saying.

"It's all because of Bhabhishree Kunti and Bhrata Pandu's upbringing that The Pandavas are ruling everyone's heart. Everyone at the Mahal is smitten by their nature, especially Yudhishthira's. You can see the effect yourself in the form of Ijaya. A person who can cause a change of heart for Ijaya can do anything." Vidur elaborated seeing the confused look on his wife's face.

"Maa!" a shrill voice came

Ijaya walked out of the room, dressed in a plain yellow and pink embroidery lehanga paired with minimal jewellery.

"Maa! I am hungry." she cribbed

"Yeah!That's why you are before time?" Sulabha questioned with a tight smile.

"Whatever" Ijaya rolled her eyes and sat for breakfast

After the breakfast the father- daughter duo left for the Mahal hand in hand.



The sun rays pierced through the curtains, spreading faint light and brightening up the entire room. The grandiose artifacts shinned increasing the royal look a 1000 folds. Though, the chamber was not the best of Kuru's but still it was a class in itself. Afterall, the average of Kuru's is much extravagant than alot of other Kingdoms.

A teenage boy who was dressed in White Dhoti and purple angvastra, with jet black locks reaching his shoulders, was sitting by the bedside carefully caressing the sleeping figure of his brother. He patted his head lightly and contently watched his brother sleeping peacefully. The only sound in the room was that of Ijay's breath, which used to rise every once a while. His face was expressionless, while his hair were messy.Because of the cut on his forehead he didn't have much scope for twisting and turning, so his posture was quite straight.

Ijay's face was swollen badly especially the part near his eye. The swelling was covering a major part of his left face, making it difficult for him to see from that eye because of the pressure on the bruise. Last night was very difficult for him because of the pain and now seeing him sleeping calmly was a treat.

"Jeysth Bhrata!" the call from Arjun lifted the veil of silence from the room and Yudhishthir's attention diverted from Ijay to Arjun and he without any forethought shushed him, pointing towards Ijay. Arjun immediately covered his mouth with his palms.

Yudhishthira slightly smiled at the cute antic of his brother.

"Phalgun , no need to cover your mouth" he pointed controlling his giggles but pretended that nothing happened for he knew how Arjun always wants to act in a mature manner.

Arjun immediately took off his hands realizing his kiddish act and felt a bit awkward for being caught off guard. He wobbled his eyes here and there trying to escape and involuntarily was rubbing his hands.

"um..... ummm......"

Yudhishthira noticed his discomfort from the corner of his eye and decided to help his brother.

"You here?" he questioned

"Oh Yeah! I came to call you. Are you going to play with us?" he said mentally facepalming himself for forgetting the motive of his visit.

"Yeah! Yeah! I will just come. You leave first" he instructed him and within seconds Arjun vanished like smoke, as if waiting for a clue to escape.

After a few seconds of staring at the door from where Arjuna disappeared , he tucked Ijay's duvet properly and left.


After bidding goodbye to Vidura and Bhishma, Ijaya went on her way to Gandhari's palace to greet her.

Though she was not a royalty but the way she walked and talked would lead anyone to have a hard time in believing that she is not a royalty. Her lady like personality charmed everyone.

Ijaya's POV

Strolling around the corridors of the palace I realized how well I know this palace. Even though I am not fond of visiting this place but still I know every nook and corner of this castle. I have spent a major part of my childhood here, with time my visits reduced owning to the big egos of the princes I once considered as my brothers.

I don't hate them because now I know that they are not vile, it took me years to realize that they are just under bad influence. I cannot help ,if the hands of someone like Pitamah are tied in front of them what can I do? And frankly I do not wish to get involved in dark plays which are played inside these fortified glorious walls. To the world these schloss seem very attractive and luxurious , only if they knew that these fortresses are built on the cadavers of their own blood.

A cool gust obstructed whirlpool of my thoughts, locks of my hair swayed with them effortlessly like a captured bird was released. It gave me relaxing feel. The musical breeze was pleasing to my ears. The flailing of the curtains of the adjoining chamber caught me.From the door the footboard slat of the bed was visible and I could spot a pair of legs on the bed .It was like some invisible strings were pulling me towards it, and since it was the newest block of the palace out of curiosity I got lured.

It is unethical to enter someone else's room without permission but I had no control over the driving force.

"Who sleeps at this hour of the day?" curious to find the answer and bowing to the attraction I entered the chamber.

It was Tatshree Pandu and Mata Kunti's adopted son who was injured yesterday, I recognize him because of yesterday's events. He was resting. His wound was much worse than I thought. The forehead had a deep cut reaching till the left eyebrow with some major swelling. My heart throbbed inside my chest seeing this condition.

