neglected son (part 1)

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A/N: You know I was going to explain why I have been gone for so long, but then we be here for too long and I would be delaying the story for you then I already am. All I am going to say is that I am sorry it took so long. I was busy with life and all that stuff. Also, I would like to thank all of you for helping me reach 100 readers for this story! I didn't think this story would get anything really, all I can say is thank you guys for sticking with me. Any who hope you enjoy this two part chapter, I will be posting the next part today as well and as always hope you enjoy.

Editor: ZoeKraft (go check her out she is a good person XD)

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Normal speak "blah…"

Thinking speak "blah…"

Demon speak "blah…"

Chapter 3

The Neglected Son (part 1)

Third Person Pov

Loneliness, pain, neglect, such things have become daily occurrences for those who are unfortunate. One of those people being a child by the name of Naruto Namikaze. In the accordance of a unfortunate timeline, he had drawn the short straw yet again. Even with living breathing parents and two siblings, he was still a social Farrah.

And when it came time for his and his sister's Shinobi training, he was left in the dust yet again, his parents giving idiotic excuses even he could see through. In the end only training his sisters for some unknown reason and goal.

When Naruto had asked his father why he wasn't going to train with his sisters his dad just said that he and his mom would train him next year, which they never did.

After that his parents began to train his sisters, leaving him alone. Ever since then his sister, Naruko, always bragged and made fun of him about how she was getting training from there're parents except him and his other sister, Natsumi just ignored him, like his parents, and didn't think much of him.

Due to his parents and siblings shutting him out he started to notice that the villagers were giving him glares and were saying things behind his back. He found this out when he was walking home, alone since his parents ignored him, and a random villager yelled 'the demon is alone let's get him' and with that Naruto was chased all around the village and beat up in a random alleyway.

When he woke up he went back home to his parents and told them what happened, and they just called him a liar and sent him to his room for making excuses from coming home late. One year later, it was Naruto and his siblings birthday, but somehow the two cold adults hadn't remembered it was his too. When he tried to remind them of this fact they had told him to, 'stop interrupting his sisters birthday'.

Saddened that his parents have forgotten about him he ran to his room and cried into his pillow. He didn't understand why his 'parents' ignore him and the villagers hated him so much. While he was crying he heard a soft female voice say something in his head and he passed out.

When Naruto woke up he found himself in what looked like a sewer system, laying on the cold hard ground. Confused of his surroundings he proceeded to stand up only to hear a female voice again coming down the end of the sewage system like hallway. Curious, he walk down the hall and found himself in a huge opening where the water went up to his knees. Their was also a giant cage in front of him that had a slightly torn paper on the top with the kanji for 'seal' written on it.

He looked at the massive cage in awe, not seeing a cage so big before. He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard something coming from the cage. "Come closer..." Feeling drawn by the voice, he went closer to the cage. "Closer..." He kept going near the cage until he was right in front of it. "Good boy." Faster then he could react a pair of arms came out of the cage and pulled him inside.

Surprised, he struggled in the persons arms to no effect. The person who pulled him in the cage wrapped what was a furry appendage around him and sat down on the ground, which wasn't covered with water, and was telling Naruto to calm down. Naruto, confused of what the supposed women wrapped around him, comply to what the women said hoping to get this over with.

Looking up at the women he saw what she looked like. She had long dark orange hair and smooth skin. Her eyes looked dark red with vertical slits. She looked to be wearing a dark red kimono with a purple obi on. The thing that caught his attention the most was the fox ears on her head which was the same color as her head.

He looked at the furry appendage that was wrapped around him and saw that it was fox tail that seemed to be connected to her. Feeling fear once again, Naruto was about to start struggling again but the women started petting his head calming him down.

"Please calm down Naruto. I am not going to hurt you." She said in a soft voice. Naruto didn't struggle but he was still scared; I mean you don't just get pulled into a cage by a strange women with ears and a tail and not expect to not be fearful.

"W-who are you?" Naruto said with fear imminent in his voice. The vixen held Naruto tighter against her, trying to calm his fears.

