Chapter 9 - Settling Down

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A few days passed and Pandavas started settling in Hastinapur. An event was organised to welcome The Pandavas, where they were introduced to the people. Everyone accepted them whole heartedly except for the kaurvas. The very first day when they were left together to bond, Kaurvas refused to accept them and even insulted them

Pandavas Room

"Ijay! Stop running and come here right now." Yudhishthira yelled at Ijay who was running away from him, instead of getting ready.

"OKAY! But i won't wear that jewellery!" Ijay replied hiding behind the trying to escape from Yudhishthira.

"No,absolutely not. You cannot go around the Mahal or city without these. Its important for royals." yudhishthira warned, taking cautious steps towards his direction in order to catch him.

"Well! In that case, I am not a royal kid then." he smirked and ran in towards the direction opposite from which Yudhishthira was coming

"Bheem, Arjun block him" yudhishthira ordered.

Bheem and Arjun blocked the other side of the chair from where he was going to escape.

"Anuj, how will you escape now?" bheem said giving him a wicked smile.

"Huh!Fine! I will dress up according to a royal." he said in a mimicking voice

"Ijay!!" Arjun warned

"Okay! Fine! Give me whatever you want me to wear. " he replied in a compromising tone.

Nakul and Sahdev were enjoying this scene, sitting in one corner when Nakul commented "Sometimes, you act like you are from another world Ijay! "

"No, there is nothing like this." Ijay answered abruptly.

Sahdev hit Nakul slightly "Don't tease him. Adi he is just joking. You should get ready quickly before Mata scolds us."

"Oh! Yeah, just a minute."

He finally wore the jewellery and the six of them left.


The Brothers were playing in the garden with a ball, forming two teams. On one side they had Bheem, Nakul and Sahdev. On the other side Yudhishthira, Arjuna and Ijay.

"Bhrata Bheem, slow down. Not everyone here is as powerful as you." Arjun said

"Why should I slow down , you guys should buck up a bit. Everyone here should know how powerful PanduPutra Bheem is. He can crush you any moment and you won't even realize. !" he said emphasizing on the last part and eyeing towards Dushasan who passing them. He glared back with annoyance, while Arjun, Sahdev and Nakul giggled.

"Ijay, for how long will you stand there with that annoyed face, stop being childish.You have to wear that jewellery. There is no escape. Come on." Sahdev pointed towards Ijay who stood there with a frowning face occupied with his royal attire.

"Advit, be aware lest your face might become like this. I don't want you to spoil your face, you are the only competition Nakul has." bheem commented

This time only Nakul and Bheem laughed. While the other two just controlled their giggles. But, before Ijay could react, Yudhishthira took the lead "Be quite Bheem." the duo silently laughed earning a glare from Ijay.

"How comfortably they are wearing this jewellery, my body is itching badly because of this. As if going around with a bare chest was not enough, I have an add on problem to deal with. Going around with a bare chest used to make me feel revealing but this is next level shit, its making me crazy." he thought to himself while scratching his chest area.

All six of them took their positions and the game resumed again between both the teams. The game was going smooth when Bheem decided to take the lead and threw the ball with extra force. Ijay who was standing at last the last was fully concentrated on the ball and was moving back to catch it.

Dushasan's POV

"What do they think of themselves? How dare he make fun of King Dhritrashtra's son. Those beggars, uncivilized thieves, living on our mercy. I will surely teach you a lesson Pandu Putron. You messed with the wrong guy. I will make you regret it." with this thought I went towards my brothers Anudara and Suvak who were playing Dyut.

While playing I could hear the giggling sounds of Pandavas, their laughter was like burning sensation to my soul." Laugh, as long as you can, because very soon this laughter will disappear from your life forever. Mamashree Shakuni and Bhrata Duryodhan are planning to make your return special. They will make you regret your return for sure." I mumbled

" I won! I won!" Anudara shouted.

Great, because of them I even lost the game. In annoyance, I threw the board away. Anudara and Suvak were a bit terrified seeing my behaviour, but I didn't care.

At that moment I saw the duplicate brother of Pandavas comming towards are side in an attempt to catch the ball. His back was facing towards us. I thought of a plan, I mummered the plan in Suvak's ear. "Now they will realize" i smirked

As he was moving back to catch the ball, when he tripped over Suvak's foot.

"BANG! Aah!!!!!"


"Aah!!...." we heard Ijay's cry and within a minute we all were running towards his direction.

His hand was on his forehead, which was bleeding profusely. The blood trialed down reaching his chin.

"Ijay!Ijay! Are you fine?" Bhrata Bheem asked visibly tensed.

