Chapter8- Changing Dynamics!

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Hiding under the silks, in the royal palace of Hastinapur , laid Advit clinging his legs to his chest. The voice of Pandu ringing in his head.


A seven year old Ijay came running towards Pandu and sat on his lap when he returned home.

"Pitashree, today Bheem Bhaiya took my share of ladoos. Say something to him, I was hungry whole afteernoon" Ijay said with a pout "now that I am a kid and the youngest I should make full use of it just like Nick used to do" he thought, mentally smirking.

"BHEEM!! Why did you eat Advit's share of Ladoos." Pandu said faking anger.

"Pitashree actually...." bheem was at loss of words.

"No excuses Bheem, for the next two days you won't get any ladoos."

"Okay Pitashree!" bheem said with a sad face while Ijay stuck out a tongue towards him.

"He is moving on nakul's footprints. I have to do something."Bheem mumbled

"hah... finally for the first time in 8 years, I will get more than 1 ladoo for myself." nakul joked and everyone had a hard time controlling their giggles.

"Nakul!!" Bheem shouted and there started the tom and Jerry.

"Pitashree, I have a question?'ijay said

" that is?"

"Why do you call me Advit?"

"hummm. you know the meaning of Advit?"


"You my child are unique, there is no one equivalent to you and will never be, the kind of focus and exclusiveness you have is rare and Advit is someone who possesses these qualities son."


Thinking about all the events he brought his legs and chest as close as he could to find some strength. All his brothers were out for a round of the palace, he laid there alone and trying to find some strength to survive at Hastinapur. He thoughts took him to the night when Pandu died , the night which made him realize that he has to be a bit careful here, no one should realize that he knows everything about the past, present and future of Kuru's for that day, he already did a blunder.



After I saw Bhrata Yudhisthir was missing I went out to look for him. After roaming for a while he found him near the lake laying on the ground curled up in a ball and crying to himself.My heart broke at that very moment. Jeysth has been hiding his tears since morning so that me and my brothers don't accept defeat, and what did I do? Rather than supporting him by staying strong, I cried like an idiot, making the situation even tougher for him.

For a moment, I thought I should give him his space and I turned to return towards the hut, after taking a few steps I don't know what took over me, I retraced my steeps and went towards Jeysth Bhrata's direction, slowly and quietly and hugged him from behind.

Sensing my presence, his structure stiffened and tensed "don't worry Bhrata, its all right. " I mumbled. Listening to this he relaxed.

We laid there on the ground when Bhrata broke the ice "Advi, how did you know about Mata Madri's death?"

Now, it was my time to shift uncomfortably. I was unable to form words to answer his question. A deadly silence formed once again.

He stood up and I followed the suit, he put his hands on my shoulder and said

"Don't worry Anuj! You have no boundation to answer this question because I know you are not a normal kid, at the age of seven you are much more matured than Arjun, you have a better analysis of every situation . Always remember that I am always by your side knowingly and unknowingly, even if you cannot share your troubles with me, just sit beside me for as long as you wish till you find your needed relief. Come on now let's go back before the effect of medicine nullifies on others. "

"Medicine? nullifies? what are you saying?" i said clueless

"Huh.How do you think everyone is sleeping soo peacefully?Don't you find it weird according to the situation?"

"Yes, even I was thinking about it, one second what did you do?"

A small smile curved on his lips" I added a medicine to everyone's food, so that they can sleep peacefully because they need it, and won't be getting one for the next few days. However, I wonder how did it not act on you?"

"It acted on me as well, I don't even remember when, where and how I slept."

"Well!Do you know that medicine is a poison in itself, a drop extra and the person might loose his life. Such is the effect, you should have been asleep for 6 to 7 hours more like others, but I think its not that reactive on your body. Well! I am not much surprised. Come on, we both need to catch up a sleep as well!" with this both of them moved towards the hut.


I was just thinking about how I need to be careful with my Knowledge about the future, so that no one doubts me.

"Ijay!" I heard Bhrata Sahdev's voice from the door.

"Yes Bhrata? Why are you alone? where are the others?"

"I came because I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah!Yeah! Bhrata come in"

Bhrata Sahdev sat beside me and was looking continuously towards the floor.

"Bhrata!What happened?"

He took a deep breath and blurted the thing I never wanted anyone to know here.

"Ijay, I know who you are."

Small beads of Sweat covered my entire face and I snapped towards him.

" Infact, I saw your entire journey in my vision. I know eveything. I can see the past, present and future. With this power, I came to know about your reality and that is why I came to talk to you. Because both of us are somehow sailing in the same ship, we both know about the future, but cannot share it with everyone but you know, I do not have the strength to hold it myself brother." a lump formed his throat as he completed the last statement.

I immediately hugged him, playing the much needed role of elder one that he needed. But, at the back of my mind one thing was killing me with curiosity," How did he gain such powers? A lot of beliefs prevailed but which one is true, I was curious to know"

After breaking the hug , I finally asked him" Bhrata, How did you gain these powers?"

He gave me a hearty smile and with a small chuckl said" I knew you would ask this, I knew it with without any powers."

"Of course, You know I am bad with suspenses. Come on, start with your story."

" It starts when we were at the woods. One day when Pitashree sat me on his knee, he told me: "When I die, you must consume my brain. Only then will you be able to know all about this world." I looked at him in shock with big eyes. But, since everyone always told me that I need to be the most learned and knowledgabe and was just a kid to understand the deapth of the statement. I, therefore agreed to consume his brain.

During the last rites when you all were doing Mata's last rites, I was standing their near Pitashree's pyre. The fire was slowly burning the corpse and Pitashree's head burst from the heat, I saw his brain. I knew that I had to eat the brain. Without a thought I ran up to the flames and reached in, plucking out the matter and secretly took three bites as wished by him

With that first bite I became enlightened about all that had happened in the history of the world. With a second bite, I knew about all that was happening in the world. And with a another bite, I became enlightened about what is going to happen in future. The end result being I became "Trikal Darshi".

And, then a sage came to me who was none other than the Lord of the Universe Krishna in disguise. He came towards me and said

"You must never reveal what you know."

I said "What if someone asks me? I can't lie."

"If someone inquires, then you may tell the truth. But never tell them extra. And never tell anyone that you know so much except for someone special." he said smiling at your direction

Though he is the supreme lord but you know, the events are dreadful, I needed to made sure that my brothers will stay safe. For this, I asked him for a boon.

"He promised me , that he will protect all six of us at any cost"

After he finished the story, we both sighed in relief together " so this brain eating incident was true" I thought to myself.

After a few minutes, my other brothers returned with a message that we have to get ready as an event has been organised to welcome us back. All six of us proceeded with that.

After all this, I was extremely relieved that I don't have to pretendin front of my two brothers.


Hey Peeps, I am back with a finally in the title.

Damn! this chapter was tough because it is quite subjective.

Do tell me how you foud the chapter? Boring? Intresting? Balanced?

Finally you guys know, where did Yudi disappear. What's your take on that?

At last, do tell me your views on the chapter and any favourite part ?



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