"I am the kyuubi no kitsune. I am the reason you are hated by the village," she said putting her head down for a second but quickly raised it up "But I swear it wasn't my fault! I was being controlled that night by a man with the sharingan. Please forgive me..." The woman suddenly cries, grimacing.

Her tears fell down onto Narutos face as he looked at her shocked. He couldn't believe she was apologizing for her actions. As he heard from his parents, when he overheard there're conversation with his sisters, the kyuubi was a terrifying blood thirsty beast who would destroy anything in his path. But here she was now, crying and apologizing for her actions when it wasn't her fault.

Naruto, not wanting to see her cry anymore, wrapped his arms around her shocking her. "I don't blame you for what happen kyuubi-san. I can see that you feel bad about it." Naruto said with his voice slightly muffled in her chest. The vixen, getting out of her shocked state, returned the hug while crying into his shoulder while saying 'thank you' over and over again.

After a taking a couple minutes to calm down they separated and began to talk to each other. Naruto had found out a lot of thing about the vixen, like when she told him her name was Kurumi and that they were in his subconscious. She also told him a really shocking fault in the seal that his parents weren't aware of.

The fault was that you could never separate a soul from it's chakra because it is apart of the soul regardless. Kurumi said that the reason she only had one tail was because she was slowly regaining the chakra she had lost and once she reclaims it all she can draw back her chakra from his siblings, without hurting them of course.

This brought a question to Naruto and he asked what will happen when she got all her chakra back. She had a down cast look from that question but she answered anyway. She told him once she has gained both her Yin and Yang chakra back from his siblings, Naruto's seal would be too weak to hold her full form and she will be free.

This got Naruto scared because he remembered hearing his parents say that when a tailed beast escapes from it's seal, it takes the life from its container due to the strain of it coming out. The only reason his mom survived was because of her Uzumaki's massive chakra reserves and longevity.

Kurumi calmed his nerves however by quickly saying that she will train him so he could be able to handle the strain of her coming out of him, just like his mother could. Naruto looked at her shocked, he had asked his parents many times if he could train with his sisters and they would always say 'no'. But now here was someone, the kyuubi no less, wanting to train him willingly.

He was so happy that he pulled kurumi in a hug and repeativly told her 'yes' multiple times. Kurumi was slightly shocked by his action but returned the hug, happy that she was forgiven and able to make his life better.


It has been a year since Naruto took the kyuubi's offer and he couldn't be happier. Kurumi was a really good teacher. She taught Naruto many things in the year that he never knew until now. She first taught him how chakra worked and how it was in every living being in the world. She even taught him how to channel it out and control it.

Naruto had trouble at first when controlling his chakra, since he had so much of it, but he was still determined to get stronger so that he could prove his family that he was worth something. He had mastered tree climbing in less then a month and immediately started water waking when Kurumi told him what to do next.

Tree walking and water walking wasn't the only things he was taught. Kurumi had also taught him the three basic jutsus that Konoha uses to teach the younger generation, the body replacement technique, the transformation technique, and the clone technique. The clone technique was a real challenge for naruto, because of his massive reserves, so Kurumi said to skip it until he has better control of his chakra.

Kurumi had also showed him what his elemental affinity was thanks to asking him to get some chakra paper from his fathers studies. When he channeled chakra into it, the paper was sliced in half and Kurumi told him he had a wind affinity.

Kurumi said that Naruto wasn't going to learn anything about his affinity yet since she wanted him to get his chakra control higher and teach him more on taijutsu. It wasn't that his taijutsu was bad, he could put most genin to shame, it's just that even if he was as strong as a genin doesn't mean he could fight a mob of villagers.

It was funny how time flew because before he new it it was his birthday again...though it didn't really matter since his parents have already forgotten about him. His relationship with his parents and siblings haven't gotten any better, and it may never will be. But he didn't care, over the time of his training he has saw Kurumi as his own mother, his own family.

She was basically the only person to ever care about his well being, even outside of training. Since Kurumi can see outside the seal, thanks to Naruto tearing off part of the seal tag, she was able to notify him of any villagers, that could bring harm to him, if they are close by.