Impulsively, my trembling fingers trailed the edges of his gash. I didn't know what I was doing? Why I was doing ? It was all reflexive. I felt some moisture on my cheek. My free hand immediately made its way to my left cheek to wipe off the lone tear escaped my eye.

"HEY!Who are you? What are you doing here? a gentle voice came

" Did Bhrata Duryodhan send you to harm him?" another voice came but this time it was a sharp one.

I wiped my eyes immediately and turned around to find two boys dressed in royal clothes with questioning look on their face. They had striking similarities. One bore a neutral expression with a concerned look and the other one gave me a threatening look.

"Answer me? You are here on Bhrata Duryodhan's order. Am I right? " the threatening one said as if he will pounce on me any moment.

"That's Rubbish!! why will Rajkumar Duryodhan order me to come here?" I countered coming face to face with him.

"Don't try to fool us. I know you were here to harm him. Thank God we came here." he accused in a harsh tone.

"Well , I don't need to fool you because you already are one. Stupid." I said averting my eyes

"WHAT! What did you call me?" he was fuming by now.

" S T U P I D! STUPID because that's what you are" I pointed and he gritted his teeth in anger.

"So, I was right. You are indeed sent by Bhrata Duryodhan and trust me you are just like him." he declared arrogantly and was smirking.

All my patience left me. Today is his last day in Aryavrat.

"How dare you ? How dare you compare me to him?" I snapped angrily

"And how dare you call me an idiot and a fool" he answered back

"That's because you accused me." I stated furiously

"So speak up! what were you doing here?" he demanded crossing his arms haughtily

Such an arrogant jerk he is.

"Well, who gave you the authority to question me? The King of Hastinapur? I am not bound to answer you." I stated crashing all his ego and by now he was completely pissed.

"Let me tell you who I am." with this he took my arm in his firm grip and started tugging me.

What the hell. Is he insane? I thought but before I could react an angry voice startled us.

"Stop right there,Nakul!"

Bhrata Yudhishthira entered along with his two brothers whom I recognize to be Rajkumar Arjuna and RajKumar Bheem. Rajkumar Arjuna came towards us and immediately released me from his grip. I gave him a thankful look to which he responded with a smile.

I looked towards the two brothers with an annoyed expression, both of them were very confused.

"Nakul, What was this behaviour? Why did you hurt Ijaya?" Bhrata demanded. He was back to his calm voice

"Ijaya!" Both of them asked at the same time shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Yes Ijaya, the one because of which Ijay is fine and you treat her like this?" Bhrata remarked and both of them bowed their head in embarrassment.

"I am so sorry Bhrata! I didn't know she was Ijaya. I thought she was someone sent by Bhrata Duryodhan to hurt Ijay. I am so sorry." He pleaded to Bhrata in a low and guilty voice and then turned towards me

"Devi, Please forgive me for my behaviour. I misunderstood you and bad mouthed you. I even hurted you.I am really very sorry." he apologized with a bowed head and joint hands. He did not lift his eyes even for a second.

He did not wait for my response and ran out of the room ignoring his brother's calls.

"Nakul! Listen to me" Rajkumar Bheem was about to follow him but Bhrata stopped him.

"Wait Bheem! Don't go behind him. He is ashamed of his behaviour and your presence will only make him feel more guilty. Let him spend some time alone then we will together to get him." he stated

"My apologies Ijaya. Nakul is not like this. I don't know what came into him today. Please forgive him. What he did was the result of a mere misunderstanding. And trust me he is genuinely sorry." He said somberly

"I know that Bhrata and please don't apologize. I cannot bear the sight of my brother apologizing to me."

He gave me a small smile.

"Ijaya, come let us take you to Mata . She will be so pleased to meet you." Rajkumar Arjun said lightening the atmosphere

"Great Idea! Mata must have prepared ladoos for me. I will give you a share in it. " Rajkumar Bheem.

All of us laughed at his statement and I nodded.


Hola Peps! So this was CHAPTER 11 of Pursuit of the Inevitable. How was it?

Was it any good?

Any favorite part?

I have updated after long time because I was editing the 1st and 2nd chapter as I informed earlier. There is a complete change in those chapters especially chapter 2 , so those who have not read it until now kindly read it otherwise you won't understand the story.

So, recently I realized that I was not able to do complete justice to my books. So I decided that Pursuit will be on slow updates till the time I complete Raghili, which has entered the last stage. It will be completed soon. So best with me please. I will give an update whenever its possible.

Also, I want you guys to tell me Did you like the story till now? Only then I should consider continuing it because there are hell lot of time travels out there. I have tried to make this one completely different.

So please tell me if you like the story soo far. Whether I should continue or not?

I have also changed the cover. How is it?

Lastly, if you liked the chapter then do vote and comment.


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