Seeing Marinette

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A/N Hey guys! So like I said, my other Marichat book has ended, so I want you to read this one in the mean time. Well, on to the story!

Narrator's POV

Felix took a deep breath and let it out, his hand hovering above the doorknob. He was a little hesitant to go inside and see Marinette. What if she didn't forgive him? That was the question flowing through his mind as he stood there.

Alya pushed him a little. "Go on. Go inside. She's not like other girls." Felix nodded and slowly opened the door. "Ah, Felix. I'm so happy you aren't hurt." Marinette said painfully.

Felix cringed as guilt flowed through him. She was worried? But he couldn't help her! It was his fault she was there! Marinette stared at him worriedly, then she smiled.

"I know what you're thinking. It isn't your fault. I chose to save that boy. You wouldn't have been able to stop me. That boy would have died from that car." Her eyes shined with tears.

"I'm just happy that I was the only who got hurt." Footsteps could be heard down the hall. Then a little boy with his mother came rushing in. Felix recognized the boy as the one Marinette saved.

A light shined in her smiling eyes. "It's you.... I am so glad you're okay...." The boy's eyes widened at her tears. "Miss? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

She nodded and wiped the tears away. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just happy you're okay." The mother walked over to her bedside. "Ma'am, I am so sorry that you had to get hurt like this. You are too kind."

Marinette chuckled. "It's okay. My parents raised me to put others needs before mine. As long as you and Felix are okay, I'm happy." The mother looked confused. "Who's Felix...?" She asked.

Marinette raised a shaking finger and pointed to Felix. "Him. He was there." Felix looked startled. "Marinette. You really shouldn't be moving." He pushed her hand down.

She laughed. "Okay. Whatever you say. But the doctor said that my recovery was unbelievably fast, so don't worry. I can even walk." She chuckled softly. "I don't know if I have good or bad luck. It's all mixed up."

The mother held Marinette's hand. "You are both. My name is Naminè Lucias. This is my son, Hugo Lucias. If I lost him wouldn't know what to do... so I thank you. He is all I have." Naminè started crying.

This flustered Marinette. "N-Naminè, it's fine, really! D-Don't cry!" She panicked. Naminè laughed. "Thank you...." Hugo looked up at his mother curiously. "Mommy? What is her name?"

Naminè looked at Hugo startled. "I-I don't know. Ma'am, what is my son's savior's name?" Marinette sat up slowly. "Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Naminè's eyes widened. "Did you say Dupain-Chen? Coincidence? It think not!" Suddenly Sabine and Tom came rushing in. "Marinette! IA m so glad you're okay!" Sabine cried, not noticing Naminè.

Marinette was pretty sure Naminè's green eyes were bulging out of their sockets. "Tom? Sabine? What are you doing here?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

As soon as Sabine heard Naminè she turned around faster than a bullet and started squealing. "NAMINÈ!" She squealed, trapping her in a bear hug. Tom picked them both up in a hug.

"Naminè! It is so nice to see you! This is our daughter, Marinette!" He said. Her mouth was on the floor now. Marinette and everyone else had question marks floating around their heads.

"Maman? Papa? What's going on?" She asked, confused. They turned to Alya. "That's Marlena's kid, Alya." Alya looked surprised and pointed to herself in a 'me?' sort of way.

Marinette laughed. "I knew more than just saving Hugo would come of this. I truly am lucky." Her eyes twinkled a smile. Sabine turned to Naminè. "We should leave he kids alone. C'mon!"

Once the adults left- leaving Hugo behind- Felix looked over at Marinette. "I see where you get your bubbly personality from...." He grumbled. She giggled and shook her head.

"Maman is only like this when she's excited. Most of the time she's the calm one in the family. I get most of my personality from my Papa." She tilted her head like cat would.

"Felix, where do you get your personality from? Your Papa? You both are very strict." She asked. All Felix did was nod. "I guess that's right." Alya, Nino, and Hugo walked out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"I admire your Papa's work. Often, I go to his designs for help when I'm stuck on what to make." She said reminiscent. "But I usually go to the Eiffel Tower for inspiration." Then she sweatdropped.

"I see some pretty weird things there...." She said, thinking of Mr. Ramier, the pigeon-loving guy. Marinette was pretty sure some screws were loose in his head. Mr. Ramier was Akumatized but was still just as... screwy.

"I saw the reason for someone to get Akuamtized once. It was pretty strange...." Now Felix was curious, being the curious kitty he was. "What happened?" He asked, ignorant of Mr. Ramier.

Marinette sweatdropped again. "Well, there was a crazy man feeding pigeons and flapping his arms like he was a pigeon. Then, a cop came up and said that if he caught him feeding the pigeons again he would be banned from the park. And that was the beginning of Mr. Pigeon."

Felix sweatdropped too, remembering all too well how his allergy made him miserable. "Yeah, that guy wasn't completely sane." He cracked a small genuine smile. This caused Marinette to blush and look away.

"Y-You look nice when you s-smile. You should d-do it more." She stuttered. Felix blushed and nodded. "I'll think think about it."

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, but my fingers were itching to play Kingdom Hearts! XD Almost done with Birth By Sleep!

-Rouge Cur

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