There was even that one time when Naruto accidentally called the vixen 'mom' when he was tired after a hard day of training and almost immediately Kurumi snatched him up in a hug. After that they have been closer ever since.

Naruto was currently sitting in his window sill in his room while the party was going on outside. Since his family had forgotten about him again he decided not to even be surprised at this point. They have been treating him like an outcast for two years already and he was having enough of it. He decided to just forget about them and go back to training.

Calmly waking down the stairs and taking a step out the door, he saw his sister, Naruko, running towards him. She looked like the carbon copy of Minato, but instead of having his short spiky blonde hair her hair was much longer and it reached up to her back. She was wearing a orange kimono with the Uzumaki insignia on the back with a red obi securing her kimono.

"Out of the way loser! I need to get my katana from my room to show what I learned to the guests." She said pushing me into the hedges in front of the house as she ran inside to retrieve her katana. Meanwhile Naruto, slightly disoriented from landing in the hedge, picked himself up and proceeded to brush off the leaves.

"Naruto are you alright?" Kurumi said to him in his mind concerned. She had established a link between there're minds so she would be able to see and hear what was going on outside of the seal. She was angry at the abuse and neglect his sisters and parents have been giving him, but there was nothing she could do since she was trapped in the seal and her chakra was inside the other siblings.

"I am fine Kaa-chan let's just get to the training grounds." Naruto said sounding slightly angry with Naruko's abuse. She had done this many times before and he couldn't do anything or risk getting an ear full from his parents about striking there're innocent little princess.

Kurumi, noting Naruto's anger for later, decided to stay quiet until he reached the training grounds. Knowing that somethings may be accidentally said if she continued further. Naruto, not hearing anything back from the vixen, proceeded to walk through the party and to the front gates of the compound. Since the party was being held in front of the compound.


he front of the compound was relatively bigger then the back of the compound, and the back was basically used for training, of course it would be held here. The blonde walked past many tables filled with food and refreshments for the guests.

Some of the guests stared at him with hatred and whispered some nasty things like 'look the demon is trying to crash the party' and some other things like that. But Naruto simply ignored them in favor of just getting out of there as quick as possible before another riot against him starts.

Just as he was about to proceed put the front entrance he heard his father begin to speak on stage with his wife and his sisters at his side along with his teacher, Jiraiya, who was carrying a large scroll. "Friends, guests, and fellow clans people thank you all for coming out here tonight to celebrate my daughters birthday and to celebrate the Kyuubi's defeat on this village!"

He said in the microphone causing everyone to cheer in gratitude for there're victory while Naruto just scoffed. At least he knew that the Kyuubi was not at fault in the matter.

"Now my teacher, Jiraiya, would like to give something to my little girls before I announce something important." Minato said to the crowd. The crowd was interested in what Minato had to announce but decided to be patient and see what the toad sage had to give to the sisters.

Jiraiya walked up to the girls and pulled out the giant scroll on his back and onto the table and opened it up to reveal Minato's and Jiraiya's name written on it in blood. "Here gaki's just sign your name here in blood and the toads will be allied to you." He said to them as Naruko immediately signed it while Natsumi calmly wrote her name down.

With that done Jiraiya rolled up the scroll and walked back to his spot next to Kushina while Menato went up on stage. "Now as for my announcement, I would like to announce the new heir to the Namikaze/Uzumaki clan, Narumi!" He shouted as people cheered for the new heiress to the clan. Narumi was shocked that she had became an heiress while Naruko was happy for her. She may be a spoiled brat but she still knew who was the strongest of the two.

While Naruko was the obnoxious and short tempered one of the three, Natsumi was more the calm and serious one. She takes her training to another type of level even training alone at night to better hone her skills in kenjutsu like her mom. It was a no brainer that she became the new heiress.

Meanwhile with Naruto, he was feeling a great sense of anger and sadness. Angry at his parents for stripping him of his position as clan heir and sad that, in a way, his parents had figuratively disowned him.

To most people when a clan heir is dropped from his/her position as heir they are technically disowned by his/her parents, and Naruto was most people.

"Naruto?" Kurumi said in his mind trying to break him out of his thoughts. She was angry with Minato for what he had said.

