Chapter 5 - Attached

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(I finally made this!😆 )


"Yeah, so tell us son. Who are you? How come you are injured?" the first lady said while Ijay just gave a tight smile, thinking hard what to say.

"And why were you there alone in the forest?" the second one added.

"Yeah!Yeah! I am waiting, interrogate me with all your questions, this was the only thing left to experience. Do this also, actually do everything to increase my problems." he mentally complained in frustration.

"Kunti, Madri don't scare the boy with so many questions. Look he is already anxious." A man in saffron clothes from the door of the hut said.

He moved towards Ijay, knelled down between his legs looked at his face and said "Don't be scared son, we won't pressurize to say anything. By the way,I am Pandu, they are my wives Kunti and Madri he said pointing to elder one and younger one respectively giving them an assuring smile. while the two ladies just gave me a polite smile.

"WOW!Like seriously? I am among the kuru people! How am I supposed to react? should I freak out? Should I have a fan moment? Wait should I believe or not? Ufff ! its so difficult." he mentally cribbed.

"Arya, you are back early?" said Kunti.

"Yeah this little one would be hungry , so we came back with food early today."

"Where are the kids arya?" asked Madari

"We are here mata" came a voice and entered "The Pandavas", the valorous warriors of the future. They might be the most respected and the mightiest warriors of future. But at this point they were just a bunch of cute and notorious lads. Yet responsible.

Ijay's eyes shinned seeing them. The people about whom he read in books were there right in front of his eyes. The only perk of the situation he will get to meet such great people.

"Sons, be friends with him. From,now on he will stay with us only as your youngest brother. So you better make him comfortable" he said ruffling Ijay's hair."

Pandu's words made Ijay stunned. His heart overwhelmed with respect and admiration for the Samrat. He could not question his decision, to be honest he didn't want to either.He always felt a close connect with the Pandavas while reading about their life, and being here sitting amongst them this feeling icreased a thousand folds. He let destiny have its way. He did not have a better option either. Rejecting them? Nada. Bad idea.

The Pandavas smiled at Ijay, and he returned an equally polite smile. Ijay's stomach rumbled loudly. There was silence in the room for a few minutes, Ijay felt quite embarrassed. He was looking towards the ground when he heard loud laughter. It was Bheem, who was laughing loudly .Arjuna elbowed Bheem as to stop laughing which he did. Now all eyes turned towards Ijay as to ensure that he is not upset.

Ijay giggled, all their tensed faces were so funny to look at. Everyone smiled ans sighed in relief while Nakul and Bheem laughed with him.

"Come let's have food kids. Go wash your hands. Go along with them son."

Pandavas and Ijay left the hut.

"Arya? why did you stop us? Madri asked

"I meet Maharishi Ved Vyas today. He informed me about his history. His name is Ijay, a brahmin by caste, Maharishi says he is related to him and due to some inevitable situations, he is separated from his parents and can never meet them ever again.In short he is alone. He has faced dreadful situations over the past few days that's why I stopped you both.

"You are right arya! We should not question him. That poor kid has gone through a lot and I feel by questioning him we should not make him uncomfortable."

"Kunti, Madri I have decided to look after him, I want to adopt him if you both permit."

"Of course Arya we would love to soothe him with our love" both Kunti and Madri said with glitering eyes.

The trio shared a knowing look and moved towards their sons with a mission to heal a vulnerable,fragile soul.



The eight of us sat for the lunch. We six brothers(wow! I am a brother of the mighty Pandavas. It feels so weird )forming a circle while the trio sat in between. I was sitting between Sahdev and Bheem. I knopw them because they all introduced themselves while freshening up. They all were quite friendly and genuine and I naturally opened up with all of them, maybe this is because I know them well as the characters of Mahabharata but still alot to explore. Everyone was passing me smiles. This felt a bit weird but I cannot blame them for this, they are trying their best to make me feel comfortable. They are so kind and caring. Maybe, God is not that cruel to me.

Queen Kunti handed me the plate of food(though she wants me to call her mother as an attempt to make me feel like home. She really is caring for me like her own son. But still I have not developed this level of comfort with them to call her mata. I felt a bit sad for this nature of mine,but I cannot help it).I immediately pounced upon the food like a mod person forgetting all my manners. Hell with manners, I was so hungry that I could see nothing else in front of my food. They all were shocked seeing my behaviour but decided to ignore me and carry on with their food.

