Chapter 10- Who is the eye witness?

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Author's POV

A heated debate was going on in the Kuru Rajya Sabha regarding the events which took place a an hour back.On one side, Bheem claimed Dushasan's involvement in the accident that took place with Ijay. When shakuni felt the discussion going against his nephew, he said something which ripped the hearts out of the 3 eldest Pandavas.

"Maharaj, Is it right to interrogate the  prince of hastinapur without any eye witness for a mere illegitimate child." 

"MARYADA MAT LANGHIYE GANDHARNARESH!" Bhishma's threatning voice roared in the entire sabha, shakuni stumbled back hearing bhishma's deadly voice.(Don't cross your limits Oh King of Gandhar)

"May I know the reason why Mahamahim is trying to make a mountain out of a mere molehill?" Shakuni countered giving his signature evil smirk.

"GandharRaj is right tatshree, accidents happen while playing. Just because of mere accident with a kid we cannot leave everything and grill a kuru prince, like he is some criminal." Dhritrashtra declared, supporting Shakuni's statement while Dushasan gave Bheem an evil smirk which irked bheem, but somehow Yudhishthira controlled him.

"But Maharaj..." Bheem started

"Shut Up Bheem! You should have thought about this before fighting." Dhritrashtra shouted.

Mahamahim Bhishma was shocked to core, he never expected this kind of reaction from Dhritrashtra, on Shakuni was insulting Pandu's kid. But, he could not let this happen.

"Maharaj the kid you are talking about is the future of Hastinapur and Kuruvansh and accordint to Vadiya Ji, he could have lost his eye or even worse damage his brain." Bhishma pointed

"Pardon me Mahamahim!But the future of Kuruvansh and Hastinapur are the kuru princes, that is Dushasan in this case, who is blamed unnecessarily."

By this moment, The Kaunteyas have had enough. They had never felt this helpless in their entire life. That Sabha made one thing very clear to them, that they are not welcomed here. Their life ahead would not be easy.

"Leave that also, other than the pandavas do we have any other person, who could verify that Dushasan or Anudara or Suvak were involved in this accident? No, right? Then how can you blame Dushasan, instead PanduPutra Bheem should be punished for starting the fight." Shakuni with his trickery manipulated the entire case.

"GandharRaj, a very great personality once said that any decision taken in haste is never right. I think he said that for you only. We have an eye witness Maharaj." Vidur announced ruining Shakuni's effort.

Arjuna who was lost till know, finally stabilized himself  and silently entered the sabha and slid beside Bheem's vacant  side, giving and assuring look to the other two, implying that Ijay is fine. The other two sighed in relief.

"Eye Witness? Who is it Vidura? We have questioned all the guards who were on duty, but there was none, who verfied what PanduPuta's are saying." Dhritrashtra shifted in his seat, visibly tensed on the claim of having an eye witness against his son.

"Well, no guard will ever give a statement against a king's son, even if they know the truth. " Vidur said and Dhritrashtra and Shakuni just turned their faces, giving an annoyed expression.

"If that is the case Mahamantari, then how did the person you are talking about is ready to rectify pandavas' claim? Because as far as we know, apart from the princes and that kid, only a few guards were there, who have already been questioned." shakuni placed a hand across Dushasan's shoulder, assuring him but deep down he was trying to assure himself.

"Oh, there was someone else to but no one noticed because that person disappeared before we reached there. Maharaj, Ijay was able to get medical help at time because Vadiya Ji was brought to Rajya Mahal at the right time, even before I could call for him." he explained with a small smile.

"What are you saying Vidura? Who called him before you?"Bhishma questioned while the anxious Kaunteyas also searched for the answer. Yudhishthira made a mental note to thank that person later. Vidur looked towards the door and everyone's gaze followed his.

"Come in Ijaya!" Vidur demanded

"Ijaya?" The Kaunteyas gave a perplexed reaction at the same time.

Ijaya entered the court and stood beside Vidura.

"Pranipat Pitamah! Pranipat Maharaj! Pranipat Kulguru" She one by one greeted Bhishma, Dhritrashtra and Kripacharya.

"Putri Ijaya, I think you forgot me, hence forgot to greet me. Afterall we are meeting after such a long time. I am your mam....."

"Pardon me for interrupting GandharRaj, but I completely remember who you are. Aapko chah kr bhi koi bhul nhi sakta. Accept my special Pranipat GandharRaj!Actually I thought you must have returned to Gandhar" Ijaya cut him and replied in an overly sweet voice, while Bhishma and Vidur just tried to control their smile whereas the Kaunteyas were just clueless about who she was and what was she trying to say..(No one can forget you even if they wish to oh king of Gandhar).

"Kalyan ho putri, I must say you have not changed a bit since our last meeting and most importantly you are just your father's carbon copy." an irked shakuni replied, Ijaya just ignored him which irked him more.

"Always stay blessed  Putri, Vidur says that you were present there when Ijay got hurt?" an impatient Bhishma questioned also he wanted to keep her away from Shakuni's presence.

