Chapter 6 - New Moon!!

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Few Years Later

Time passed by and Ijay settled well in the family. Everyone loved him to moon and back.Within a short span of time he settled well with everyone around him. Everyone in the family was fiercely protective about him.They tried their best to help him overcome his trauma, not to miss his family much. He often used to have rough days like missing his family and thinking about the point of coming to Dwapar.

That used to make him vulnerable but with the joint efforts of his new family he used to face them well. Over the time he has learnt to control his emotions still searching for his reason to be in Dwapar.


I was at the door of children's hut lost in my own thoughts. Since the time I woke up my mind has been strolling over to the memories at Hastinapur. Its been years since we left Hastinapur and came here. Life has not been easy here, but still we have still managed to hang on and have successfully made our little heaven around our children. I still remember the day the five of them were born and the day we found Ijay. They are our little heaven, our breath. But I don't know what future has in store for them, being Kshatriya they have their responsibility towards the people, they cannot spend their entire life here. 

I entered the hut and the sight in front of me brought tears in my eyes. The six of them were sleeping peacefully. Nakul-Sahdev clinging on to Bheem and Arjun-Ijay clinging to Yudhisthira each one on either of their sides. Nakul's leg was on Arjun's face.

"Narayan, May their bond last for eternity." I mentally prayed hoping that the six of them remain together forever. 

"Time to wake them up. ufff!! The five of them are still fine but Ijay? Waking him up is a mission in itself, which none of us has accomplished so far." i blabbered.

As expected I woke up everyone in two to three calls except Ijay. My continuous efforts to wake him up were all in vain.

" Mata, you know na he won't be up before 7, why to waste your energy?" arjun questioned while all five of them were giggling seeing my condition.

"The point his not to wake him up Arjun,but to improve day by day. You see when he was new, he used to wake by noon. slowly-slowly he adjusted and now he is almost up by 7, sometimes 6 also." i pointed to which Arjun nodded.

I continued waking him up against his groans and requests that he will be up after 10 min which he never does. I left the hut along with the five of them concluding it is enough for today while facepalming myself at his antics.


I was in the kitchen preparing food, arya went out for some work while Madri went to the nearby garden to collect some flowers for the puja. Today my heart was not at peace. Since the time I woke up I am feeling quiet restless. Something is not right was all i was feeling. I hope everything is fine at Hastinapur. Maybe that's why I was missing Hastinapur.

The giggling sound of the children brought me out of my thoughts. The five of them were playing outside with smiling faces. I also smiled seeing them, that's the only thing I want which brings peace to my heart. My eyes drifted to Yudhisthir, my eldest one yet the most reserved one. With Ijay's arrival he has changed a lot. Ijay has done something which all of us failed to do. He taught my eldest how to live. Now, he is having a playful and a lively side as well. Though Yudhisthir loves all his brothers more than his life but I have to agree the bond he shares with Ijay is special. IJAY HAS ALWAYS BEEN SPECIAL FOR YUDHISTHIR SINCE THE DAY HE FOUND HIM IN JUNGLE ALONG WITH ARYA. Thinking about IJAY I realised

"Ohh God! He is still sleeping. let me complete my work first, then I will see him. This is no time to sleep" 

I engaged myself in work not wanting to think about the negative vibes I was getting. That was when Sahdev entered the hut tensed 

"Mata!Mata! where is pitashree. I can sense something bad is going to happen to him.................."


I was awaken from sleep by the glare of sunlight which irritated my eyes. From the heat and light  of the sun I could guess that I woke up late than my usual timing. Weird part being no one woke me up. Usually either the matas or one of my brothers would wake me but today the surroundings were dead quiet.. I moved out thinking that probably I am going to get a good one from everyone. They all are always shocked about my sleeping capacity, only if they knew how much have  I improved! 

I spotted my brothers outside the hut, exactly between our and our parents' hut. The five of them were forming a big circle, their heads hung low , their face gave devastated look and  sadness evident in their eyes. fom my position I could only see Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Arjun's reaction as the other three had their back towards me. Fear gripped my heart as I suddenly realized what probably happened. "No!No! This can't be true. This cannot happen, I mean I know this has to happen but no, not so soon. No, Please God!" I prayed as I took heavy steeps towards my brothers.

