neglected son (part 2)

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A/N: Here is the second and last part to this two part chapter. I would like to thank you guys again for getting me this far, I never thought that people would actually like my work at all but you guys proved me wrong and for that I thank you.   Any who hope you guys enjoy the last part to this chapter and feel free to comment on any grammer errors if you find any, I am always open to criticism.

Editor: no one

Disclaimer: I own squat

Normal speak "blah…"

Thinking speak "blah…"

Chapter 3

The neglected son (part 2)

Kodi pov

"So…who's next." I say to the mob in front of me, emphasizing the last part coldly causing them to flinch. can you even blame? They we're the ones who nearly killed a kid! I mean the man literally was about to chop the kid with that butcher knife if I haven't gotten here sooner.

I looked at the crowd waiting for a reply or a sign of retaliation for killing one of there're comrade. One of the braver villagers, who was trying hard not to piss himself from the glare I was giving, spoke up. "W-what are you doing k-kid! This has n-nothing to do with you!" He said trying not to studder but failing.

My eyes narrowed. Under my gaze, the crowd seemed to shudder all at once. The alley ways chill may have caused it…but I disagree.

For example…my first mission. I realised that I couldn't keep deceiving my opponents. And so, I ended up gathering a wider variation of moves. The killer intent radiating on me…

Well it isn't exactly a "move". It's more like something that comes in handy with intimidating the weak willed.

"Nothing to do with me?" I started as my glare intensified on the mob. "I became apart of this as soon as you were about to attack this innocent kid." I said to them as I could feel Naruto's widened eyes at the back of my head. As I said before I held no hate for the bijuu so that means I held no hate for him.

"So as I was saying…" I bellowed as I closed my eyes to build up more suspence to them. "…who's next!" I shouted as I opened my eyes releasing my full killer intent onto them.

The affects were almost immediate. Most villagers in the front went unconscious and were caught by the people in front, the ones who haven't fainted. Looking them over one-half of the mob was unconscious while the other half was shaking in fear. Wow. Didn't know my killer intent was going to work this well. I mean, when Ezio first taught me this it wasn't much different. I ended up unconscious. Thinking about it now…it does make sense. Seeing as he is a master assassin. Okay…I honestly got to stop rambling to myself…

…I still can't get over how strong he is though. Damn.

Getting out of my thought, I saw the mob backing there way out of the alley, which was good to me because even I knew I couldn't handle this many people at once. I may be strong, but I am still eight years old.

Just as they were about to leave three men stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of them. They all looked identical. Standard leaf headbands were rapped around their heads. Chunin jackets hugged their bodies. Yet, the only difference I could find was their hair color. One mans hair style was spikes and brown. The others was simply slick and black.

These guys we're chunin's, if their flat jacket was anything to go by. No wonder Naruto had a hard time trying to escape these guys, they had chunin to keep track of where he went. By the look of their smug faces, they must have recently made chunin. So this shouldn't be too hard, but I can't let my guard down.

The black haired chunin, who I guessed was the leader of the group, stepped forward. "Oi. You're that assassin we have heard a lot about from almost all the Jonin…you don't look like much." Oh this man is so gonna die.

I sighed as I gazed at this poor excuse of a chunin. I mean, hasn't he learned not to judge an enemy by there're looks? I mean really that's the first thing I learned when I was six.

I preferred not to let it get to my head as I slowly made my way up to him. "What, you want to fight me? You're out classed kid! Even though you're wanted alive that doesn't mean we can't rough you up a bit. You killed that citizen behind you, so you deserve it. When we're done with you…we'll make sure that demon you're protecting suffers." He declares as I felt Naruto shiver behind me.
I don't know why, but when those words came out of his mouth I felt absolutely livid. I cannot allow this guy to live. If he lives he could hurt Naruto in the future. I don't know why I care for the jinchūriki so much, but I do know that what this man plans to do to him is wrong and needs to be dealt with.

I kept walking towards him slowly, not stopping or saying a word, which seemed to eritate him. "Silent treatment huh. Well let me help you talk better." He hissed as he pulled out a kunai from his pouch and ran at me.

I rose my eyebrow at this. This is a chunin. He is just running towards me with a blade. Sometimes I wonder the bar they set for these ninja's now a days.

I let him run towards me as I kept walking forword. I bined my time for when he was close enough for me to strike. As he was right in front of me he brought his kunai down at me, attempting to strike me, but I caught his wrist with my right hand and pushed it to the side. Then withdrew my hidden blade on my left hand and brought it across his throat, slitting his throat.

