Leaving The Hospital

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A/N Hey guys! Long time no update! I swear, I say this every time I update. Well, I'm gonna just start writing.

Narrator's POV

Felix fell asleep, his head resting on the side of Marinette's bed. Said girl was in a peaceful slumber as well. Soon, the door opened. The one standing outside of it was Felix's father. Gabriel Agreste.

He smiled softly at the scene. His son was happy here. Felix was actually smiling in his sleep. Usually he just frowned. Gabriel shook Felix awake. "Felix. Wake up. Time to go home."

This caused Marinette to wake up. "Felix? What's going on?" She asked sleepily. "I've gotta leave. See ya, Marinette." He answered. "See ya." She yawned. Marinette fell back to sleep.

"That was a nice nap." Felix yawned. Gabriel looked at his son amusingly. "I can see you were enjoying yourself." He said. Felix frowned. "What makes you think that?"

"You were smiling." Gabriel chuckled. Then a question was brought up in the back of Felix's mind. What was his father doing here? So, he asked this question. "What are you doing here?"

"I had time." Felix looked at his father, amazed. He had time? It was amazing. Gabriel Agreste actually had time. "I never thought you would make friends." Gabriel replied.

"And I never thought you had time." Felix snapped back. Gabriel chuckled. "True."


A week later Marinette was released from the hospital. At school the next day she was in a wheel chair. Turns out she broke her leg and her right hand. Alya helped Marinette wheel into the school.

As soon as Alya opened those doors, Marinette was bombarded by questions. People asked what happened and why she was out for so long and if she was okay.

Alya shielded Marinette from these questions. "One question at a time! Let the injured person have some space!" Marinette giggled. "I got into a car crash. I'm fine. Just a little bruised."

Felix stood up calmly from where he was sitting. The whole class turned their heads. "Marinette. You know you are not just bruised. The car hit you head on. I know, because I was there."

Marinette smiled at him cheekily. Felix gave her a small smile. The whole class was thinking, 'Who are you and what have you done with Felix?'

"Sorry." She replied. Felix's once-in-a-lifetime smile went away as the teacher told everyone to settle down.


The rest of the day went by slowly. Marinette had made cupcakes for the class which made their theory about Marinette being an angel all the more true.

As Marinette was wheeling home she heard someone cry for help. It was dark because she had to stay after school for her make-up work. She wheeled towards the sound.

It led her to a dark alley where there was a gang of a couple guys surrounding a small girl. "What's going on here?" She asked courageously. The guys turned around and laughed as they took in the bandage on her face and casts.

"It's just a little girl! What do you think you can do? Sing me to death?" The guy that looked like the leader laughed. Marinette's eyes narrowed as she gave them a terrifying death glare.

Suddenly, she grabbed the leader's arm and twisted it. "Give back what you stole, or I will break his arm." The gang stumbled back in surprise. Then they all smirked.

"How can a little girl like you hurt our leader?" Right at that moment the leader shrieked in pain. Marinette was twisting it even harder. The gang backed up.

"Okay, okay! Here's the bag! Just let him go!" A guy yelled as he threw what he stole. Marinette narrowed her eyes again. "All of it." The rest of them dumped the rest of the stuff on the ground.

Marinette let go of the leader and the gang scrambled away. The little girl walked up to Marinette cautiously. "Th-Thank you." She stuttered shyly. "Wh-Who are you?"

Marinette smiled at her kindly. "My name is Marinette." The girl smiled up at her brightly. "I'm Alice. Thank you for saving me!" Marinette giggled. "You're welcome. But be careful. I won't be able to save you again if you get in trouble like that."

Alice nodded and then ran off towards what Marinette guessed was her house. Chuckling she started wheeling towards her house again.

But what she didn't know was that someone was watching them. This someone was amazed by what he saw.


Marinette yawned as she sat up and looked at her clock. Suddenly, her eyes went huge as she looked at it. It was 9:45. School started 45 minutes ago. She scrambled to get ready as chaos ensued.

Tikki was trying to feed Marinette as she was getting dressed. When said Kwami was finished she then proceeded to start brushing Marinette's teeth. It didn't take long all together.

Marinette's injuries didn't stop her from getting ready. Eventually she was wheeling out of there. When she made it to school Mrs. Bustier excused her for her injuries.

Business proceeded as usual except when Marinette was sitting out at P.E. Someone else seemed to notice her.

A/N Hey guys! My eyes feel like they're about to fall off. So here's the story: I was at my Mother's friend's one-year-old's birthday party when my Mother got drunk. So we had to sleep there until she was sober. When she was sober she decided it was a good idea to wake up her kids that stayed up until 12:30 in counting at 5: FLIPPING 40. So in my tiredness I had managed to write this. Go ahead, laugh all you want. Half of you skipped this anyway. When I get home I'm going to put my tablet on the charger, update all of my chapters, and go to SLEEP.

P.S I wrote that months ago and never updated this. Sorry.

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