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"Do you feel no guilt, Jungkook?"

The semi-platonic relationship Jimin and Jungkook had formed on that couch quickly fizzled out as the spirit learned the raven haired boy's reasoning for wearing a suit and tie.

"Jimin, I have to go." Jungkook sighed, looking over his appearance in the mirror. He swapped out his dress pants for a pair of black jeans, the dress pants fitting him weird and the jeans feeling more... Jungkook. "I don't have a choice."

"Well maybe I don't want you there!" Jimin crossed his arms, sending a harsh glare in Jungkook's direction.

Today was Jimin's funeral.

The orange haired spirit was trying to wrap his head around the fact that Jungkook was even thinking about going to the funeral of somebody he killed. Jimin knew for sure that he didn't want him there.

His family was going to be there, and he didn't need Jungkook saying things to them like "I'm sorry for your loss", when he was the reason for their loss in the first place.

"Jimin, if I don't go it'll look bad on my part." The younger huffed, adjusting his tie once more before walking out of his room.

"I don't give a shit." Jimin retorted, following behind Jungkook. Despite resenting the other male, he was currently wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his jeans (what can he say? Just because he's dead doesn't mean he wants to wear the same thing everyday). "You're not going."

"Sorry." Jungkook shrugged. "Tae's expecting me there."

"Tae's expecting me there." Jungkook mimicked, narrowing his eyes at Jungkook as he grabbed his keys and walked out the front door. Jimin followed behind him, walking through the closed door and crossing his arms. "When you see me lying there in the casket, all the guilt's going to slap you in the face."

"I get to see you everyday." Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I think I'll be fine."

"You see what I looked like before I died." Both stepped into Jungkook's car and buckled their seatbelts (although Jimin didn't really need to). "When you see my pale, lifeless body, it's gonna hurt knowing that you were the cause."

Jungkook looked over to where Jimin sat in the passenger seat, observing his tanned skin, slightly rosy cheeks, healthy looking hair.. He looked so alive, Jungkook was nearly worried when he noticed that Jimin wasn't breathing.

He's dead. He reminded himself, He doesn't need to.

"I'll be fine." Jungkook repeated, beginning to drive off to wherever the funeral was being held. "But will you be?"

Jimin gulped.

"I'll be fine."

Three words that had been spoken many times in that car, but neither of the two knew fully if they were being truthful while they said them.


Jungkook couldn't say he was prepared when Jimin burst into tears after seeing just his closed casket with flowers around it.

"Jimin-Ah.." The younger whispered, not wanting any of the other people attending to hear him.

Tears rolled down Jimin's cheeks as he scanned across the crowd of people dressed in only shades of black and grey, glossy eyes and less than perfect mascara adorning many. Jimin had been to a funeral once before, but attending his own was a whole different story.

He didn't even question himself when he wrapped his arms around Jungkook, sobbing into his shoulder.

This is wrong. He thought. He's the reason that this is all happening in the first place. Why are you hugging him?

He shook away the thoughts because he just needed someone to hold him, and Jungkook was the only one who could. "I can't hug you back because of the amount of people here, but just know that I want to."

Jungkook's words only made Jimin cry harder, gripping the fabric at the back of the younger's blazer and burying his head into the crook of his neck.

"I don't care if they look at you weird." Jimin croaked, voice strained. "Hold me."

Jungkook sighed softly and discreetly shuffled to the back of the group of people, where most wouldn't even glance at him. The ceremony hadn't started yet, Taehyung getting ready to speak about his late friend.

The raven haired boy wrapped his arms around the spirit, rubbing circles on his back as he swayed from side to side gently. "I'm sorry for this." Jimin sniffled, lifting his head and looking up at Jungkook, not moving his arms from where they were wrapped around the younger's torso.

"You deserve to cry Jimin, you shouldn't be the one saying sorry." He spoke softly, Jimin smiling sadly as Jungkook lifted his hand to pet Jimin's hair lightly.

I should be.

Jungkook didn't say aloud the thought that was most present in his brain, although he knew Jinin would appreciate it if he did. "Are you alright now?"

Jimin nodded, wiping his eyes and following Jungkook back to where they were originally standing.

"Jimin was, and still is, one of the most amazing people I've ever met." Jimin's lip quivered as Taehyung stepped up to the microphone to speak. The spirit shuffled closer to Jungkook until their shoulders were touching. "He was kind, he was selfless, and he was as determined as a human could possibly be - and then some."

"Jimin-Ah, there's a café I saw close to here that you can wait at if it's too much for you." Jimin shook his head at Jungkook's hushed words.

"I want to stay." He answered, voice fairly shaky.

"I know that if he was here, he wouldn't want me to cry but I can't help it you know?" Jimin's chest constricted as he saw the tears in Taehyung's eyes. "Someone like Jimin is someone who you'll meet only once in your entire life. He was so full of creativity and imagination that even I had a hard time keeping up sometimes. I definitely didn't know Jimin as long as I wish I had but the year that I did, was the best of my life."

Jungkook looked down at Jimin, frowning as he saw the spirit not even attempt to wipe off the tears that were flowing down his face.

"There was something Jimin always said to me." Taehyung continued, "I'm one to get frustrated easily, so when I did, Jimin would put his hand on my shoulder and say: "Tae, just think of all of the events in your life as a piece in a puzzle. There are times when you're frustrated because you can't see the final picture, there are pieces that you may think you don't need, but just wait. It'll all come together."" The lavender haired boy wiped his eyes and exhaled, "He had so much knowledge at such a young age, and I hope he knows - wherever he is - that he's not someone who can be forgotten easily."

Jimin wiped his eyes, Jungkook not caring that he was getting tears on the shirt that he borrowed.

The rest of the ceremony dragged on, Jimin straight up having to leave and go on a brief walk when his brother began speaking about him because it was all too much. Jimin had only witnessed his brother cry twice before this day, once when he was six and fell off of his bike, and when his girlfriend broke up with him when he was seventeen.

It hurt him too much too see the tears falling from his brother's saddened eyes.

Jungkook didn't follow after the spirit, instead walking slowly up to the now opened casket after Jihyun had finished what he needed to say. His heart dropped as he gazed upon Jimin's unmoving figure, his skin pale and lacking the colour he as used to.

He was dressed in a suit, Jungkook gulping as he thought about the fact that a stab wound he was responsible for lay underneath the fabric.

"Are you sorry yet?" Jungkook jumped slightly as Jimin's voice sounded next to him, looking over to the spirit beside him.

Jimin's eyes were glossy and red, dried tears still visible on his cheeks. But he still looked better than he did lying in that casket.

"I am."

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