Bhrata  Arjun saw me coming and made Jeysth Bhrata aware of my presence. I saw his posture tensing. He turned, ran towards my direction and took me in a bone crashing hug.

"Pitashree left us Anuj!He left us!"

I broke the hug and moved forward only to see the lifeless body of Pitashree on the ground.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and fell on my knees, streams of tears rolling down my eyes. 

"Please Pitashree! Please! You cannot leave us! please wake up" I said jolting his body while tears refused to stop.

Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Nakul were immediately by my side to support me.

The Dam of my emotions was broken. While my elder brothers stood their swallowing their tears I cried, I cried my heart out. Refusing to believe the truth. I saw each of their face even though I am more mature to them but still the had control, patience and everything that was required to live this life. The life that was decided for the Pandavas. All my brothers came towards me and hugged me as a symbol of strength exception being Jeysth Bhrata , he stood rooted to that place where hugged me looking numb and dejected. Seeing him like this my guilt increased.

"Everything is my fault. All this happened because of me. Its my fault.  I could have saved him but because of my ignorance all this happened. All my brothers are orphans just because of me. How will I carry this guilt on my shoulders." I thought while my sobs increased making them loud cries. My four brothers efforts to comfort me were all in vein. Only if they knew my reason they would hate me and why not I deserve this.

I once again started jolting him
"wake up pitashree! Please wake up! "

This time Jeysth came to console me
"Calm down anuj. Please calm down"

Now,  I was having hiccups from crying.

"Jeysth! Tell him to wake up na. Please! I don't want to live with this guilt Jeysth. Please! " I responded between my hiccups.
He gripped me from both my shoulders.  "Ijay listen,  he is gone... "

I pushed his hands aside.

"No. He cannot leave me no. " i was again going to jolt his lifeless body when Jeysth Bhrata jerked away my hand and shouted

"ENOUGH! " its been four years since the time I came here and never have I ever heard this pitch of his voice.

The next moment his voice was back to normal, his usual calm voice which has been my strength over the last four years.

I immediately hugged him tightly while he ruffled my well grown long hair.

"This is not the time to give up like this anuj. We six are each other's strength, if one of us will break all six have to suffer. We have to hold on and stay strong for each other,  especially for our matas. " Bhrata completed while I was still in his embrace.

"You are right bhrata,  i cannot give up like this,  I will stay strong for you all and for mata kunti and mata ma.....oh noo........ Mata.... Mata madriii... Shit. Bhrata where is mata ma.... "

"Madri!!!!!!!!!!" came a screem from the other hut. I had no second thought about what had over there.

All of us ran over there and to none of my surprise Mata Kunti was there on the floor yelling and crying near the lifeless body of Mata Madri.

Bhrata Yudhisthir grabbed my hand tightly as if indicating I am here for you, while the other four went towards our Matas.  Bhrata Bheem and Arjun comforted Mata Kunti while the twins sobbed near their mother and after a while Mata Kunti took the twins in her embrace and we four also joined them.

This was my saturation point. I was so done. My emotions,  guilt and everything made me numb.  After that I don't remember what happened how it happened.  The only thing I remember was the arrival of the rishis,  the last rites being performed and Mata Kunti declaring that tomorrow we are leaving for



I woke up from my sleep.  Firstly, I was shocked as I had no clue when and how I dozed off.  Peaceful Sleep would be the last thing that would embrace any of us in this situation.

But,  the case was completely different I looked around and found everyone sleeping peacefully. How is this possible?  I thought.

My eyes traced way to Jeysth Bhrata's bed to find it empty.

What? Where is Jeysth Bhrata?

"God! Please don't let anything bad happen to him! " was the only thing on my mind.


Hello Peeps!

I am back!  Late but still!

These days I am very stuck up with admission and academics.

But I guess next chapter will be up early as its the first twist of my story.  I am hella excited for it.

*dances on twist baby twist baby twist*

Okay public hai. Control!

Agle chapter me ears, eyes, noes sab khula rakhna.

Yeah so how was this chapter?

Do give your reviews and vote if you liked it.

Any favorite portion?

Where do you think is Yudi?

Also, the creator of the word kandpradesh is our one and only The great *dhimtananana* RadheyPanchaali mere pyaari behn❤

Also, this chapter is dedicated to my bro,  mera soul,  mera sabse ishtrong bro DrKanu. Larb you💓💓💕💕

Don't forget your reviews and votes.


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