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~Few weeks later~

~Sam's P.O.V~

Here i was in my room still crying over the loss of my little sister. Samantha has come over from her trip along with my dad and mom. currently they were in the living room. I could hear there angry shouts at each other. He looked at the stuffed bunny that was not to far away. It belonged to Yuki. He hugged it tighter as he still could hear his parents scream at each other. "SHE DID FORGIVE ME HER HEART IS TO BIG I KNOW MY LITTLE GIRL WOULDN'T HOLD A GRUDGE AGAINST ME" my mother screamed at my father. They were still arguing about if Yuki ever forgave my mother for being so cruel with her in the past. Samantha always seemed to butt in as well saying that Yuki could never forgive my mother. "SAM! BOY GET DOWN HERE NOW!" my mother called. I slowly got up the stuffed bunny still in hand. I went down the stairs. My mother only rolled her eyes as she saw me. "Tell them that you know your sister forgave me?" she said. I know she only wants to feel like she has done nothing right against my sister. Especially now knowing that she is a grandmother. But i knew her turning tricks and dirty lies. All she wanted was to feel like my sister never wronged her when in reality she wronged her. "...i believe she still hates you even in the after life" I said going over to my crying dad. "Excuse me?" she said crossing her arms. I squeezed the rabbit even more. She was about to hit me with her small purse but then we heard a knock on our door. I went over to the door as my family went to go sit down as if nothing had just happen. I opened the door to meet some familiar eyes. "Ellen?" i asked. She came in for it was raining outside. "Sam i came over when Grain told me what happened the minute i knew something was up" She said placing her jacket over her shoulder. (ellen is a girl in this) "Hu?" I said, honestly even she confused me more than anything else in the world. "Yuki's soul isn't at rest until she gets some things out" she said flicking my forehead. "I told Grian, J, and Taurtis to come as well they should be here in a bit" she said. I nodded. We all waited a bit until we heard a knock. I went over letting my friends in. However in Grian's arms was my sisters child. J decided he would keep his own child and Grian had no problem with it. Due to J being the biological father he could keep the little girl which Yuki wanted to name Jacky. All went in and followed Ellen's instructions. They all huddled around in a circle a single purple candle was lit. "Sam...let me see that bunny please" Ellen said, i gave her the stuffed bunny and she placed it right next to the candle. She began to chant a few words "Pouvez-vous comprendre cela?" she said. I didn't recognize the language. "Je suis très rouillé en français" the house began to shake a bit and the stuffed bunny began to shake violently. Out came something shrouded in black. Screeching came from it and it seemed to go near Ellen and hold her head. "who dares disturb me?" It said sounding Like Yuki except in a tone of anger. "Y-yuki?" i asked scared out of my mind. "Sam?..What are you doing?" she asked through Ellen as her eyes gave out a purple light. "none of that Answer my question girl...Do you still hate me?" my mother butted in. a screech of terror rang through the room. "how dare you ask me that! OF COURSE I HATE YOU!" Yuki yelled through Ellen. My mom turned to me with a sly smile. "see i to-...wait what!" my mother yelled back at the demon that was using Ellen as a communication device. "YOU CAUSED ME SO MUCH PAIN THOUGH OUT MY CHILDHOOD I STILL HELD SCARS YOU LEFT ME FROM THAT TIME. HOW CAN I FORGIVE THE WOMAN WHO-"her yelling caused Jacky to begin crying. Yuki stopped charging at my mother and began to look over at the baby. Grian Handed Jacky over to J which seemed to calm her down as Jacky opened her eyes. J sat her up on his lap as the figure that looked more like Yuki came closer. "j-Jacky?" Yuki said getting closer to the girl. Jacky seemed to recognize Yuki since she extended her little arms at the spirit coming closer to her. Yuki seemed to touch her little girl's cheek as tears fell down her ghostly eyes. J himself let out a stream of tears. "...take care my sweet child...J you better take care of our little girl"Yuki said giving him a faint smile. Yuki turned to me and smiled before disappearing. I knew all of us were depressed especially J but we had to get out of it....For Yuki.....For Jacky...

(well night guys)

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