I walked past him as he immediately put his hands to his neck, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. But it was to no avail as he bleed out and fell to the ground, not moving. The rest of the chunin were shocked about how I just killed there're comrade, which then turned to anger.

"You bastard! I'm gonna kill you!" The chunin on the left swor, dashed towards me. A kunai was drawn in his hand. His partner followed. not far behind.

Not waisting time, I quickly pulled out my axe from my back and started to channel my chakra into it, to make it cause more damage, then ran towards them as well. Waiting for the right moment, I slid underneath the one in the front and, using my momentum, stood up and slammed the butt of my axe into the chunin behind him, causing him to stagger back words and fall to his back gripping his stomach.

Turning around to face the other chunin, who had now realised I had slid under him, I spun my axe around in my hand and brought it down on his shoulder. Not having enough time to dodge the chunin took the hit and screamed out in pain. The axe went deep into the top of his shoulder as blood was gushing out. The chunin gripped on the axes handle, trying in vain to pull it out, for a minute before going still, indicating that he was dead. I sharply pulled out my axe from his body and let him drop to the ground with a 'thud'.

I then turned my head to the last chunin who was still clutching his stomach in pain from my last attack. I couldn't help but stare coldly at the ninja. These guys had tried to not only capture me but threatened to kill Naruto all because he held something they hated themselves, and yet they didn't even have the strength to do the job. Well it's like the saying goes 'all talk and no bite'.

I decided to just finish this quick, I walked up to the chunin and flipped him to his back. With that done I placed my boot on his chest and raised my axe. The chunin, finally getting out of his winded state, looked up and his eyes widened in fear. "W-wait! Please have mercy! I'm sorry!" He screamed out in fear as he begged to be spared.

I just gazed at him for a moment then lowered my axe and held it to my side. I then slowly stepped back letting him regain his breath. "Th-thank yo-" I cut him off as I plunged a phantom knife in his leg causing him to let out a cry in pain and clutch his leg to stop some of the pain.

I was crouched down in front of him and he stared into my cold brown eyes in fear. "Let that be a lesson to you." I said a I pulled off his forehead protector and gave him a sharp head but, making him go unconscious. I slowly stood and rubbed my forehead behind my hood and panted a bit. When I thought they were hard headed I didn't think literally. I then looked up at the villagers, who were looking at me in fear. I understand why I just took down three leaf chunin like it was child's play, which it really was, but I had to remember that they were fresh out of the mill chunin and not seasoned ones. If they were I would've been screwed.

I simply waved my hand to the villagers and slung my axe on my shoulder. "Scram." I simply said as they quickly ran out of the alley way, pushing and shoving each other out of the way. I couldn't help but chuckle at how they were not moments ago acting all high and mighty then ran away like little pussy cats.

I immediately halted my chuckling as I sensed something approaching. Quickly putting my axe in it's sheath I activated my second level of my eagle eye to see who it was. My eyes went wide as I saw they were ANBU ranked ninja, and they were coming fast!

"Damn I got to get out of here." I thought in a panick. I turned around to look at Naruto to see that he was in a state of shock at what happened. "Ugh I can't just leave him here. There's no telling what those ANBU might do." I also thought as I knew it was true. Even though he was the hokages son, he seemed to be hated by everyone. Who's to say that the ANBU won't do worse.

I quickly went up to Naruto and stood over him. "We gotta get out of here! ANBU coming. We'll talk later!" I yelled at him. He got out of his shock and was about to reply, but I cut him off as I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder, getting a startled shout out of him. Grunting from the weight, I ran up the side of the alley wall and grabbed onto a window ledge and pushed myself to the top of the roof. I had some difficulty due to carrying Naruto and his struggles, but I managed.

Once I made it up on the roof two ANBU operatives appeared out of no where. "Stop right there and surrender now assassin." The ANBU with a cat mask on said to me with a another ANBU with a bear mask behind him…well. I think it's a 'him' it's hard to tell with the face mask on and the way there're hair style are set up. I mean some men have long hair and…GOSH DARN IT THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO RAMBLE.

not wasting any time, I swiftly retrieved a smoke bomb. Whipping it at the ANBU's feet, an explosion of smoke was triggered. As soon as it the bloom of smoke covered there're being and they began to cough from the smoke getting into their lungs and used that moment to hide. As soon as the smoke faded and they recovered from there're coughing, they looked around only to find us gone.

"Damn he ran. Why didn't we just grab him without saying anything?" The ANBU with the cat mask said with regret in his/her voice. Still have no idea what gender they are.

