Chapter 4 - Finding my way!

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Author's POV

Ijay was clueless as to what to do,where to go. As far as he could see, there was only inhabited forest nothing else. He had no identity over here, knew no one. His survival seemed next to impossible at that moment. But, right now these were not the things troubling him, infact he didn't even care about his survival in that moment.

The only thing on his mind in that moment was how would his family react, their emotions, their condition when they will find that he is missing. Tears formed his eyes once more, but this time he didn't let them fall, it was of no use. His tears won't make a difference, nethier he can go back, nor they can come here. Maharishi told him clearly that this was the second and last time, that the time portal opened and people in this era didn't lie.

His thoughts wandered to the first person for whom the portal opened. How did that person manage in some other time line. Did he also feel the same what Ijay felt? Was that person able to adjust? A million questions like these came in his mind. While he struggled with the answes, there was one positive magic that these questions did, the magic of HOPE.

He took a few moments to collect himself from his emotional turmoil, gathered himself and with a slight smile started for his journey, with a promise that he won't cry for his family as they reside in his heart and no distance can separate them.

Now, the question was in which direction to travel. After thinking for a while, he decided that according to his observations, everything in Mahabharata happened for a reason and in some way or the other hints were always dropped. Maharishi was here to guide him, he said his part in Ijay's journey for the time being was this much only which means the way on which Maharishi went was not Ijay's. He also told that the river will clear his doubts and mistrust snd help him to accept the truth. The river was flowing opposite to the direction where Maharishi left.

His logic told him to follow the river. Not sure, he still took the risk and chose the path of the river.

Ijay was exhausted much early than he expected. His small body and feet betrayed him within an hour. His stomach was rumbling indicating the need for food. Since the time he landed here, he has been living on water but now, he badly needed something to eat.

Somehow, he still managed to drag himself for a distance when his legs completely gave up. He rested against the bark of a tree, broken ,hopeless and helpless.

As time passed it was becoming more difficult for him to process the things around him. He badly wanted wanted to go home, hug his family tight. The kid who was hopeful a few hours ago was completely dejected now.

He higged the bark next to him, stabled his head over it and because of the exertion dozed off.

After sleeping for a good two hours, he finally woke up with some strength in his tiny body. He continued walking while his hunger increased more and more. Looking for food, he finally reached that part of the forest where the fruit trees were present.

His happiness knew no bounds. He spotted apple, mango and guava trees. He happily ran towards those trees to fill satisfy his hungry stomach with some juicy fruits.

But, this happiness was short lived. The trees were gigantic. It might have been possible for an 18 year old Ijay to climb these gigantic trees, but for this 5 year old it was next to impossible.
His head hung low. Frustration at its peak. He had now tears left to shead anymore. All his patience and perseverance left him hours back.

He had enough of it, in a fit of anger he marched towards the mango tree and without giving anything a thought started climbing it. His moments were extremely maladroit, though it helped him climb an impressive height but not what was required to satisfy his hunger.

He slipped mid way and experienced a terrible fall.


"Aahhhhhhh!!!!!" he screamed badly.

He fell on his head. While falling his entire body collided with the branches and bark.He injured his arms, elbows, knees, forehead and had a deep cut on his stomach as he fell from a great height.

He winced badly. Blood was profusely oozing from his wounds.

The pain was unbearable for him. Though his soul and his mind were 18 but his body was 5, obviously it had to be sensitive and delicate.

With much struggle and difficulty, he dragged himself to the shore, washed his wounds with water hoping for some relief which he couldn't find. He tore his angvastra and tied it around his wounds. His pain did not subside even a bit.

Sun had already set hours back, it was completely dark now. Dejected, tired, hurt, low-spirited he decided to call off the day. Roaming around he sensed that there were no wild animals in this part of the forest.

He took support of the same tree and went to sleep. Even though he had terrible body aches but he was mentally, emotionally and physically so tired that sleep took over him within a few minutes only.

In his sleep, uneasiness gripped him a lot of times. He felt his body turning hot, then cold, again hot and a sometimes shivering sensations. After a lot of struggle he passed out. After that he didn't realize anything, his senses were stun.