I heard Bhrata Nakul(yes, bhrata because I am trying for them) whispering to Bhrata Yudhisthir "He is eating more than Bhrata Bheem" while Bhrata yudi just "shushed" him. I larb(love) this person i mentally quoted, still focusing on my food.

"Maha....,umm Mata these ladoos are so delicious I said stuffing an entire ladoo in my mouth, making my voice unclear."

I could see a few drops of tears in both Mata Kunti and Mata Madri's eyes as I referred to them as "Mata".

"You like them? I will make it regularly for you" Mata Kunti said

"No mata, if I eat them regularly I will get fat. " I pointed

Everyone laughed. "He speaks like Nakul" quoted Pitashree Pandu( still feels so weird) laughing

"Okay I will make it occasionally! Fine? "asked Mata Kunti with a bright smile.

I was about to answer when Bhrata Nakul interrupted me.

"No! No! Mata, how will Bhrata Bheem survive without ladoos. It's injustice. Don't do this to my brother" he faked cry and hugged Bhrata Bheem making the scene extremely funny.

Everyone broke into fits of laughter, while Bhrata Bheem growled and wrapped his arm Bhrata Nakul's neck to choke him.

"Aah!Aah!Bhrata I am your little handsome brother. Don't do this sin. Otherwise the beautiful princesses of various kingdoms won't leave you." Bhrata Nakul cribbed while we all continued giggling.



Mahamahim Bhishma and Mahamantari Vidura were in Mahamahim's chamber discussing about various state affairs.

Mahamahim was reading a scroll when he felt someone's presence behind his chair. Immediately, he became attentive and switched to his warrior mode. From the corner of his eyes he saw a yellow dupatta and relaxed while smiling. He knew who it was. Vidur looked at him with a questioning look , he eyed towards the piece of dupatta which was visible. Vidur smiled and gave a knowing look to Bhishma.

"Vidur I was thinking of going to the shore, wanted to meet Mata, its been so long i haven't visited her. "

"You should definitely go Pitamah."

"Yaa! I will go today only but I don't want to go alone, I get bored on the way. Will you accompany me? " he said smirking

"Oops! But I have to meet Maharaj. He called for me. So sorry tatshree, but I cannot accompany you" he said in an overly sad tone.

"I understand vats(child). No problem. Seems like this old man has to go alone only, no one is free. Fine I'll take your leave now. Continue with your work. " he faked being sad while eying towards the direction of the dupatta.

"No no pitamah, you are not alone, I am free , I will accompany you. Also, I wish to meet Mata Ganga. Mata told me she is very beautiful." came a voice as Bhishma was about to leave the room and a girl of about 6 to 7 came in view. Jumping in excitement she reached where Bhishma was standing "Pitamah!!! Please take me along with you. I so wish to meet her."

"Okay!Okay fine! but tell why were you hiding here?"

"haww. you knew it? You played with me again!" she huffed and turned her face away as an indication that she was angry. Vidur laughed while Bhishma made a helpless face.

"Kakashre don't laugh, I am upset with you as well. You also helped Pitamah in tricking me."

Vidur was now alarmed. Now, he and Mahamahim both had a helpless face. Both of them looked at each other and smirked. They took slow steeps and stood on either sides of her. Bhishma gave a "now" look to Vidur and both them launched a tickling attack on her.

"Is my princess upset now?" vidur asked

"lea....kak....kaka,...pitamah ....leave me......please" she said between her laughs.he

"First tell us that we are forgiven" pointed Bhishma


"Okay then!" both said and increased their speeds while she struggled to get out of their grip.

"OKAY!fine......... i..... am..... not .....upset. Now...stop"

Both of them stopped and hugged her.

" Okay now. Hurry Up Dushala. Otherwise we will be late." Bhishma announced

Both Bhishma and Dushala left the chamber with her little finger in Bhishma's hand. The mightiest warrior of the entire Aryavart was powerless in front of his princess. For Dushala was the apple was everyone's eye at Hastinapur.