"Don't worry neko, he probably hadn't gotten far. Let's hurry before he makes off with the jinchūriki." Said the ANBU with the bear mask.

The one known as neko nodded and they quickly headed out to find us. I looked behind the wall to find them gone. "Phew, I thought I was going to have to fight them." I said to myself in relief. I knew I couldn't handle two ANBU operatives at once. If they were high chunin to low jonin sure. But not that high of a rank. I am actually surprised that escape plan worked.

Remembering my passenger on my shoulder, due to his struggles, I put him down against the wall to get a better look at him. As I looked closely at him his clothing seemed to look like used rags. His white shirt looked worn out and had tears all over it and his blue shorts were also torn and had holes on the knee part. His shoes looked worn out and seemed to be falling apart. All in all his clothing looked like it had been worn for months.

I shook his shoulder getting his attention. "Hey, are you alright?" I said in concern. I mean I knew he wasn't alright but I just wanted to know.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Uh thanks for saving me." He said in gratitude but had some distain in his voice, probably from seeing a lot of people die tonight. "Um if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" He asked curiously.

"Oh well you might have heard of me before. I am quite infamous here in Konoha…" I trailed off remembering my little slip up with my name. Just thinking about it now makes me cringe at how dumb I was.

I got out of my dazed state and saw he was looking for an answer. I quickly apologized and dropped my hood and mask, wanting to be look more friendly to him. My face looked slightly the same before my training with Ezio, except the baby fat in my cheeks looked nonexistent and I looked more mature for a child my age. I was sporting a kind smile on my face, which seemed to shock Naruto who must have not had been looked at like this in a while. "I am Kodi. Pleasure to meet you."

He stared at me wide eyed in shock. "Y-Y-YOUR KODI RODRIGUEZ!" he shouted out pointing a finger at me. I moved my hand quickly to cover his mouth.

"Oi not so loud! Are you trying to blow our cover?" I say in a loud whisper and looked around to see if anyone heard this boys loud mouth.

The blonde took my hands off his mouth and replyed in my level of whisper. "Sorry its just that I didn't expect to see you. I hear about you from my…sibling Naruko all the time. Like how mysterious you are. And…and how you managed to kill a Kumo jonin! Or when you escaped from the Hyuuga clan head, as if it was child's play!" He said with excitement in his voice but stressed the word 'sibling' when talking about his sister. It kinda brought out my curiosity.

I blushed at the praise and couldn't believe all the information they had. I guess those bingo books aren't all inaccurate as I thought. "Well I am happy that someone appreciates my work. But if I am aloud to ask Naruto,  why hasn't your family helped you with this." I said curiously gesturing to the mob.

Naruto grew a dark look when I mentioned his family. "They don't care about me." My eyes widened as I heard that. What does he mean? "They never cared. All they cared about was their little princesses, who are destined to run Konoha. I was all alone with no one to help me with these villagers and no one to even help me train for protecting myself." He brought his legs to his chest and wrapped his arms around them and cried after he finished his explanation. I looked at him in shock and I couldn't help but hear how…similar we are.

He had been abandoned by his parents and so have I. He was alone since he was four and I was alone since I was brought to the orphanage. The only difference between us is our ages. Even when I had found the assassins I still felt alone, the only person I talked to in the creed was my mentor the others just ignored me or had better things to do. No wonder my senses was telling me to save him.

I grabbed both his shoulder's halting his crying. I looked deep into his big blue eyes. His eyes carried loneliness, sadness, and a tiny bit of anger. No child should ever have to have these eyes, including him. I had these eyes before and it only held me down. I shall help him get rid of these eyes. "Hey I have an offer for you." The blonde looked at me curiously. "How would you like to work together." I said with a kind smile. He looked at me shocked not believing what I said.

"W-what?" He gasped out in his shock not sure if he heard me right. I just chuckled at his dumbstruck expression and stood in full height, looking down at him.

"Yeah we work together! I mean were are both somewhat the same as I look at it. I don't have a family and your family treats you like your not even there, so why not us misfits join together and show everyone that we can be strong without them holding us down." I declare to him, shocking him even more. I mean it makes sense we have both have been left by our biological families. I am actually pretty shocked about my little speech though. I am usually not this happy when talking to people. I guess I might be a bit bipolar when talking to people. I mean it makes sense I really don't socialize much.

