Chapter 3: Bar fight

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Before you start.
I only own my characters and their plots!

"Why does this channel plays nothing but reruns?" Mick sighs. He tries to watch some TV, but seems to know all that is showing. Which he probably does because of the fact that their back in time.

"Don't even bother explaining him." Jax says to the others.

Leia sighs and leans against the chair in front of her.

"Am I the only one that could really use a drink." Sara asks from beside Leia. "I say we go get weird in the 70's."

"That sounds appealing to me." Leia smirks.

"Excellent idea."Leonard says. He turns around to face both Sara and Leia.

"I have the perfect outfit." Sara says, snapping her finger. She then rubs her hands together and walks away.

When she gets back, now dressed in a white leather super suit, we all get up and start walking to the direction Rip headed when he went out.

"Perhaps Captain Hunter was unclear with his instructions to stay on board." A voice suddenly spoke.

"Shut it, metal mouth." Mick growls.

"What the Hell was that?" Leia says shocked.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met Gideon yet." Leonard says to her laughing at her shocked face. "woah, woah, woah. Sorry but you're not quite ready to run with this crew yet." he says as he turns to Jax.

"So you're just going to leave me here?" Jax asks.

"I said I'd take care of you." Snart smirks.

"Leia?" Jax asks.

"Sorry, kid. My Babysitter times are over." She says smirking to Mick and Leonard. "What? Can't blame a girl for having fun."


The small group of criminals and a former Assassin walk in a bar. And a smile grows on Leia her face. She walks to the bar counter with Mick.

"Four beers." His deep voice says to the guy behind the counter.

The guy nods and grabs his order. Mick looks at the Brunette next to him.

"So tell me, how do you use those powers of yours?" He asks her, longing to see some fire action.

"All in good time, Mick." She says, grabbing two beers and walks over to where Sara and Leonard were standing. Handing the other beer to Sara.

Mick lets out a chuckle and turns to grab the other two beers, only to be stopped by the guy who is asking for his money. Mick huffs and places the four dollars on the counter and walks away.

"Ah! Dollar beers. You gotta love the 70's." Mick says. "Who wants to listen to some Captain and Tennille?" He asks. "My mother played it... A lot." He says, before taking a sip.

"No way, my dad played it a lot too." Leia laughs and slaps Mick shoulder.

Mick walks to the jukebox and plays the song 'Love will keep us together'.

"Do you wanna dance, Leonard?" Sara asks Leonard.

"Go ahead. I will watch." He responded.

"Okay." Sara hands him her beer bottle. "You coming?" She asks Leia.

"Yeah, sure." Leia walks over to where Mick's standing a places the beer bottle on the table next to him.

Leia and Sara start dancing, shaking their hips with smiles on their faces. But when Sara makes a turn, a big guy came walking her way. He grabs her shoulder which makes her turn around. Leia also stops dancing and watches Sara talk to the guy.

"Why don't you join me in the parking lot?" He asks her. "You can even bring your friend along with you." He says as his eyes shot to Leia.

"Tempting, but your not my type." Sara says. "But your lady, on the other hand, she looks just my speed." She smirks as she eyes the woman at the end of the bar

"I think you didn't quite understand me, Bitch." The guy says as he grabs Sara's arm.

Sara's face turns serious and grabs the guys wrist. Which she twists in the wrong direction making it crack, before pushing him to the ground.

Sara looks over her shoulder at Leia, Leonard, and Mick who were watching the scene. "I can handle this." She told them.

Four more big guys began to stand up from their seats. One of them came running at her but she punched in in the chest and pushed him down on his back.

The second one tried to punch her but she grabs his wrist turned him around and slammed him to the ground. This made Leia look at Leonard and Leonard looked at Mick, which made Leia look at him too. Both the guys raised their eyebrows knowingly and smirked.

The last two were down pretty quickly too. One was hit in the face when Sara kicked him and the other she punched in the face.

Now all five were beginning to stand up once again.

"Now I could use some help." Sara says over her shoulder.

Leonard smirks and throws the beer bottles on the ground before punching someone in the face knocking him out.

Mick punched another guy and throw him against the bar. When the guy was stupid enough to get back up, Mick grabbed the back of his clothes and slammed him on top of the counter before pushing him off to the ground, head first, he hits the groud and knocks the gut out.

"I love the Seventies!" Mick yelled happily.

Leia was fighting next to Leonard with a guy. He was holding a broken bottle and was trying to stab her with it. When he pushed his arm back to her, she made a turn and grab his wrist. Twisting it in the wrong direction and broke it. The guy screamed in pain. But she wasn't done yet. She kicked him in the balls which caused him to buckle forward. And when he did that she slammed the knee hard in his face, Knocking him out, and pushed him to the floor.

Leia blows a string of her hair out of her face with a smile. Mick was right, you gotta love the 70's.

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