They both finally reached The Ganges. During the whole ride Dushala was speaking while Bhishma quietly heard all her rants, mischief and talks about almost everything. Dushala had always heard stories about THE DIVINE MATA GANGA being related to their clan and wished to meet her. Now when she was finally going to meet her she was quiet nervous.

She saw Bhishma going towards the shore and mumbling something with eyes closed and hands joined. She was standing right beside him, his tall structure hiding her body.

She could feel her presence infront of her Pitamah but did not come out to meet her without her Pitamah calling. Bhishma and Mata Ganga talked for a while when she said

"I see, you have a guest along with you. Won't my PARPOTI(great granddaughter) meet me?"

"Putri come out." Bhishma said

With excitement she came in front to greeted her.

There she saw the most beautiful lady she had ever seen in her life. She was cladded in off blue and white color clothes with a blue tilak on her third eye chakra. Her silver jewelry complementing her divine look. She looked absolutely stunning. She was much more beautiful than Dushala had thought. Her beauty could not be described in words.

"Pranam Mata!" she greeted still not getting over her beauty.

"Kalyan ho vats! " she lowered to her level and caressed her lovingly. "How are you? I soo wanted to meet you. Finally!"

"Mata, I also wanted to meet you. I have heard a lot about you."

"Oh Really! Like what? "

"Mata told me that you did a lot for our Kul and about how divine you are. That we all are your children and how you care for each of your children in this world and a lot more"

She laughed and everything Dushala saw in her, she noted it in her mind. Immediately she set her as her idol. Someone she wanted to become when she grows up.

They both chatted for a while and Mata Ganga involved in her kiddish talks and stuff which made Dushala happy and she became best friends with her. Bhishma just adored the duo. Unwillingly he finally forced himself to say that its time to go back.

"Since this is the first time you are meeting me to make this memorable I will give you a lesson for life. Okay? " Mata Ganga said

"Yes!! " she said in excitement.

"So child, the most important lesson for your life is Always side with Dharma. This is the most important thing which will make your life meaningful. Life is easy to none. There will be situations in life when you have to go against your own parents and siblings for protecting your Dharma. It will be your greatest test and never back out from it. The path of righteous is always filled with thorns, while the path of Adharma will always be the easy one. It will always attract you, but it will gradually result in destruction. This is my only lesson for you. Small yet the most important."

Dushala heard each and every word with utmost respect and sincerity, mentally vowing to abide by it.

Only if she knew the hidden implications of it. But someone noticed it. Who except her Pitamah.

"I promise you Mother. Wherever life throws at me I will gracefully accept it and always abide by your words".
Dushala promised.

Happy tears formed both Bhishma and Mata Ganga's eyes.

"Putri go and wait in the Chariot I will just come" Bhishma said

Dushala payed her last regards and ledt the mother son to talk alone.

A concerned Bhishma could not stop himself from asking
"Mata your words implied that Dushala's life is not easy? "

"No one who takes birth on earth has a easy life son. Everyone have their own difficulties. But yes Dushala will have to make some very tough choices in her life. She is not a normal girl son. She is not. Kuruvansh is moving towards the greatedt struggle in the history of mankind and Dushala will play an important role in it. Everything is going to change. " her voice thundered.

"But mata, how will she? "

"You don't know her son. She is gifted. Also she has a special someone who will be by her side always. They both will play a major role towards making the future of Kuruvanshis and the entire Aryavrat. But this will be her choice to remain by the side of dharma or adharma. That will be the deciding element of her life. And this decision will require a lot of strength from her side. "


Hey peps!

This was chapter 5 of "Pursuit of the Inevitable"

Was it any good?

Any favorite part?

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to my lovely peps. Lob you both Krishna_kaanta and Sayra612
Mere chapter padhne pahunchte sbse pehle. Emotional kr dete hain.

Another shout out and love to my sisi _justloveharry_33. Ye mere tarah ishmart hai😎. Sab sahi pehchana isne. You are larb❤

Do give your Vote and comments if you liked the chapter.

jimmyprotested29 mera bro!! Mera broo!!! Lob u❤❤. Itne mehnat kia tumne is thank you banner ke lia.. Tissue de ab😭

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