I looked at Naruto to hear his answer and he seemed to have a conflicted look on his face. I understood why, he's probably still shaken up from the ordeal that happened a while ago and is still recovering from it. "You know what? Maybe you need some time to think about this…" I say as I go into my pocket and pull out a pencil and paper. Naruto looked confused at what I was doing and I wrote down something on it, I then handed it to him.

"That will be the place of where we meet. Follow the directions exactly or you might get into trouble. Oh and before I forget." I pulled out a small brown bag and threw it to him. He struggled to catch it due to the surprise, but managed. He looked inside it and his eyes widened. "Use that ryo to get you some decent clothing. Catch you later…Naruto." I swiftly turned around and ran to the edge of the roof.

The blonde yelled behind me to watch the ledge, but I just ignored him in favor of always wanting to do the old 'jump off the building in front of an audience and dissapear when they look over the ledge' trick. Once I reached the ledge I jumped off of it spreading my arms out wide and let gravity do it's work. I heard Naruto shout my name behind me as I fell to the ground…or should I say haystack.

Once I had landed I got out of the haystack and blended into the crowd to go unseen. I looked behind me bat the roof, as I followed the crowd, and laughed at Naruto's confused face. "Never gets old." I thought to myself and laughed on the inside as I walked down the crowded streets of Konoha, continuing my previous mission. After all…that corrupt merchant wasn't going to kill himself.


Hokage tower

Third pov

All was quiet in the hokage tower. Not even that mysterious cricket could be heard. The room was in an eerie silence as the fourth hokage was digesting the information he had just heard from one of his ANBU opratives. In all honestly he just wanted to enjoy his time with his family on his children's birthday, but instead he was called to his office for an urgent message from one of his ninja's.

Before this, Minato was talking to his fellow clans after he had announced the new heiress, but his conversation was cut short when one of his ANBU operatives showed up right next to him asking for the kage to come to the hokage tower for an urgent message. Once he had excused himself from the party, he had made it to his office, via the hirashin, and was explained of what took place by a injured chunin's report concerning the rather infamous ninja…or should he say assassin.

The fourth hokage put his elbows on his desk and rested his chin on his hands. The assassin was a rather sore and stressful subject to him. It wasn't about the trouble he had caused or Kumo wanting him alive. It was who he was that was the problem. His name being, Kodi Rodriguez.

The yellow flash actually knew a great deal about Kodi and it wasn't about his blood line or his assassin background. It was his father Raul Rodriguez…or better know to him as non-blood related brother.

Minato and Raul were brothers ever since they met in the orphanage, back when everyone was recovering from the second shinobi war. Minato had lost his parents due to the war and was put in an orphanage due to him being too young to be living on his own. Being alone in the park on a swing, he was watching as family walked by, feeling depressed that he might never have that feeling again.

But it all changed when a fellow orphan came up to him and sat on a swing next to him. They both talked for a while and found that they were both in a similar situation. Raul had also lost his parents due to the war and was left with no one. Then Raul came up with the idea of them being brothers, to look out for each other in case one of us is feeling down. To which Minato had accepted.

They had been brothers for a long time. When the blonde had signed up for the ninja academy, the time he had become a genin, the time had his first girlfriend and even the time he made chunin. Raul was there for everything…but it all changed when he left had came to his room, wearing strange white robes that covered his person and said he had to leave and that he would be back.

When Minato was about to ask why he was leaving, Raul had already left out the door, not saying a word. The kage had tried looking everywhere in the village for his brother, but to no avail. If it weren't for Kushina and his Sensei Jiraiya, he would have fallen to depression again.

It had been years since he had seen Raul again, and it was the day of the kyuubi attack. Raul had shown up right when the kyuubi was going to bring it's claw down on Minato's children. Right when the claw came down, Raul had appeared right in front of it and took the blow. With a claw deep in his chest, Raul, using the remainder of his energy he had, shockingly, demanded the shinigami to take his soul instead of Minato, to which the Death God accepted. Which was shocking seeing as Raul had not only demand the shinigami to take his soul instead but for the Death God to accept the offer.

Before the kage knew it, the beast was sealed into his three children and became the jinchūriki. And he was holding his dying brother in his arms. The final words he said to me were 'to take care of his son' which Minato found quite shocking and pondered where his son would be.

After finally clearing up the mess and announcing the kyuubis defeat, Minato and his wife returned home with there newborns ready to start there're life but where interrupted by a soft cry coming from inside the house. When they came in to investigate they had found a baby bundled up in a white blanket with a letter on top of his chest.

