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"If he's so sorry why doesn't he turn himself in?"

Jimin shrugged and traced circles on the roof he and Yoongi sat on as he stared at the sky above them. The sky was blue, the clouds having had cleared a few hours after his funeral had ended. The tension in the house between him and Jungkook was too much, and so Jimin fled to the only other place he knew to go to.

"I don't know Yoongi-Hyung." Jimin sighed, looking over to the blonde spirit beside him. Yoongi had noticed Jimin's change of clothes but didn't mention, the conclusion he had come up with himself making him frown. "He's been through a lot."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

Jimin was defending his killer now?

"More than you?" He asked, the orange haired male beside him shrugging and looking down at the people walking on the street below them.

"Maybe. Depends how you look at it." Jimin answered. "Don't get me wrong, it's not like I completely don't hate the guy anymore, he still killed me and I won't forget that it's just.." Jimin closed his eyes, thinking back to earlier that day. Earlier to when Jungkook soothed Jimin by running his hands through his hair and rubbing his back.

"I'll be fine, but will you be?"

"I can't hug you because there's so many people here, but just know that I want to."

"Are you sorry yet?"

Jimin's mind swirled with various things that the younger had said, memories of his hugs and calming touch.

Calming touch from the same person that ended Jimin's life. "He's more tolerable now."

Yoongi couldn't help but frown as he thought about Jimin's forming bond with the killer. It just didn't seem right.

"Tolerable?" Yoongi asked, noticing the loose fit that Jimin's new attire had. He could only touch things that belonged to Jungkook, so he knew where he got them from.

Jimin nodded.

"He's not horrible."



Jungkook poked his head out of his bedroom once he heard the familiar light footsteps return in his house a few hours after the spirit had left earlier.

"Hey Jungkook." Jimin smiled softly as he saw Jungkook walk over to him in sweatpants and a white shirt almost identical to the one he himself was wearing. "I just needed to go clear my head."

"It's alright." The younger nodded, resting his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Could you come sit down with me? I want to talk to you about something."

Jimin nodded, scanning over Jungkook's expression. He looked almost sad, and somewhat regretful.

They both walked over to the living room, sitting across from each other on the couch and facing each other. It reminded him of the night Jungkook broke down, which was also the night he started to hate Jungkook just a little bit less.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook finally spoke after a few minutes, the silence broken by two words that made Jimin's heart stop. "It must sound like bullshit I know, but I truly mean it Jimin. I know it would be insane to ask for your forgiveness but I'd just like you to know that I regret what I did to you."

Jimin's eyes were widened, his brain not sure if he was hearing correctly as Jungkook paused to take a breath.

"It used to be a game to me Jimin." He continued. "Take a life, get rid of the evidence, repeat. I never once thought how much this could be affecting so many people and I'm such a monster." Jungkook took another shaky breath. "'If my mom tried and failed to kill someone, maybe if I tried and succeeded she'd finally think I was good for something. Maybe she's be watching me from wherever she is and finally be proud of her son.' That's what I told myself to reassure myself when I had doubts Jimin. As if that justified my actions. As if that takes back all I've done, all the pain I've caused. As if it washes the blood off of my stained hands. But it doesn't, and it never will."

Jimin didn't even noticed he was crying until he noticed a drip onto the jeans he was wearing.

"I thought I'd live my entire life as a killer on the loose you know? No one would ever find me out and it would be so thrilling. Nothing could stand in my way. But then you showed up. You allowed me to get to know the person who I killed, and although I thought at first that I'd never let you get to me, and soften me, the night you hugged me on this couch I knew I was done for. I knew I was done for when you looked so happy wearing Taehyung's sweater, and I knew I'd never be the same when you asked me to hold you today." Jungkook's words were shaky as he wiped at his teary eyes before looking at Jimin.

"I know in order to tell you that I'm truly sorry I'd turn myself in right? But I'm scared Jimin. Because you're not the only life I've taken and I'll probably be locked up forever because of it. I know I deserve it but... I'm sorry." Jimin moved closer to Jungkook, tilting his head up from where it was looking down at the couch.

"You're something else Jeon Jungkook." He smiled, a few tears dripping off of his chin. "I'm a sucker for heartfelt apologies and I have never heard you sound so sincere. I won't force you to turn yourself in just yet, but know I expect you to eventually okay?" Jungkook nodded. "There's another spirit I know who thinks I'm completely insane to not hate your guts, but you don't seem like a killer Jungkook. Sometimes I forget that I'm dead when I'm around you, sometimes I forget the reason we were brought together in the first place."

You're not seriously forgiving him are you?

"Sometimes I forget you're dead too, but then I come across the knife in the kitchen and I feel so bad Jimin." Jungkook's words were soft staring into the spirit's eyes.

"I'd be worried if you didn't." Jimin's smile allowed his dimples to be seen, Jungkook not being able to stop the smile tugging at his own lips because of it.

I guess you are.

He leaned forward and rested his head on Jimin's shoulder, the spirit's arms wrapping around him. Jungkook's hand softly ran through Jimin's soft hair and the both of them sighed. "If only we met in better circumstances, I'd really like you Jungkook."

"I really like you anyway."

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