I could feel sunlight on my face. I struggled to open my eyes. It took my eyes a few minutes to adjust against the sunlight. To my surprise my body was better, less pains, more energy. I finally opened my eyes and I found myself in a spacious hut. It was quite clean, well ventilated and beautiful. I was laying on a bedding made from dry leaves. A wet cloth was placed on my forehead, while all my wounds were properly covered, the cut on my stomach was stitched, it was hurting.

I stood up and walked out of the hut to find who brought me here? I needed to thank them for helping me in this situation.

"Son! You are up! " i heard a voice as soon as I stepped out.

A beautiful and an elegant woman in her late 20's ran towards my direction, from the adjoining hut. Another woman in her mid 20's who was sitting near the stove turned around and when she saw me, she also followed the first one. She was as beautiful as the first one.

The elderly one reached me and placed her hand on my forehead immediately.

"Thank God! Your temperature is gone" she sighed

This was the moment I realized that I was actually in Dwapar. She spoke to me in Sanskrit. Thank God! I learnt Sanskrit during the lockdown. My life is already very shitty right now. I could nnot imagine being stuck here, with a language barrier to add on to my problems! Absolutely not! Also one more thing that I realized was that MAHARASHI VED VYAS conversed with me in hindi only. Multilingual person, of course he is Ved Vyas after all , I mentally face palmed myself.

"Are you alright child? we were so concerned about you. Arya found you in a terrible condition." she again asked.

I came out of my thoughts and nodded giving here a polite smile. She gave me a bright smile.

The second lady reached us, with a glass of water in her hands and she also smiled at me offering me the glass. I gladly accepted the glass and gulped it down in one go. it gave my dry throat a lot of relief.

"Settle down first. Don't stand for long child you are still very weak from the blood loss. Come let's go inside the hut and then talk" the first one said.

"Crap! Talk? Talk about what?" Damn! They will ask me about my identity, my place. What should I tell them that I am from kalyug. NO!!! God save me please!" ranting I followed them inside the hut.

They made me sit on a stool made of bark and sat on the other two. Then came the most dangerous moment. Time for my interogation.

"Yeah! so tell us, Who are you son?........................"


Me and my siblings were playing around after the morning class with Pitashree. It my turn to catch them, I ran behind my youngest sibling to catch him, when my another anuj whom I saw talking to a bird few minutes ago, started screaming and ran towards our parents.

"Mata!Pitashree!!" he screamed.

For a moment I was scared as to what was wrong with him. I reached him, while he was continuously huffing from running.

"What happened son?" pitashree asked concerned

"Pitashree! a friend of mine informed me that a small boy who is badly injured is roming around the jungle, since yesterday afternoon. According to my friend, when she was flying over the mango tress, she saw him unconscious and blood oozing out from his wounds." he concluded

This is what makes my little brother special. Yes, all the animals around him and they do talk to each other. He can understand any animals' language.

"Arya! we should help him." my mother immediately stated

"Of course ! I am going right now to get him." You all be ready with the medicines.

I don't know what took over me. As he was about to leave, I grabbed his arm. I don't know but a possessive feeling took over me regarding him. Even before I met him, I was caring for him. I am never like this.

I requested pitashree to take me along to which he gladly agreed.

After a few minutes we were finally at our destination, searching for him. The forest is a big one so we divide to find him. I tried my best to search him at all the places I could, but failed. I was disheartened when I heard pitashree calling me. I immediately ran towards his direction.

There I saw that little guy in Pitashree's arms, passed out. And trust me, his condition was terrible as compared to what we were informed. The saffron clothes tied to his wounds had rad spots of bloods.

"He is having high fever" Pitashree declared

"Son!" I came out of my thoughts hearing my father's voice on our way back to home after collecting food.


"Still thinking about that kid? Don't worry, he will be fine!"


Hey guys so this was chapter 4 of "PURSUIT OF THE INEVITABLE"

Was it any good? Do tell me.

Have you guys given any thought to who will be paired with Ijay? If yes then tell me in the comments.*SMIRKS*

Also guess the two ladies and the undisclosed person.

I hope you like it.



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