Minato, having gotten out of his shock first, went and took the letter off the baby and read the letter only to be once more shocked from what it said. This letter was from Raul. Which meant this was his son. The son Raul asked to take care of. The kage had tears of joy in his eyes, happy that he had his brothers legacy in his arms. But his tears were ceased as he remembered one crucial thing.

How was he supposed to take care of his children while also taking care of his brothers legacy? He still had to train his children in controlling the bijuu's chakra. And with his duty as kage, he wouldn't have the time to train all of them.

But an idea came to him. He would send Kodi to an orphanage to be watched over while he was training his daughters to control the bijuu, since his son only has the soul. And when he turns six, he would be eligible to apply for the ninja academy. And that's when Minato would adopt him and include Kodi to his daughters training. Kushina had her doubts about the plan but she agreed to it nonetheless.

But…things didn't go to plan. It turned out Kodi didn't want to be a ninja at all and the director of the orphanage threatened to kick him out, causing him to run away. The kage was beyond mad about that, but couldn't do nothing physical to the director or it would ease suspicion. Instead he had launched an investigation of the orphanage and found out a ton of things that were absolutely wrong with the orphanage. The children were constantly abused, minus a few. The living conditions were poor. And the food looked like garbage. To sum it up, the place was hell.

Minato had arrested the director on the spot for the crimes of child abuse and sent the children to a different orphanage, it was the least he could do.

The ninja that told the kage the report, shuffled his feet. He wore a simple blue suit with a grey flak jacket, strapped up sandals and arm guards that went up to his elbows. His Anbu mask resembled a dog's face with red and black markings around the eyes, sides, and mouth. Though he had a neutral expression under his mask, he was still nervous that his kage, and teacher, was just sitting in silence for so long. The dog masked ninja got Minato's attention by coughing into his hand.

"Permission to speak freely, Hokage-sama?" He asked wanting to tell the kage his opinion of the matter.

Minato just chuckled. "There is no reason to be so formal Kakashi. Please take off your mask and tell me what is it." Minato said to the now named ANBU.

Kakashi sighed and removed his mask revealing his face. He then adjusted his eyes to his kage and spoke firmly. "Sensie with all due respect I think we should put a kill on sight order for the assassin." Minato eyes went wide when he heard that. "He has killed not one but two of our ninjas, and left another injured. I cannot see a reason why he should be wanted alive for these actions." Kakashi finished firmly, not wanting anymore of his fellow ninjas to be cut down by the assassin.

Minato went back to a calm face and stared intently at Kakashi. He understood that Kodi had killed two of his ninjas, but he couldn't just let his brothers son be killed. "No. We cannot do that Kakashi. Kumo wants the assassin alive and if we do not bring him alive to them. It would raise more conflict between our villages." It was true that Konoha was on thin ice with Kumo. And with Kodi killing that ambassador, the problem only arose more so.

The blonde kage knew that giving Kodi to Kumo was the same as abandoning him, but what other choice did he have? He also knew the reason why Kumo wanted him. It was for his dōjutsu. Seeing as though Kumo does not have many blood line users, it would be obvious why they would want him alive. Another fact would be that they would not be able to take the eyes from him, for you see the reason why the assassins were such a mystery was because of how well they hide their technology. As it was recorded in records, as soon as a ninja and or citizen would touch a piece of the equipment on their person, it would automatically lock itself and it would not be able to come apart, and a scientist would not be able to disipher it.

One last fact about the assassins secrecy, would be their own dōjutsu, as when a ninja killed an assassin they would take their eyes and take it to there village and transplant it to their own ninja. But when the eyes are transplanted they were not able to activate them. Which meant the assassins dōjutsu was can only be passed down and not taken. Which was the reason why Kumo wants Kodi alive.

"But Sensie-" Kakashi began but was cut off by Minato raising his hand to silence him.

"That is enough Kakashi. You have left me a lot to think about here. Now you are dismissed for today, we shall speak tomorrow." Minato said waving him off. Kakashi sighed and put back on his mask and departed, without saying another word.

Once Minato was sure no one was in his office, he opened his drawer and reached inside and took out a photograph. The photograph to him was taken the day he made chunin. He was wearing his new chunin vest with his standard head band on his for head. In the picture he was winking at the camera with his hand raised giving a peace sign. The man next to him had his arm wrapped around him. He was wearing casual clothing, he had dark brown hair and brown eyes and was smiling at the camera while giving a thumbs up.

Minato could help but shed a few tears at the photo. It was the last photo of him and his brother before he left. "Raul, I swear I will carry out your last request."

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