"Yes Pitamah, I was about to leave the Mahal after meeting Dushala when I was leaving, Prince Dushasan's dice hit my leg because in a fit of anger, he threw the dyut board away.This brought my attention towards him. After that suddenly started smirking seeing Prince Ijay coming towards his direction trying to catch the ball. He whispered something in  Prince Suvak's ear and he intentionally tripped Prince Ijay to fall..."

"Putri, Only Ijay not prince." Shakuni tried to mess with her once again.

She just gave him a polite smile and continued.

"So yes Maharaj, Prince Dushasan and his brothers intentionally caused his fall. I would have presented myself before the court earlier only, but I felt it was more important to call Vaidya Ji at that time." she concluded her statement.

"You did the right thing putri, I am proud of you." Bhishma said and Shakuni Dhritrashtra and Dushasan just gritted their teeth. "I think its very evident now, who was at fault Maharaj and the punishment should be declared accordingly." he continued.

Dhritrashtra was at loss of words, his fathery side overpowered his duty as a king.

"Maharaj! if you let me, I would like to put forward my suggestion." 

"Go ahead Shakuni."

"Maharaj, I feel we should not interfere between brothers, if we will interfere in their matters, it will fuel up the rift between them .I suggest that this time they should be left with a warning." Shakuni tactfully pointed. Dhritrashtra's racing heart finally got a ray of hope. He would not let this chance slip.

Even before anyone could raise an objection, he declared the verdict "I agree with Shakuni's suggestion and hereby I warn the Kuru princes and Ijaya that such kind of act should not be repeated, it won't be tolerated. I hereby adjourn the court for today."  

Shakuni, Dhritrashtra and the Kaurvas immediately left the hall in order to avoid everyone's gaze. Something in the heart of Kaunteyas broke that day. They realized that this is not the Hastinapur their father used to talk about. The Hastinapur which used to abide by Dharma all the time, was lost when their father fave up the throne.

"Bhrata, we should get going, Ijay must be up." Bheem said to which the other two nodded.

"Bheem, Arjun listen to me very carefully. Nothing, I repeat nothing discussed in this Sabha should be known to Mata, Ijay, Nakul and Sahdev. Whatever they said was baseless. Ijay was , is and always will be our brother. They might not accept him as Kuruvanshi or Pandu Putra but no one can change the fact that he is the heart of the Pandavas"

"We know that Bhratra." both of them said with a small smile.

"Before we leave, we should thank Ijaya." Yudhishthira said looking for Ijaya.

"Bhrata, her name is Ijaya? Like for real?"Bheem questioned like an innocent kid.

Yudhishthira and Arjun giggled a bit "Yeah Bheem, pitashree once mentioned about Kakashree Vidur's daughter and her progressive mentality but I didn't know her name was Ijaya. "

The three of them moved towards where Ijaya, Bhishma and Vidura were standing.

"Pitamah, Please forgive me for my behavior  today.Please don't be upset." Bheem apologized while looking down.

Bhishma just smiled and took him in his embrace. "From next time instead of fighting, let me know."

"Putron meet her, she is my putri Ijaya." he said putting his hands on her shoulder.

"And, Ijaya they are your tatshree Pandu's kids,  Yudhishthira, Bheem and Arjun." he introduced pointing towards them respectively.

Both the sides greeted each other with a polite"Pranipat"

" Ijaya, we are truly very grateful to you for bringing Vaidya Ji on time. It is because of you my brother is safe today. Thank You soo much." Yudhishtira thanked her with folded hands. Never in her life Ijaya saw such a humble and down to earth royal.

"Bhrata, Please don't do this. You are elder to me, I won't be able to carry this sin." so everything the people said about the Pandavas prooved to right. They truly are gentlemen Ijaya thought. 

All three of them gave her a smile.

"Right now, we have to go. But, will you come and meet your Bhrata?I have heard alot about your skills from pitashree and I would love to know my little sister better." Yudi asked with his ever mesmerizing calm smile.

 Ijaya was teary eyed, for the very first time she felt the feeling of having a brother. For the very first time anyone except her Pitamah Bhishma and her sister Dushala made her feel welcomed.

"I will Bhrata." She replied without a forethought.



Hello Peps!

How are you guys doing?Hope you are well.

A few things to talk about....

Firstly, when I started this book I was a discord obsessed person but know that I am away from discord for about a month, I understood that the first two chapters are not upto the mark. I will be unpublishing  them and will update them after editing. So, you are requested to read them again as there will be a change is storyline. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Secondly, Its a happy news. Cheer up peps. On Public demand The epic Fab4 of wattpad and discord have finally published their first collab book. My first collab!!! Its a time travel, but a very humorous, different and a unique one with a personal glossary. In short, you cannot afford to miss it for sure. Here is the first look.

For those who don't know about fab4, its mythooolover DrKanu jimmyprotested29 and Sayra612. Check it out ASAP. Its available on DrKanu account.

Thirdly, After months of Hard work, I have finally decided the cast of the book. I am taking a risk and changing a major portion of the cast as I wanted fresh faces.A few of them will remain same, but the major ones are changed.Well, I am very excited for it, but we haven't reached that portion where I need to update the cast. It will take a few more updates.

*Realizes that I have already blabbered alot, smiles sheepishly*  

LASTLY, Coming to the chapter.

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