"Aah Bhrata! Its hurting badly." he replied between his cries.

From the corner of my eye,I saw Anudara and Suvak giggling, while Dushasan was smirking. My blood boiled, I knew it was them. I looked towards jeysth Bhrata who was also looking towards their direction. He gave me a I know look and told me to calm down.

"Jeysth see, he got injured because of this stone." Sahdev said pointing towards the big stone laying on the ground , covered with blood.

The trio started laughing loudly
"Someone was saying he can crush anyone any moment, and the person won't even realize. But, seems like a petty stone crushed them." Dushasan commented.

"Dushasan!!" Bhrata Bheem roared and attacked him. He pushed him, and he fell on ground. Bhrata Bheem over him.

"You did the biggest mistake of your life, I know you did this. Because of you my anuj is in pain and I won't leave you."

"Bheem, stop it. We are not here to fight. He is also your anuj. Just like Ijay. You cannot beat him" Jeysth Bhrata said. But, it was too late for it. Both of them were already beating each other.

Everyone's repeated pleas were of no use.

Nakul and Sahdev were beside Ijay, while I and Jeysth Bhrata were trying to stop the fight. Bhrata Bheem obviously had an upper hand.

"Stop! Both of you." A manly voice came. The voice did not need any recognition. It belonged to Pitamah Bheeshma.

He was coming towards our direction with an angry expression followed by Kakashree Vidur and a limping man, who I recognized to be Mata Gandhari's brother. We were introduced to everyone.

He pulled both of them apart.

"Is this how Kuru brothers live? Fighting like this enemies. Do you guys even have an sense." He roared while both of them stood their with their heads hung low.

Meanwhile, Kakashree Vidur examined Ijay. "Tatshree, he needs to be taken to Vaidya Ji. The wound is serious."

"Okay! Vidur ,Call Vaidya Ji. Yudhishthira, Arjuna you both take him to your chamber. Nakul Sahdev , you both go and inform Kunti about this to Kunti. And You two, come with us to Rajya Sabha. You need a lesson." He said glaring them. Everyone left where they were instructed too.

I started moving helping when I realized Jeysth was still standing at his place.

"Jeysth, come on." I said

"Arjun, you take him to chamber carefully. Bheem is alone. I need to go behind him."

"As you say Jeystha."

With this he ran towards Rajya Sabha, while I took him to the chamber.


Ijay laid there on the bed unconscious. His wounds needed stitches, so he was given anesthesia.

Seeing my little jolly brother, who is full of life laying there unconscious broke my heart. My little prankster.

"Advit! Advit! My child" I heard Mata's panicked voice as she entered the chamber along with Nakul and Sahdev.

"Mata! He is fine. Calm down. He is fine maa. See Vdidya Ji is doing the treatment." I went towards her and hugged her to console her.

Seeing him fine. Mata calmed a bit and asked Vaidya Ji " Vaidya Ji, is he fine? I hope nothing is serious."

" Yes Rajmata. By God's grace, he is absolutely fine. The stone could have pierced his eye or it would would have a little deeper, it could have damaged his brain. But, thankfully he is all fine. I am just left with the stitches."

Listening to him all four of us thanked Mahadev. Mata suddenly panicked again.

"Arjun, Yudhishthira and Bheem are alone in the Rajya Sabha. You should go there." Mata said

"But Ij..."

"We are here Arjun . We will look after him. But, right now you should be beside your brothers. Go." Mata cut me in between

Unwillingly, I left because she was right. They needed me more right now.


I was on the entrance of Rajya Sabha and now the discussions were quite audible.

"Maharaj! Is it right to interrogate the Prince of Hastinapur, without any eye witness for an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD"

My eyes immediately watered and my hear broke into a million pieces. My lips started quivering. My baby brother? ILLEGITIMATE? How can they even say this.

"We have an Eye Witness Maharaj." Came another voice.


Yes! Yes ! Author Zinda hai!!

Hello Peps!

Firstly and Foremostly, Belated Happy Birthday to MULAHIZA and ArpitaMohanty8. I know you guys wanted Raghilli to be updated, but I was not well so is baar is gift se kaam chla lo. Love you guys alot.💕💕.

Secondly, A late Diwali gift for you all. I am writing a two shot on Mata Ganga's POV during the time of Asthi Visarjan( immersing of ashes). This was very hard to pen down and is very special to me. So, I would love it if you all would read it and let me know your views on it. So, that I should write the second part. The first part is published by my community The_Elysian_Arcane in their book THE PILLARS OF DILIGENCE. It is titled "AGONY OF A MOTHER"

LASTLY, Coming to the chapter.

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