She wanted nothing more then to get out of the seal and beat that man for everything he had done. But she was more concerned with Naruto's well being. After hearing about him being dropped from clan heir mad beyond belief. She had to make sure he was okay.

Blinded by his anger and sadness, Naruto ignored the vixen and ran through the crowd and out the front gate wanting to get as far away form his family as possible. "Naruto! Please calm down."

Kurumi said in vain trying to calm the upset blonde down. But her voice was unheard as Naruto kept running aimlessly through the streets of Konoha, unknowingly running into the red light district.

This was unknown to Kurumi since she was trying to rack her brain for someway to stop her seragate son from running aimlessly, until she started to feel a hostile presence nearby. She quickly let out a chakra pulse outside Naruto's mind to see where it was and, much to her horror, it was one of the villagers that took part of those fox hunts...and he was not alone!

"Naruto turn arou-" she tried to say, but was in vain when the man turned around and saw Naruto running towards him.

"HEY! IT'S THE DEMON! LETS GET HIM!" the man yelled out as Naruto had came to a stop and realised his predicament. His eyes went wide at the group of villagers and berated himself for not hearing his seragate mom warning when he had the chance. Deciding to hit himself in the head later he quickly turned around and ran from the mob with them on his heels.

Naruto kept running throughout the village, dodging various items from his pursuers behind him trying to slow him down and jumping over over angry vendors carts, who were selling merchandise for the festival, who then joined in the mob.

The blonde couldn't help but she'd tears at his predicament, it wasn't his fault that the villagers families and friends died in the attack and it was sure as Hell not Kurumi's fault for the attack, but the villagers weren't going to listen to reason so it was better to keep running.

From the corner of Naruto's eye he could've sworn he saw someone wearing some strange robes running across the rooftops, but immediately shook it off as thought that it was his mind playing tricks on him due to his current problem.

The blonde then took a right into an alley way to better loose the crowd. But they saw him go into the alley way and were still chasing him. Naruto then tried to block there path by pushing down garbage cans as he ran. They helped to slow the villagers down with them tripping over them but they managed to pull through and were still hot on his heels.

Once Naruto took a right in the alley way his luck had finally run out as he was now at a dead end.

The boy slowly turned around only to see the villagers a few feet away from him. Naruto, with nowhere to go, put his back firmly against the wall trying his best to distance himself from the mob, but to no avail as they took another step closer.

"I am sorry kaa-chan for not listening to you sooner." Naruto thought to himself in fear with the villagers slowly approaching.

"No sochi. It is not your fault. You had ever right to be mad from what had happened." The vixen said in the same tone as she feared of what the villagers will do to the boy, and was upset with herself not being able to do a thing about it with her trapped in the seal.

The villagers stopped as a man in a cook outfit carrying a butcher knife which was slightly bloody, which indicated he was in the middle of chopping meat before chasing him, looming right in front of him.

"This is for my daughter you damn demon!" He yelled as he raised his knife preparing to bring it down on him.

Naruto immediately brought his arms in front of his face and closed his eyes, waiting for the attack to come. But all that came was a 'squelsh' sound and a shout from the man and also the crowd gasping and shuffling back.

The blonde slowly lowered his arms to see what happened and his eyes widened at what he saw. He saw a hooded figure with a cape drapped around his shoulder and a axe on his back crouched down on top of the man that was about to kill him.

The hooded figure then pulled his left arm in the air revealing a bloody blade from his wrist, which meant he had killed the man much to naruto's shock, and moved his right hand over the cooks face. "You are now with your daughter, rest in peace." He stated, his childlike voice dripping with steely calm, which meant that he was a kid which shocked Naruto and Kurumi seeing how easy he made it seem to take a life.

The hooded figure then stood up, looking a few feet taller then Naruto, and walked over the cook and stood a few feet away from the villagers. He slowly looked up revealing his cold brown eyes to the villagers, killing intent radiating off him, causing them to step back.

"So..." he began as he put his right

foot over his left, then slightly bent down with his arms also slightly raised at his sides. "...Who's next?"


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